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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Everyone.

    I'm dusting myself off and hopping back on the nest. Runningwild, no need to catch-up, you've passed me. I went out with a close lady friend last night and we had a couple beers together. For some reason I couldn't resist a couple more when I got home about 11:30pm, so didn't get to bed until after midnight. Would've been a great evening otherwise.

    Hi LT - welcome. Ask any questions and join right in.

    Hey Hippy, my birthday is in April too.

    Sophie - glad you're back and posting. Not drinking alone is a great resolution.

    Hi Lav and everyone!

    Take Care.
    Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


      Newbies Nest

      Must me a big month for 40th is less than 2 weeks away! (eeekkk!!!)
      Still hanging in there AF myself! Made to 15 days so far. Might have to put a date at the bottom soon and make it more permanent! Haven't had time to read all the posts from the last couple days. I will try and catch up a little tomorrow. Long day at work and I am quite tired. Off to bed...just wanted to stop in and say Hi!



        Newbies Nest

        Hi nesters
        Lots going on in here. It's 5.10pm here and our clocks go back this weekend, I think. I can't remember anything I was going to say while reading through, except that I'm up for an AF April too. Snuggling into the nest while my urge time starts. Must've missed where Katie wrote about the court case. Maybe it's in the General section?


          Newbies Nest

          Hello nesters......Sorry that I haven't been around much. Looks like we are busy, busy.

          Dancing - Good place to snuggle to keep the urges away. :l Katie did post about it over on another thread. She has to go back in two months but she did FANTASTIC! Very proud of our Katie. :h

          Coco - I would love to be in on the AF April. However, I might moderate on one weekend when my girlfriend is out here for a visit. I haven't decided yet to be honest. We will see how it goes.

          Hippy - a cruise - how exciting! I have been noticing how much more money I have now that I haven't been drinking. It is amazing.

          Sophie - Good for you for not hiding it anymore. That was when I realized I had reached BIG trouble. It was getting too hard to hide anymore.

          LT - Good job on Day 3. Way to go!

          Hello everyone else....Lav, Mama, Tranq, Violet and all the other little birdies. I hope everyone has found the perfect twig to sit on and is doing well. I am hanging in there.
          Have a wonderful evening/morning/afternoon/night.

          Catch you all soon. :l:l

          By the way - have any of you been watching
          The Owl Box

          It's another nest where she is taking care of the babies. Maybe her name is Lav.
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters!

            Another day of flooding rains expected today - boo, hiss!

            Hi HC, Tranq, Violet, dancingon & Nora - good to see you all!
            Looks like we'll have to have one big April Birthday Party! Hope it stops raining by then!

            Tranq, glad you had a nice time with your friend! About the beers, I'm sure I would have done the same thing with a bottle of wine - that's why I don't tread those waters anymore. You can't stay afloat when your off switch is broken..........

            Nora, we actually have an owl nesting box on the side of our garage. We've had a visitor check in twice in the appeared to be a male. Mr Lav named him 'Buster'. I'll have to go take a look & see if anyone else has checked in recently

            Wishing everyone a rerrific Tuesday, I'll be back later!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Morning nesters! It's a beautiful day here. I had a bit of a rocky night, but made it through intact! Hope tonight is better.


                Newbies Nest

                It seems i upset a few folk on chat last night and wish to make a formal apology-unfortunatly i was not aware of this but thinking back i can see how my "negative" attitude may have upset....
                Thankyou to those who have helped me since i joined the other day -you are all good folk and im gutted that i have come across as a foul mouthed person who is not grateful for the help i was offered.:upset:
                Take care all and never give up giving up


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good to see you this morning fennel - glad you worked thru your difficult evening!

                  not quite a swan - I am sorry you did not have a good evening on chat.
                  I wasn't there but I can tell you, having been on MWO over a year now, there have been instances of members becoming very nasty & abusive on chat, especially when they are drinking! Certain members have been banned by the Forum Moderators for this behavior. It really is counter productive to be negative or nasty with other members. We are all here for the same reason - we all have a drinking problem & are looking for support! Ridding myself of the negativity & thinking in a more positive way helped me reach my goal!!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Swan

                    Chat can be strange. There are times when people are abusive. I offered help one time and even though we were both sober, it was out of my league.

                    I felt I had to give something back as I had received so much help here. Remember you have to look after yourself first.

                    I rarely go into Chat but went this evening and had a brief conversation with Spuddleduck, Solitaire and Stump. It was all totally confusing - 4 "S" names typing furiously. The conversation was about where we came from, where we've visited and weather! All good but you have to be selective with who you speak to.

                    Spuds - If your reading - I can speak yorkshire. Can't make yorkshire puds down here though.

                    Spam x


                      Newbies Nest

                      New here


                      I am first time poster. Day 8 and feel terrible. I hope this will end soon. No energy and constant headache. Occasional upset stomach each day. How are you guys doing? Any suggestions on feeling better?


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey WTLS!!!!! I'm right behind you -- I'm back after a two year absence ... I findthat water constantly is what helps. Also, don't hesistate to rest.

                        For me, wine is not an option so I am on Day 4 and almost can't believe it. My approach this time is a bit different.

                        First I'm not going FULL FORCE -- if I need to nap I do. Thanks to my wonderful husband I do not have to work so that helps because of no stress. But, I got myself into trouble because of no work. I have been taking the supplements continually since 2008 and also take Fish Oil, EveningPrimrose Oil & some others that support my low thyroid. I think I came in armed with a good supplement program.

                        One thing I am FORCING myself to do is to eat 3 meals and 2 snacks everyday. This is key b/c it regulates blood sugar. I was getting into the routine of AM coffee and wine by 11AM no food until 4PM and by then it was junk. BAD BAD BAD!

                        So now I am following my NEW RULES! Hopefully these may help others! I look forward to meeting more folks!

                        My day has been pretty crazy --my little yorkie had to go to the doggie hospital b/c she was sick all night...
                        LT formerly known as stillcrawling


                          Newbies Nest

                          want2livesober;830660 wrote: Hi,

                          I am first time poster. Day 8 and feel terrible. I hope this will end soon. No energy and constant headache. Occasional upset stomach each day. How are you guys doing? Any suggestions on feeling better?
                          want2livesober, :welcome: I'am a newbie also but I do know eating a good diet and drinking plenty of fluids is a must. Are you taking any supplements? Stick around, there are more experienced people than I, that will post and help you more with your questions. Keep posting and asking questions and we will get you through this!
                          The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                            Newbies Nest

                            runningwind I think we cross-posted -- but we have arrived around the same time nice to "meet" you! LT
                            LT formerly known as stillcrawling


                              Newbies Nest

                              hey birdies
                              busy as heck at work
                              will check in later
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                Newbies Nest

                                mama bear;830680 wrote: hey birdies
                                busy as heck at work
                                will check in later
                                Me too - ditto what Mama said. (This working stuff is getting in the way of my forum time!)

