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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Everyone... Hope there's room in the nest for me! Coco - i'm in for April (NO Fools!!)... Looking forward to getting plugged back in to MWO..
    God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


      Newbies Nest

      LT;830674 wrote: runningwind I think we cross-posted -- but we have arrived around the same time nice to "meet" you! LT
      We did, looking forward to talking with you. Have a great day!
      The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Everybody

        Coco - totally agree with the work stuff!!! Just had two weeks hols and only two days back but already I'm looking for the next break!!! Easter will be good.

        Hi Spiritgirl and LT. Love it that you have 'moved back in'

        Want2livesober - I was disappointed also that it seemed to take so long to feel good. Then I thought about how long I had been filling my body up with poison for and I thought I could be a little more patient. After 1 month now I do feel so much better sometimes but othertimes wake up feeling almost as bad as if I had been drinking. I think it will even out eventually. A big thing I noticed that has happened much quicker is my mental attitude. I feel peaceful and my thoughts are a lot more positive. I am very much happier.

        Spam Mamma Runningwind Lav Tranq and everyone else hope you all have a great day/night.

        Molly - I seem to have contracted your computer probs. Maybe its contagious. Typing posts then nuh, there gone!!! and no time left to re-do.

        Anyway off to work I go.
        Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


          Newbies Nest

          Hope everyone is having a good day in the nest

          SpiritGirl, lots of room for everyone in the magical nest:welcome:

          Mama B and coco hope you have the feet up by now after your hard day

          LT well done on 4 days Hope your dog is on the mend.

          WTLS, congrats on day 8. :goodjob:

          Not quite a swan, dont forget to forgive yourself too. We are in this together:h

          Fennel, well done on getting through last night, hope you are having a good day

          Lav, hope the rain didnt go into flood mode. We had snow ridiculous!

          HC, yes it's a long road but baby steps will get us there...know exactly what you mean about trying to get the words out to sort out problems. I often feel like there is a physical barrier in my throat when it comes to talking about myself. Its not there when I want to pour something down it though

          Tranq, that's great you had a lovely evening with your friend. I know you regret the extra drinks afterwards but it's all learning and next time you may choose differently as a result.

          Violet! 15 days! Great job..hope you're proud.

          Ok, take care friends


            Newbies Nest

            too many of us here....I am so confused!!!!!!
            But I am here for you all
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              Newbies Nest


              Notquiteaswan - you hit the nail on the head when you said never give up giving up. That is what we are here for. Chatting on the computer (or in sms etc) is hard because people can only take you from what you are typing/saying even if you are not saying it as you mean. Dont let it put you off coming here. There is a lot of positives to gain from this site.
              Spam - I have the Jamie Oliver recipe for Yorkshire puddings and it works! Yummmmm
              Wanttolivesober - download the book and order the supps as suggested. That is one way to ensure you start to feel better soon. Drink lots of water to flush your body. Take care of yourself and do as LT suggested, take a nap when you need to (if you can). Good lcuk.
              LT - I love your plan, sounds so simple and do-able. Well done.
              Coco- I agree - this working gets in the way of my forum time too.... hehehehe (you're so funny).
              Spiritgirl - welcome, there is always room for new people. We love to welcome people who are committed to finding a way out like us.
              Sophie - We sound like we have the same affliction - cant open our mouths to talk but can open it to pour in the poison! That is one reason I love coming here, because I can think about what I want to say rather than have to react straight away. (although I think someone I know is coming here to read what I am saying in the forum. I hope not as this is about the only thing I have that is mine).
              Gotta go as am off to work - not fair, my day off but got to fill in for someone else. Was looking forward to putting my feet up today. Buger!
              Take care and have a good one.
              Hi to Lav, Tranq, Jolie, Katie, Meech, Mazzie, Mama, Nora, Runningwind and everyone else who pops in. xxx
              I finally got it!
              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks Sophie - I am proud -- but honestly -- the brain is working against me these days... I have had the worst cravings these last couple days and I keep catching myself trying to rationalize that one drink won't hurt... uhg. Sometimes I feel so strong and determined and other times I just want to relax with an ice cold IPA or sip on a nice Triple...mmmmmmm.......It honestly sounds heavenly right now. Which just sucks.



                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Lots of visitors today

                  Hi & welcome SpiritGirl, glad you're here! Please find yourself a comfy twig & settle right in with us!

                  Sophie, I'm not sure how much rain we've had the past 2 1/2 days but it's been a lot! We had some snow flurries mixed in with the rain today - crazy!!

                  Sitting with my feet up watching the Owl Cam - very interesting, thanks Nora.

                  Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest - please pray for an end to this rain, starting to get on my nerves a bit
                  The night light is on Tranq!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi all,
                    Not been in the Nest for awhile.. as most of you have guessed.. i have just been concentrating on myself and keeping sane over the last few days! phew! at least things have calmed down a bit now.. welcome to the newbies, and hi to everyone else.. have lots of rest and water to those of you that have finished work for the day - i still have 2 hours left.. drinking heaps of water, and no urge to drink AL thank goodness...
                    take care all,
                    Katie xxx
                    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                      Newbies Nest

                      Lav.. its been chucking it down here too for the last 3 days! not good when i have to walk in the rain as i dont have a car! oh well..
                      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Evening/Morning Everyone,
                        :welcome: to our newest fledgings-hope you found yourself a comfy twig to curl up on.

                        WTLS: I started almost a month ago and from day one read the book, bought and began the supplements and made sure I was drinking LOTS of water. I have felt great from day one EXCEPT I can't sleep for @#$%! However, I still manage to have lots of energy during the day-not sure how that is happening. Waiting for the crash and burn. I did have the rare luxury of having the first 2 days off (it was my nonworking weekend) but I spent it running around buying the supplements and supplies to keep everything organized. I would highly recommend at least the water and the supplements. One word of caution tho-if you have ragweed allergies, go easy or forego altogether the Milk Thistle. Hang in there and be kind to yourself. You sound like you are detoxing and that has to be very hard and painful. Be safe.

                        Well, my big news is that yesterday I finally confessed to my sister that my drinking had gotten out of control and I had to do something drastic to turn myself around(abstinence). She had commended me on not having drink at my nephew's party. It felt good to finally speak about this to at least one member of my family. My dad knows I've stopped but not the reason. She confessed herself that she's a bit worried about her drinking and also that she had been very concerned for years now about my drinking and driving. Rightly so. To not have ever been stopped for DUI is nothing short of a miracle. Thank God I don't ever have to worry about that again. I also told a friend that I had stopped drinking. I didn't go as far as saying I had a problem outright but intimated that I was drinking too much and had to stop for my health. I guess these 2 "confessions" stop short of shouting out to the world that I am an alcoholic or dependant on AL but I'm not ready to do that yet.

                        LT: being a furmom myself, I totally get how nervewracking it is to have one of our furbabies sick never mind being sick enough to go to the hospital. I sure hope everything is OK with your little yorkie. Please give us an update when you can.

                        HC-I sure hope you are wrong about your "lurker". I can't imagine a worse invasion of privacy and I would be devastated if that were happening to me. I don't know what else to say except please don't leave us or if you do have to, come back with a new ID.

                        OK everyone. since I haven't been able to get to sleep in a decent amount of time, I've decided that tonite I am listening to the clearing tape in bed with the lights off and everything shut down for the night. Stay warm and dry fellow Northeasterners and everyone please have a great day tomorrow.

                        (PS: I hope no one takes offense at my new siggy-I'm only speaking to me in it, not the world. As I read it, I'm afraid people will think I'm preaching but I'm only hoping it will help keep me on track. If you think I should get rid of it, please let me know.)
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          Newbies Nest


                          Dancing - Good place to snuggle to keep the urges away. :l Katie did post about it over on another thread. She has to go back in two months but she did FANTASTIC! Very proud of our Katie. :h [QUOTE]

                          Thanks Nora!

                          xx :l:l
                          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                            Newbies Nest

                            NoraC;830380 wrote: Hello nesters......Sorry that I haven't been around much. Looks like we are busy, busy.

                            Dancing - Good place to snuggle to keep the urges away. :l Katie did post about it over on another thread. She has to go back in two months but she did FANTASTIC! Very proud of our Katie. :h
                            Thanks Nora!

                            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Everyone.

                              I just lost a post too. I should know better, but I was typing into the Quick Reply box on the last page of the thread, then I clicked to go back to the previous page - message gone. Once you click off the page the message box is cleared.

                              Oh well. I wanted to say to KatieB - glad you're back - we're here for you hun. You should be proud of how you're handling life's challenges.

                              Want2Live - great job on 8 days. Do give it time - you will begin to feel better soon. It takes a while to let al clear your system.

                              LT - those 'rules' are great; sounds a lot like what I did to get started here.

                              papmom - sounds like it feels good to open up to someone else about all this.

                              Hi Lav, and Welcome to all the new folks. Ok, I'm toast - my eyes are closing as I'm typing this. Good night all.

                              Take care.
                              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello Nesters......
                                I'm another one that has to head to bed now........

                                Lav - glad that you're enjoying the Owl Cam - my niece was watching it and my 6 year old nephew asked why the mother was sitting on the baby. She said to keep it warm. He asked - Did you sit on me to keep me warm?

                                Hippie - I certainly hope that nobody is trying to follow you & read what you say. That would be quite upsetting. I mean VERY upsetting. I am really sorry to hear that.

                                To all the newbies....grab a twig and snuggle in. To all the not so newbies....grab a twig and snuggle in.

                                I'll be up earlier with the coffee tomorrow.

                                Night all.
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

