Happy birthday Hanna! What a way to celebrate yourself - sober!
NS, I can't tell you how helpful and validating your recent long post was for me. I felt like you were describing my history of events; thank you over and again.
I was on AD for 4 years... Only because it took that long to figure out what was causing my depression. For me, it was a stressful environment that I had to remove myself from, and a need to learn some specific coping skills. I regret taking the AD and felt they were not helpful to me, but I do feel they are helpful for some people.
Londoner, way to exemplify "adapting"... A positive response to the change that is certain in all of our lives!
Ok, fingers tired... Great long weekend here and hard to return to the daily grind tomorrow, thank you all for sharing, trying, fighting, listening and being here
