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    Cowboy - Your post reminded me of something and I couldn't think of what it was until now. In Stephen King's book "On Writing" he talks about his history with alcohol and drug abuse. And he's got this great section where he talks about how he was telling himself that it was because he's a writer, because writers feel things more deeply than others do. (Or at least I think it's in that one, I might be remembering an interview or even something one of his characters says!) The point is that for him, he had to let go of that thinking and say "I drank because I was an alcoholic" because otherwise he was giving himself excuses for the drinking and also not finding other ways to deal. Plus then he started feeling like he shouldn't quit in case he needed it to write! I don't want to knock what you're saying, but I tend to be the same way - it's good for me to recognise my triggers and realize where in my life I still need to work on things...but it's dangerous if I start feeling like my drinking was to fix anything, even if it felt that way at the time. For myself I need to be careful of saying "Yeah, I had a drinking problem but it's because I'm so *special*" instead of because I have issues with alcohol. I am, actually, also a writer and I'm overly empathetic and I have a lot of the other things going on that you talked about; just for myself at least I have to be careful how I phrase it in relation to my drinking so I don't start thinking that I "deserve" AL, if that makes sense?

    I've also found that the more I see myself as different, the more often I miss out on making friends that I actually would have some things in common with. I was one of those kids eager to move out of my small town and I made a LOT more friends once I was in a bigger city. A lot more of "my" people. When I had to move back to the old town, I was crushed since no one here ever "got" me. But the funny thing is, once I opened up a bit more I realized that everyone is "different" in their own way. I know that sounds like a line, but I wound up meeting some wonderful people that I could easily have brushed aside if I'd let myself. And discovered that some of "my" people weren't actually all that healthy for me to be friends with in the first place!

    I rambled a bit here, my point is really just that I get what you're saying and on one level I agree because I've always been pretty "different" even before I started drinking. But the less I focus on that, and the more I just get out and try to live my life the better things go for me.
    I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

    Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
    AF on: 8/12/2014


      Hey Hope everyone is having a great AF day or night!
      I have been having alot of panic attacks last night and today so I ended up taking a valium last night and two this morning and it did calm me down alot, but I have to be careful with those because i dont want another addiction but nothing else has really worked...


        Fin i am so proud of you and your change of thinking, today you bought a smile to my face. i remember driving my son to the airport at some ungodly hour a few months into my quit and he remarked at how it was nicer to drive with me now i was not full of resentment and anger for dragging my sorry hungover arse out of bed to do something for him. Oh and that i was not a bitch! Sure i wake up "on the wrong side of the bed" occasionally but i was on that wrong side every damn day when i woke with a hangover and feeling like death. Nothing to smile about when one feels like that. My grown up kids got to the stage that they were scared to ask for anything due to the "not nice" response unless i was blind that is and then i agreed to anything so i could drink in peace.

        Your ME time will come in ten years or so ha ha! Enjoy those times, appreciate that you daughter talked to you, know how proud your wife must feel. Life is good.

        Who the feck wakes up at 6.30am on a day off and on a Saturday.
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Healthybutempty, have you tried baldrian? It is a little more natural than Valium, always helps me sleep. I used to have panic attacks too, back in 2008 before I started drinking actually. I thought I was going to have a heart attack, was way to stressed starting a business at 19. I have so much material on controlling them, let me know I'll private message you. I have sent stuff to people before and it seems to have helped them, let me know.

          So here's my day, my twin, who has schizoaffective disorder or is a manic depressive schizophrenic, we don't really know because he gets diagnosed differently depending on who he goes to, texts me for the day off. It's a hectic work day but I took a day for my back on Monday, things happen, so I'm like cool no worries. Then he texts me saying they are going to admit him because he's manic and went to an emergency medical appt, and now he's on a three day lock down. My twin, who also is a recovering alcoholic, has been dealing with this crap for years now. This would definitely be considered a major trigger for me to drink, reading everything on here, it has really helped me think it would not help or do me any good. I need to be ready to run my business if he i sour of commission for awhile, I can't be messing around drinking at night when there is twice as much work to do. So that's my Friday morning, TGIF guys. Again, really started to think there was a reason why I was drinking haha. Anyone know the comedian Christopher Titus, it ls just like his comedy, when your from a screwed family, nothing bothers you anymore, you just have to learn to step to the side when the *%#^ hits the fan.

          My back feels better though, so that's cool😄


            Thanks Byrdy for the two cheeked salute!!! Also thanks for the 'likes' and comments about the 7 day start of this new life. Reading, staying close and knowing that each one here is either going through this or has made it to the other side is the only thing that has got me this far, (will power??? What's that??) But this time I have to do this for ME. I need to get clean, I need to quiet the AL voice and I want to live, (without AL)! Actually I am counting from the moment I put down the bottle so at 8pm it was 8 days!! (Could be cheating a tad.....but won't drink today anyway)

            Fin.....I don't have kids as having them would be unkind on them and me.......(none of my friends ask me to babysit..hehe) but you are doing so well coping with them. Who said guys can't multitask? They will be all the better too as they grow up having all of you with them. Keep the faith.

            So off to drink my coffee, watch some TV and go to bed. Tomorrow will be a good one again, because I will be sober.

            Good night Nesters, wherever you are,

            ADP x


              Originally posted by Overit-still View Post
              Today is turning out to be kind of a crappy day but as

              Kensho says "Have a good and strong day - whether you're doing friends or inhaling coffee - just DON'T DRINK!":no:
              Sorry you're having a crappy day, Overit. Step outside in the West Coast sunshine and think of all our Eastern US and Canada buddies who are arse-deep in a snow globe -- especially those with cats!


              Stay strong. Thinking of you.
              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                Good evening Nesters!

                Fin, glad you are doing well. Being busy & multi-tasking while you have kids that age is a completely normal & good thing

                HBE, please be careful & only take the Valium as directed. You know to never drink AL with it, right?
                I hope you are feeling more settled now :hug:

                Dutch, sorry to hear about your twin. Keeping yourself calm & clear-headed is the best thing you can do to help him right now. Sure hope he settles down quickly. Glad your back is good!

                Byrdie, you are so right - we all are above average here

                Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
                Glad the cat didn't get out today Lil - it sure has been cold here!!!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  HEY! Talk to me!

                  You know, "I just don't drink anymore" but I'm heading home to a bon fire, friends relaxing on a Friday night, UGH! I know I can't drink (don't drink) as I've had my pill today but I'm anxious is all.

                  Help me I don't feel anxious but relaxed and confident!
                  The easy way to quit drinking?:



                    over it
                    this is easy
                    just focus on the beauty of the fire, enjoy being outside and appreciate being PRESENT drinking will take that all away It will make you feel HORRIBLE and I guarantee that you will regret it
                    You can do this just have fun


                      Remember the way we drink, Over-it, we dont sip drinks around the bon fire, we drink from desperate gulps from hidden bottles. Life is measured by the moments we spend with people we love, not by whats in our glass. Dont fall for the hype, its a trick. Xo, B
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Thanks Jenni. I'm off to the store to buy my special NA treat=Diet 7up. Then home. You're right. Being PRESENT in the moment, relaxing by being PRESENT in the moment, enjoying good company especially that of my husband and my dog. Thank you. Have a great night!
                        The easy way to quit drinking?:



                          Yes, you're right Byrd. I would be going into the house ALOT to gulp from my bottle and in the AM wouldn't remember this evening. Thank you.
                          The easy way to quit drinking?:



                            Originally posted by Overit-still View Post
                            HEY! Talk to me!

                            You know, "I just don't drink anymore" but I'm heading home to a bon fire, friends relaxing on a Friday night, UGH! I know I can't drink (don't drink) as I've had my pill today but I'm anxious is all.

                            Help me I don't feel anxious but relaxed and confident!
                            Yes, what Enzo'smom said AND... if you need to get your confidence back, get up and look at the gorgeous, huge full moon. Remember that your real campfire friends would support and respect what you're doing (or rather, not doing). Think of little Ol' LiLBit who's following your example. You can SO do this, Overit!
                            "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                              I am in control, I care about my body, I'm in love with an amazing man that I need to shower with the right attention. I look fabulous and I want to treat others with great respect and love. I can do this! I am an amazing, confident women, and darn it.....people like me!

                              Thanks LilBit, I know none of my friends will care of even notice. It's not a "thing" with them. But, they will all be sauced by the end of the night. They will all wake up with GSR tomorrow AM while I "flounce" off to the gym.

                              Thanks everyone. I got this!
                              Last edited by Overit-still; March 6, 2015, 09:15 PM.
                              The easy way to quit drinking?:



                                Hey guys

                                I don't want you all to forget about me. I am still here. I am sober, with the help of Antabuse, but know that is not my answer, at least for me, as I just wait for it to get out of my system, so I can drink. But...I am so missing the great feelings I had when not drinking on my own. So, I want to get back to that place. I think I will be there in another day or so, when I know if I don't drink it is me, and not Antabuse. Please hang on with me guys...I really want this.

