Kensho - I don't know if it will help or not, but I can share some of what's kept me going in the flat spots. It's kind of a combination of negative and positive things. Like, I can see how far forward my life as a whole has come since I stopped drinking. I'm eating and sleeping better, relationships are better, I've lost weight...all of those things. Everytime I think "Ok, well, this is probably as fixed as it's going to get" another month goes by and I realize that I'm still healing. Slower than at first, but still definitely more now than say 3 months ago.
I can also see how much more I still want to do - I want to get back into exercising again, I need to do a lot of financial fixes, there's hobbies I dropped that I'd still like to pick up again. And everytime I think of one of those things that I REALLY want to do, I ask myself if I did any of it while I was drinking. Well, no. The AL brain is sometimes all "Oh, but you totally COULD, you did when you were younger right?" The thing is, I'm not younger anymore, I'm not in the early parts of my dance with AL. I went all the way around the dancefloor and I've got a whole LONG list of things I wanted to do that I didn't while I was drinking. And you know, it's not like I WANTED to be miserable; I think if I could have controlled it I would have!
I'm not trying to sound like it's always easy for me, because it's not. But I know the kind of life I really want to have, I know I'm not there yet, and I know AL only ever got in my way of getting there. I feel more in control now but that's because I'm not drinking now! You've come so far with your quit, sending you all kinds of support to keep going with it.
JACQRABBIT - Hi and nice to meet you, sometimes I talk a LOT. xD Sometimes it's a weird thing that kicks you in the rear, I don't know how that works. I had a lot of reasons I should have quit, but for some reason it didn't hit home for me until I'd gotten into a fight - and not even a BAD one - with a friend of mine. Just a dumb thing that didn't even last long, but for whatever reason it was that moment that made me really start looking at all the ways things were horrible and putting them together with my drinking.
For me, I've found that I can still be plenty fun sober - I know it sounds like such a line, but it really is true. It's taken time to find my new normal there, but I'm liking it much more. Now when I'm being goofy or weird I know it's really *me* and not just the drink talking. Well, that and I can stay within boundaries much better instead of one second I'm fine and funny and the next second I'm going too far. I bet the old timers will have some great insight, though - glad you've come out of lurker status!
EDIT: Oh, also just to give an update, I'm doing ok with the friend thing. In a weird way it's like the drinking - the first few days are hardest, but once I break out of the immediate habit it gets better to deal with. I'm making myself reconnect with some of my other friends - which sounds like a horrible way to phrase it, but oh well. And I picked up a specific type of vinegar that might work alright for the marinade. I realize it's not the same taste, but the magic of Google said it might work alright for what I need it for.