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    Good morning Nesters!

    Yep, I'm sitting here watching it snow - again! Someone please get rid of this broken record!!!

    Hello & welcome TJones, glad you decided to join us!
    Have you put together a good working plan for yourself? Be sure to look in the Tool box for great ideas.

    Kensho - YEP, chai & green tea (decaf) rock my world, ha ha! What a healthy addiction, huh?

    Pav, 10 minutes of quiet time is all it takes

    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day! Tomorrow is Friday so fill your weekend plan with activities to help you succeed & meet your goals!

    Last edited by Lavande; March 5, 2015, 07:37 AM.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Good Morning, Nesters!
      Jane, I'm sorry about your coffee snorting experience, those are extremely unpleasant. Did you 'smell' coffee for the rest of the day? Amazing how such a small amount of liquid can go everywhere. Over-it, I hope you are able to take your bag to the cleaners and get it squared away.
      TJones, welcome aboard. Tell us what brings you by. What led you to MWO? We are very good listeners!
      Everyone sounding strong and determined. Together, we are a force to be reckoned with! :fist:
      ADP, you will not find a group more willing to celebrate than we are! Can't wait for your 7 days tomorrow....but it isn't PARTY HATS we'll be wearing! (stay tuned to find out!) Very proud of you!

      Hope everyone makes the most of today! MindPeace! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Byrdie, I like your new (relatively?) signature of "MindPeace" - isn't that the truth!

        Welcome TJones!

        I made it through my night - looking forward to a nice, relaxing weekend with in-laws. She called yesterday to confirm a few diet things so they could shop - she said "and you like soda water - with a lime, right?" It's so nice when those around us (particularly the drinkers) know, accept and support my decisions - a fight I know I will not have. We travel to Arizona - supposed to be 80 degrees! (Sorry Jennie)

        Have a good and strong day - whether you're doing friends or inhaling coffee - just DON'T DRINK!

        Done. Moving on to life.


          Morning all.

          Guitarista, I agree -- Kensho's post described me to a tee. Here's one more that I can go back and read...the shock of what I see when I look in the mirror after a bender. Then, there's the massive effort of trying to hide the watery puffy eyes and the pale, pasty complexion, like any of that really hides it. Good gracious, all the teabags in the world won't shrink the luggage on my face after diving off the deep end.

          On a happier note, feeling good this morning. 'A little tired from all the crazy dreams. I was wearing Edith's orange dress from the Downton Abbey Christmas special and trying to decide on which piece of animate jewelry (yes, jewelry that comes to life and does things) to wear with it. Also, there were many very large cats who could talk. Glad to be awake, now.

          Pavati, nice to meet a fellow left-coaster. Yes, we do need the rain. I'm kayaking the Delta this weekend and concerned about all the beautiful places drying up (not to mention the drinking water situation, etc.)

          Welcome, TJones. Together, the advice and camaraderie in this little room are very powerful. How are you doing today?

          Overit, hope you're doing well in your double-digit days. You're like the hiker on the trail ahead that inspires me to keep going.

          Here's to another great day.

          "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


            Originally posted by Lavande View Post
            Good morning Nesters!

            Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day! Tomorrow is Friday so fill your weekend plan with activities to help you succeed & meet your goals!

            Great advice, Lavande. For me, the weekdays are the easy part because I'm not tempted very much. I can get into a busy groove and mostly not notice. It's the weekend and the "Oh, I've worked so hard that I really deserve one..." attitude that I worry about. Planning ahead does make a huge difference.
            "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


              Lilbit, I am exhausted just reading about your vivid dream! What I wouldn't give to be kayaking this weekend. Sadly the weather has been so bad. We all have cabin fever. Running out of things to do indoors, but I am determined to have another AF weekend.


                TJones welcome to the forum, hope it helps you like it has been helping me. Post whenever and whatever you like, I know I do😝

                ADP I think this is your 7th day right? Congrats🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊

                So my wife got her pink slip yesterday, but in the flip side she gets unemployment, all she wants to do is find a more flexible job to go part time anyway so that takes a lot of financial stress off of me for a while. Kensho you mentioned how supportive people can be, I know my wife wanted to get her version of drunk(which is basically pounding half a shot and licking me, and not in a fun way, like in an annoying 5 year old kind of way). So it was really nice she didn't and she said she knew how important it was to me not to drink. This made me happy because just last Wednesday we were arguing and I said I wasn't drinking and she said I don't drink when I go to the gym, but I will on the weekend(ouch). So support over kicks to the bits are nice.

                This back thing is driving %#^%ing crazy. It's slowly getting better, but I have a very active weekend and am taking over a kickboxing class tomorrow for a coach while she's out of town. Yesterday I borrowed my dads tens unit I got him for christmas, electrocuted my right butt cheek till I was nauseas. I felt like I was in some weird porn movie. Then I got to thinking it's been like two weeks since my wife and I...did anything. I know this is kind a personal, but my wife and I our in our mid twenties, when I was drinking I guess I just started using it as a crutch till I felt relaxed and in the mood, now I fall asleep on the couch 2 hours earlier than I ever would. I mean I know there's some recovery going on from drinking for so long and not getting good rest, but 11 days later I am sleeping like 11 hours. The only thing I can figure is this is how I used to deal with stress before I drank, back when I was in high school...makes me feel way less empowered haha. While you guys sound all full of piss and vinegar on here, I'm thinking I have emotionally developed zilch since grade school haha

                Well I'm well rested, think I'm going to go shock myself some more, it's the only thing I've found that lets me stretch enough to release these tightened muscles, have a good Thursday everyone, almost the weekend! I would plan something fun but now I think I'm just going to plan to sleep more haha


                  Good morning nesters!

                  Byrd-I had to hang my bag by the fire last night to dry out.
                  Kensho-"Have a good and strong day - whether you're doing friends or inhaling coffee - just DON'T DRINK!" You're a nut!
                  LilBit-Crazy dreams for sure! You should be exhausted this AM. And I am a West Coaster AND a backpacker so I got you covered! :victorious:

                  Londoner is doing great as is Elvis!

                  Glad to see Hanna, ADP, Orimus, and TJones checking in.

                  I have a busy busy busy day today. :checkin: But, I did get my workout in in honor of Dutch.:treadmill:

                  Have a great day :sendflowers:
                  Last edited by Overit-still; March 5, 2015, 11:47 AM.
                  The easy way to quit drinking?:



                    Dutch-hope your cheeks get better and your love life :heartthumbs: without the porn
                    Last edited by Overit-still; March 5, 2015, 11:48 AM.
                    The easy way to quit drinking?:



                      Hey hope everyone is having a good day. Got a call from mental health services my appointment is on april 21st, which seems like a long time but at least i know i have an appointment now...although my bf told me if i have another panic attack or suicidal episode before then he is taking me to the hospital. I had an appointment with my methadone doctor today to ask about getting a different anti-anxiety medication in the meantime, my other doctor gave me something called citalopram and have been on it for a while now but if anything it seems to be having a negative effect on me so he said to stop taking it and didnt give me anything else to replace it..
                      anyway i am on day 5 now and just trying to take it easy.
                      have a great af day everybody


                        Originally posted by Overit-still View Post
                        Dutch-hope your cheeks get better and your love life :heartthumbs: without the porn
                        Lol I'm glad somebody is getting a workout in, thanks for the kind words, I'll keep you posted on each buttocks recovery 😎


                          Hi Nesters near and not so far.

                          Dutchy. You touched on emotional development and electrified buttocks. Re emotional development, you might find it interesting like i did that our emotional development can pretty much stop from when we start to regularly drink to excess until we stop. i.e. if i start getting regularly sloshed at 13, and stop when i'm 50, there's a possibility some of my emotional behaviour is that of a 13 yr old. There is science to support this. This can be why many of us feel quite raw and vulnerable, and in my case a little emotionally unstable when we get off the sauce. Hope the KB classes go well friend.

                          Anyone interested in the theme of self acceptance and addiction, here's a heap of video interviews/podcasts with various folks around this as part of a 'Self acceptance project' in the U.S.A. Medical pro's, Brene Brown talks in one, established authors etc. Free, and well worth a listen if this is a priority for anyone.

                          Off to plug me buttocks into a wall socket. Sure to be a buzz. :harhar:

                          Take care out there. G

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            hi nesters

                            Having a 4 day weekend and it was wonderful to wake up later hand have a cuppa. i have my shitzu home with me as my daughter has been looking after her so even though she is not 100% better i can look after her totally sober for her.

                            Work has been a biatch! i work in the neurology department of a major hospital and a patient came for an EEG to check for seizures. She was sitting in a wheelchair and i was talking to her and she was fine. i went for a break, came back and she had had a seizure and fell off her wheelchair. i was just beside myself that this happened as i do look after my patients at all times. What i did realise is that it was not my fault she seized, i would not have been able to do anything if initially to stop her seizure if i was there and i did not feel i had to drink AT feeling helpless. I found out that this woman was also withdrawing from al. Back in my drinking career that would have been one big reason for me to buy wine on my way home from work. Everyday i justified why i should and could drink, it feels good not to be in that place anymore.

                            Lav i am sending you some heat, we dont have much today but what i have i give to you and the chickens.

                            ADP happy 7 days, keep it up, it only gets better and better.
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Good evening Nesters!

                              Well, it finally stopped snowing, thank the gods!
                              I measured 8 inches, it continued to snow for a few hours after that - enough!!!

                              Thanks for the heat Ava! Sorry about your patient, those things do happen in a flash. Withdrawing from AL can be serious business as we all know. Hope she's OK.

                              HBE, great on your 5 AF days! What a shame you have to wait so long for your appointment but at least it's set now.
                              The med you were put on is an SSRI for depression. It takes some time to fully kick in & it does sometimes cause anxiety as a side effect. Be careful about suddenly stopping meds like that. Stay well!

                              Dutch, I hope your body parts are all OK

                              G, I love Brene Brown!

                              Lil, Make a solid plan for the weekend & let us know so we can help you stick to it & get thru unharmed!!!

                              Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest! Use the butt Velcro to stay put if necessary!!!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Hiya Nesters.

                                Checking in at the end of a busy Day 2.

                                Lavande, I imagine the snow is beautiful but I hear everyone saying they'd like a little less of it. 'Hopefully you won't go too stir-crazy.

                                Ava, my grown son has an intractable seizure disorder, so I really understood your post. You try to always be there when they need you, but sometimes these things just happen. They come on suddenly. I'm so glad that I wasn't struggling with the AL when we went through the worst of it. I would have been less-than-useless to him. He's in a 24/7 nursing home now, which is part of the daily heartbreak I have to deal with in some healthier way than the vin-o-rama. I'm sure you give really great care!

                                Weekend plans are kayaking in a river preserve to view some Great Gray Herons Sat. It's their mating season and I hear that they do a dance. After that, we're going to the Chinese New Year's Parade in downtown SF. I'm taking a friend whose husband just learned he has terminal cancer, so it's a good way to get my mind off my own problems and the AL while I help someone else. Sunday, I'm working so that should wrap up this weekend for me, at least in terms of staying busy.

                                This is turning into such an interesting thread, with coffee snorting, butt shocking and the like. I appreciate all of my fellow nesters.
                                "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells

