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    Howdy all, it’s great to see the nest growing like it is, many new people, and not so new people joining in on the discussions! I read all the posts and try to keep up with everyone, but usually post in the slower moving threads. Then I get a sort of revelation, maybe some of my thoughts just might be of some importance to someone else. Maybe the thoughts that I am having may help someone else with the struggles I had.

    One would think that when drinking has become a dominant part of one's day that quitting drinking (and its attendant problems) would liberate one to skip through tulips and enjoy rainbows. Sorry to say, in my experience, this is not the case. So if you are newly sober, or are considering getting sober, one important thing to realize is that your life (and your body, and your brain) does not fix itself overnight. And you may find that the problems you thought you were getting rid of with drinking are now replaced with new problems.

    I won't talk about PAWS (post acute withdrawal syndrome) as it is covered off in various other areas of the forum. I find the discussion of PAWS interesting, as these symptoms are described as part of the individual "getting healthy". In my case, the PAWS symptoms are less a part of getting healthy, and more directly a result of stopping drinking. Duh? No, let me explain.

    See, we all drank for a reason. In my case, I drank to deal with emotional issues that I was unable to rationalize away. But it is more than emotional issues I am coming to realize. In my opinion, a lot of alcoholics are born with a different kind of brain, mental "hot-rods" if you will. And one of the problems with these really hot rod brains is that they operate incessantly. This can be very good, say, if one needs to do some home renovations and needs to solve a particularly tricky bit of fabrication. It can also be good in a work environment where there is a difficult challenge to be solved, and the brain is devoted 100% to solving it.

    This can be very bad as well, say if one does not have a project or object of focus for the brain. If the brain is left to its own devices, all sorts of bad things happen. For example, the brain stews over something someone did or said ten years ago that bothered us, and now mentally works this slice of memory over and over until it becomes a predominant and negative thought. Our emotional selves then elevate, causing stress or anxiety over (get this) an insignificant event that took place decades prior. Wow. So what has quitting drinking done? It is a bit of a two handed slap to the brain. Because now, the brain’s engine can rev again at full throttle, and there is no "medication" to get the engine to "rev down" or the emotional brain to "rev down". In other words, we exchange one problem we have (and all its sub-problems) for an all new set of problems. So yes, not having my "medication" has caused issues in a number of areas. My brain decides that it needs an answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. And it needs it now. And not having an answer is making it run around inside my head like a frantic squirrel caught in a cage. Somehow I need to find a new way to rev down my brain since AL is off the table. I couldn’t turn to my old drinking buddies for those answers, they have the same answer that I used to have, when in doubt, have a drink! I realized how much of my social interaction revolved around my friends who also drank, as it "normalized" me, that drinking was an acceptable way of dealing with things.

    Bubba is great, sticking beside me all these years and still supports me! She approaches life from a much more straightforward perspective, and has a hard time of seeing things from my perspective. She says things such as "just let the past go" or "you have to learn to forgive” or “just leave it up to God” as if I am actually making a conscious decision to be who I am. Between genetics and environment, I don't really have much of a choice here, and would certainly choose her approach over mine if I was able to, and that is slowly starting to happen.

    Funny enough, looking back, the only times I was able to let the past go, or just be, was when I was under the influence of alcohol, Maybe this is why alcohol had such a siren song for me, that only when I drank did I feel like a "normal" person. When I drank, I could be in the moment, forget all the philosophical questions, shut down the pain of bad memories, and just be. Drinking is now off the table as an option to help me through daily life. I must get through each day sober, and I will. But being sober does not guarantee a happy or well-lived life. As an extrovert, I love the company of others, and enjoy discussing things of value and importance. Right now, this not a part of my life. Right now, I have to deal with my own problems first!

    Social isolation is interesting as it relates to drinking - I'm also learning it is interesting as it relates to soberness. I think, as human beings, that our most important social need is to be understood and accepted. Not listened to, but understood. Not tolerated, but accepted. This is such a life-affirming necessary interaction - something that attracts kids to gangs, or lost souls to cults. And maybe this is the crux of the matter. I am not "normal", and am having difficulty finding understanding and acceptance. Hey, that's a pretty profound statement. So if we are not normal, we are lonely and sad, and can't interact with people on a level that we need to. So we drink to feel "normal", which is a short term and artificial solution to a genuine problem. Or we try and fit in as a "normal" person, which creates a whole new set of problems.

    Wow, not a lot in the above that is very encouraging, is there?

    So maybe the solution is to find others who are not normal, and make friends there. Because, at the end of it all, we just need to be understood and accepted. I'm very thankful for my MWO friends as they have been instrumental in helping me stay sober, especially when I am socially isolated right now. Even if my friends here don't understand me fully, they at least understand my need to quit drinking, it is something we all share and something we all accept about each other. This is incredibly valuable.

    But after reading all of the above, it seems that my issue here is that I need to give my brain something to stay busy. To not let it dwell in the past and work up all those painful memories. To deal with those memories in a positive way, then let them go. Find acceptance in the fact that I’m not “normal” and I never will be. But at least I can accept myself for who I am and all the faults that go along with that. I need to make my friends understand that I no longer drink, if they can’t accept that, then I need to make new friends. At least it’s a start in the direction of long term recovery……

    Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
    Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
    Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


      Cowboy giving up my best friend (al) was the hardest thing i have ever had to do. having 4 children was a walk in the park compared to the withdrawals, the anger, the shame, the guilt that i went through before and after giving up al. BUT it has been the best achievement of my life apart from said 4 children. To walk with my head held high with not one ounce of guilt or shame is an amazing feeling. i did what i did when drinking and drunk and that is the past. i have forgiven myself for my past as have my children. They tell me they had nothing to forgive me for, i was/am a great mum but now they have 100% of me sober. No amount cravings/urges or maybe 1 will entice me back to drinking. I was on a fast track to hell or death when i drank and now i realise that life is never easy but it is so much easier sober. i also could not do a day 1 again and when i first stopped drinking i always new this was it, never would al be drank by me again. I had to grieve the loss of al, i had to go through the anger of "why me", i had to go through the sadness of losing my best friend (al) and i did. now al is a distant memory, i dont remember many good times drinking when i think back and thats ok. i am what i am, i am an alcoholic and i am one of the lucky ones that has made it to the other side. I am truly lucky and grateful to be where i am. Its been fecking hard but this time something has stuck. Ask any oldie on here if it was easy when they stopped and the answer will of course be no. Everything every newbie is/was going through we have been there also.

      The other day i posted in roll call and i looked and noticed i had the highest days up on that particular day. i remember vividly posting on roll call as a newbie and looking at others days and thinking there was no possible way EVER i could get to where they are. I am just so proud of myself for getting here. There is no shame in saying that.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom



        ! WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!

        Made it! Now, no time to relax, head down to the next goal, 3 weeks.

        Cowboy I too have made myself a solitary figure to cope with withdrawal and the brain is now always reminding me of the things I never could forgive people for, (for being a doormat) but these are the things I will deal with later, today I concentarte on staying sober.
        I am happy for perhaps the first time ever to be thinking of me first. I always thought of others, their feelings, needs and wants and I never got a look in. Now, this is my time and protecting my sobiety is top of that list.....whatever it takes!!

        A short post as I seem to have woken up early with a headache that won't shift so will go back for some more rest. For me a headache that won't go away turns into a migrane so let's hope I can sleep it away.

        To all Nesters struggling, if I can get 7 days, (after years of trying) you can too. Stay close here, read and KNOW others here are and have done what you want/need to do. Hugs are a click away!

        ADP x


          Hi all; been quiet but still here! More than ready for spring - seems like every time they forecast weather over freezing we get another cold snap and it's back down to 1 or 2 degrees (about -17 or -16 C).

          I got a chance to do something over the last week or so that I hadn't done in years - post a few current pictures on my social media. When I was drinking, not only did I have so much extra weight (still have some to lose, but it's much better) but I always looked so red faced and gross. I didn't even share pictures of my brother's wedding because I looked so horrid in all of them. It feels so good now to just be able to post pics of myself when there's a reason instead of working so hard not to.

          Pav - "You don't have to respond to everything - just what strikes you as something to respond to. Or just post how you're feeling. No rules here." Thank you so much for that; it's something I need to remember. I most often stop posting when I feel like I can't get caught up, I've got to remember we're all here supporting each other; I don't have to respond to x amount of posts to "deserve" my spot!

          Kensho - I love La Croix water! It's actually my "treat" water (who'd have thought I'd ever say that) because my grocery store doesn't carry it - just Target and I don't run by Target as often. My regular water is Klarbrunn - the big thing for me is that it not have sugar or articificial sugar. It's crazy after years of also drinking way too much soda, but I swear both waters taste just as sweet as soda used to. There is something to be said for changing taste buds!

          LilBit - Just wanted to add my voice in saying I'm glad you're here and you can do this - and that yes, we've all been there!

          TJones - Welcome to you, as well!
          I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

          Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
          AF on: 8/12/2014


            Hi Everyone. Packed and ready for an early am flight. Can you say "ouch" to a 3:45 wake up time with two kids? Excited to make it there and relax. I'll check in - but looking forward to the sun, exercising, taking nice family walks and my soda water!!

            Have a great night.

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Hi, Nest!

              Have fun, Kensho. So glad they have the soda water for you...

              Cowboy - I appreciate your post. I would like to say one thing, though. I was that person you described. I worried constantly about what others' thought about me and situations, wanted always for everyone else to be comfortable, worried about the past to the extent of causing myself insomnia, worried about the present and future, too. I am here to testify that through a process of getting in touch with myself - accepting myself (see G's stuff, Brene Brown has a lot to say about that), I was able to change. I am genetically prone to be sensitive and emotional, but that doesn't have to rule my life. I am not saying it is simple - it took lots of work. For me, I ended up with a 1:1 therapist for a while, found yoga, practice mindfulness. Believe me, I KNOW that sounds hippy dippy, but it is for real. You actually CAN change that way your mind moves like a squirrel. You seem to me to be perceptive, so I hope I haven't offended you. Of course this is all a work in progress... Keep on keeping on.

              As for the water... I bought one of those at-home fizzy water makers. I make a bottle a day at least, and it only costs $12 for over 60 bottles. Plus, the bottles are reusable, so I don't make garbage. I buy some very nice flavors of juice and put a touch in a glass with fizzy water and lime - voila. A good gift for a sober friend, or put aside some of that money you're not spending on booze and treat yourselves...

              Lav, I truly do wish we could take some of your precipitation - I know you're tired of winter over there.

              Good night, all. What are those weekend plans for staying sober (LilBit, check!).

              I'm going hiking with my kids and out with my husband. I will not be plugging in my butt!



                Originally posted by available View Post
                hi nesters

                Having a 4 day weekend and it was wonderful to wake up later hand have a cuppa. i have my shitzu home with me as my daughter has been looking after her so even though she is not 100% better i can look after her totally sober for her.

                Work has been a biatch! i work in the neurology department of a major hospital and a patient came for an EEG to check for seizures. She was sitting in a wheelchair and i was talking to her and she was fine. i went for a break, came back and she had had a seizure and fell off her wheelchair. i was just beside myself that this happened as i do look after my patients at all times. What i did realise is that it was not my fault she seized, i would not have been able to do anything if initially to stop her seizure if i was there and i did not feel i had to drink AT feeling helpless. I found out that this woman was also withdrawing from al. Back in my drinking career that would have been one big reason for me to buy wine on my way home from work. Everyday i justified why i should and could drink, it feels good not to be in that place anymore.

                Lav i am sending you some heat, we dont have much today but what i have i give to you and the chickens.

                ADP happy 7 days, keep it up, it only gets better and better.
                Totally me right here Ava, I did not need a reason to drink because I would make sure I would find one. Like someone said on here, there's plenty of problems to deal with now that we are sober, thy don't magically go away now that the al has. There was always something negative to focus on during the day that gave me an excuse to drink. Now that seems silly because there is plenty of crap that has happened over the past few days that makes me realize I dont have to for every little thing, I've just been choosing to.

                Have a good one all, I'm calling it a night, still feel like sleeping 10 hours s day+, hopefully that'll pass here soon...


                  Good morning Nesters & happy Friday to all!

                  Congrats on 7 AF days ADP!!!!
                  I remember that feeling of accomplishment, it's awesome

                  Cowboy, thanks for your post!
                  I truly do understand every word you wrote! It takes me back to a day at work probably 25 years ago when a co-worker quietly said 'you know you're different, right?' I was so shocked at her statement that my only response was, 'yeah, I know'!
                  We can't change who we are & shouldn't really but we can change our thought & behavior patterns! I have given up my negative thinking patterns & replaced them with thoughts of gratitude & acceptance. Made a big difference!!

                  Kensho, enjoy your weekend & be safe!

                  Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    ADP! week is major. Congrats!!

                    I have a min here as both kids refuse to get out of bed and just finishing my breakfast here at the kitchen table. Have my coffee now and this nest.

                    I was so looking forward to this day. I'm on day 9 of 11 with the 9 yr old boy and 15 yr old girl w/o my wife who is in Peru. I had my son lined up to be with his cousins overnight and my daughter was going to a friend's house for the night. Can you say, "freedom"?

                    My plan was to hole up in my studio with my mandolin, guitar buddy and soda water for the night and play-play-play! No to be? Son say he's sick and can't get out of bed, daughter says she hates her school? It just took me 45 mins to settle her down.

                    Wow. Life. Anyway, I can't tell you how much better I have handled this situation and the disappointment of potentially losing "MY" time tonight by waking up fresh, no hangover! I would have been such an asshole this AM otherwise. I am so be on this journey with all of you.

                    So, there you have it. Thanks again for helping me ~ Day 90 when I came so-so close to just saying fuck it. There is such freedom and reward on this path we're on. As I just read below, let's keep keeping on. Off to do the dishes, feed the cat, walk the dog, run my business, direct contractors working on the house (new music cabin, or studio - Chez Fin), shovel the walks (record amounts of snow lately), tend to the "sick" kids and NOT drink.

                    Peace out,
                    Last edited by Fin; March 6, 2015, 09:37 AM.
                    Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                    Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                    Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                    Go forward boldly and unafraid


                      Congrats on one week ADP. Your darn right its major!
                      One of may favorite Byrdie quotes, "You've shown us you can master each day of the week! Now all you gotta do is wash, rinse and repeat!"
                      Wishing everyone blinders on determination to get through another day if that's what it takes. Hold your quit carefully in the palm of your hand. Sobriety gains muscle with each accumulated day. It gets easier, its better than worth it & its better than drinking was by a whole universe. Love to all
                      AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                        As usual, VERY powerful posts from the night shift!

                        I, too, related to every word, Cowboy! I notice the traits you mention in MOST of us get the occasional arse-hole, but for the most part, we are very sensitive, and our acuity of others' feelings is above average! (that's why our feelings get hurt sometimes on these forums). I say that we all have more similarities than differences. Here's the good news, as the P-Ava Twins alluded to....this acceptance of the present and forgiveness of the past will come with time. You will not always be tortured by your thoughts and demons! If that were the case, nobody could get and STAY, sober! I am here to tell you that your mind will settle down and become a peaceful place to be. In the 4 years that I have been sober, I notice that I rarely 'just sit' and do nothing. If I am watching tv, I am usually doing something else. Cooking, knitting, making jewelry...or checking in here. I have channeled that restless energy to other things. I have made new and different friends now, because I'm in a different place (mentally). I have outgrown the ones who want to get 'stoopid' every weekend. It's not bad for them maybe, but I don't want to be around that anymore, it's not good for me. Things eventually fall into place and it's a very good place to be. So I will tell you this with confidence; The best is yet to come! If you can find something that puts you in the service of others, that helps quite a bit, also. To be part of something that makes a difference goes a long way towards healing. You are so human beings, all we want is to be VALIDATED. We want to know that WE have value. Time will give you this gift.

                        ADP, the nest is just hopping about your 7 days!! Nesters, please join me in that 2-cheeked salute that only WE can give!!! :butt: Your Full Moon! You have conquered every single day a week can throw at you (including a weekend!) so if you can do that, just rinse and repeat! We are so happy for you! To infinity, and beyond!!!

                        Fin, you are rounding third and heading to home plate! So proud of you for facing this 'alone' time with grit and determination. Thanks for letting us know how you're doing. Mrs Fin will be one proud lady when she gets back on Sunday!

                        Hope everyone has a peaceful Friday!! Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Originally posted by jane27 View Post
                          Congrats on one week ADP. Your darn right its major!
                          One of may favorite Byrdie quotes, "You've shown us you can master each day of the week! Now all you gotta do is wash, rinse and repeat!"
                          Wishing everyone blinders on determination to get through another day if that's what it takes. Hold your quit carefully in the palm of your hand. Sobriety gains muscle with each accumulated day. It gets easier, its better than worth it & its better than drinking was by a whole universe. Love to all
                          OH MY WORD, JANE!
                          I guess I need to get some new material cause I JUST said this below! :haha: (how embarrassing!) I guess I DO always say that!!
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Byrdie, its a brilliant little nugget of wisdom! You should be proud! Don't tempt me to publicly hero worship you, because THEN you'll be embarrassed. MUAH.
                            PS Pats to lil sweet Roobs!
                            AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                              HERE! :checkin:
                              The easy way to quit drinking?:



                                Today is turning out to be kind of a crappy day but as

                                Kensho says "Have a good and strong day - whether you're doing friends or inhaling coffee - just DON'T DRINK!":no:
                                The easy way to quit drinking?:


