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    Hi Nesties! Checking in from the phone. I will have to be concise.

    Happy birthday Hanna! What a way to celebrate yourself - sober!

    NS, I can't tell you how helpful and validating your recent long post was for me. I felt like you were describing my history of events; thank you over and again.

    I was on AD for 4 years... Only because it took that long to figure out what was causing my depression. For me, it was a stressful environment that I had to remove myself from, and a need to learn some specific coping skills. I regret taking the AD and felt they were not helpful to me, but I do feel they are helpful for some people.

    Londoner, way to exemplify "adapting"... A positive response to the change that is certain in all of our lives!

    Ok, fingers tired... Great long weekend here and hard to return to the daily grind tomorrow, thank you all for sharing, trying, fighting, listening and being here

    Done. Moving on to life.


      Overit, I say "Go for it" if you feel like the position is for you. Anyone who throws that first stone has a karmic tsunami heading their way. And I surely wouldn't be the one to toss it. But, I do understand the small town mentality and you're wise to mull it over. Funny how wanting to hide our AL past is such a strong urge.

      As for the *other thing* well, I just haven't been in the mood lately and "Not tonight" seems to be my mantra. I don't know, maybe it's watching my fiancee come home, polish off a bottle of champagne by himself (sometimes drinking it directly from the bottle -- yuk), repeatedly nudging me to have a glass when I have already explained to him about my quitting and how important it is to me, watching him eat 3/4 of a large pizza, burping, and then coming to kiss me with pepperoni and beer on his breath. He then gives me a hard time for depriving him and tries to "guilt" me into it. Truth is, he looked so much better to me when I wasn't sober!
      "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


        Happy Birthday Hanna - glad you are part of MWO.

        Welcome home Moss Rose - I hope to hear more of the holistic approach over on the other threads as well.

        I dont post here much, but I sure do keep an eye on things and follow along. So many good topics and support for each other. Wonderful!



          Just checking in, guess it's texhnically day 3, woot

          I love going to the gym in the middle of the night, feeling like I'm getting a step up on my competition while they sleep. My backs sore like it was the night before it went out, thanks to not drinking I've been stretching it and icing it, being very mindful of how it feels. It's so nice to want to do things again, instead of just wanting to come home and drink after work.

          The weird thing is I haven't been sleeping, last time I was sleeping like 9-10 hours a night, but here it is 2am and I'm wide awake. I think my body was clearing out months of drinking, although I cheated this is still the most sober I've been since not drinking a month last June. Can't wait to say I'm at 30 days.

          Overit, good luck I'm sure you can do it!

          Lilbit, good you for not giving in. That is so tough having a situation like that. I hope it works out for you and he just accepts you for who you are becoming.


            Originally posted by Overit-still View Post
            A change of life for me to London (glad you are enjoying your newfound freedom!)

            I received an offer today of an appointment to a certain community office

            On some level, I don't care because we can all be on the streets at some point and redeem our lives and in my book no one is above any other. We've all made mistakes. You might think murder and gossip are 2 different sins but in my Bible, they count as the same. So the fact to those liquor store clerks who say "hey, she has purchased alcohol from me." Well, yes, I USED to.

            I haven't decided anything but the first thought I had was "I'm not worthy, you don't understand how tainted I am" but gosh darnit, it's right up my alley so, Why not?
            Hi Overit,

            Congrat's on the offer! That say's a lot about you friend. It looks to me like your drinking history and battles with booze journey are in fact huge positives and strengths, that not many others could bring to that job. Your life experiences and empathy will be invaluable in any work with people/community that you do. All the best whatever you decide.

            Good job on day 3 Dutch!

            Take care out there Nesters. Pull up a twig and settle in if you're struggling. Have a read, a yak if comfortable, and know that you are making a positive self care statement by just being here. Reclaim your precious life.

            Passing the butt velcro to the......................left! Yo. G

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Originally posted by BeachGirly View Post

              I dont post here much, but I sure do keep an eye on things and follow along. So many good topics and support for each other. Wonderful!

              Ditto! Same here - - so glad to have this place, keep up the good work everyone and have a great day :happy2:


                my husband turns 50 on friday and i haven't planned a thing yet!!! I am trying to remember what he did for my 50th (I am 51) but I can't remember. That makes me so sad. He keeps telling me he doesn't want to be the center of attention and doesn't want anything big (I believe him, I am the same way) but I want to do something low-key but still has meaning…..just because something is big or grand or expensive doesn't mean it is more special….that is my motto anyway. So, a few months back i purchased an oil painting done in africa by an african artist. It is beautiful and I know he will love it. But I also want the day to be special so I am going to convince him to take the day off from work. as I type this, the day is unfolding before, me……a nice brunch at his favorite diner followed by a nice long hike with our dogs…..then when kids get home from school, we can all go to a movie and then dinner…..
                phew, glad the pressure is off me! What does any of this have to do with sobriety/drinking????
                1. I don't remember what my husband did for me on my 50th birthday 1.5 years ago because I was drinking so much….and whatever he did for me, i was drunk for it.
                2. I bought his present well in advance and with much thought… last second gift searching….because I no longer obsess over drinking, I now have time to think ahead and think about someone besides myself and my drinking
                3. whatever happens on friday, I will be present. I won't be hungover and irritable and I won't be obsessing over when I can start drinking, and I won't be putting my drinking before what is actually happening in the moment and I will remember every second of it.

                what a gift! and it isn't even my birthday
                Last edited by enzo'smom; March 11, 2015, 05:46 AM.


                  Good morning Nesters,

                  Cloudy but heading up to 50 degrees, yay! I love seeing the snow disappear

                  Jennie, I'm sure whatever you do for your husband's will be appreciated. Mine definitely doesn't like to celebrate anything so enjoy!

                  Lil, pizza & champagne is an odd combo, yuck. I hope you two can work that out!

                  Dutch, great on day 3! You are on your way!!!

                  Greetings to everyone popping in today & wishing everyone a wonderful AF Wednesday!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Good morning nesters

                    A beautiful day here. Thanks for the birthday wishes yesterday! It was a nice day, as Tuesday birthdays go. My husband made dinner reservations for us to celebrate last night. As nice as it was, and completely well meaning on his part, he tends to like being in control, so he made the plans. This meant dinner at 7:15, which meant a rather difficult and long afternoon for me, since eating dinner gets rid of the al thoughts.

                    Tonight will be easier as he is working late and I will be on my own, so I plan to eat early and hit the gym.

                    Also, I am not working today, and plan to take some bday money I received and buy myself a new outfit!

                    Hope you are all off to a good day!


                      Hello Nesters,

                      Having a beautiful day here in Germany. First time posting on this forum. It's been 7 months since I've started on bac. It's a new world for me. I'll be returning to the States (Seattle) soon and I'm worried about finding a new doc. Any advice on how I find one? I'm getting increasingly anxious...

                      Thanks and enjoy the day!


                        Day 7! Can I get a woot?

                        As for the fiancee, well, I realize it's tough for the other person who drinks to lose their drinking buddy. I don't expect him to change just because I did. And I do love him. That said, I love my sobriety more than any relationship. It's life instead of death for me. If it comes to it, nothing is worth that.

                        Have a great day, all. I'm putting on some giant cat feet and going ice skating (will explain later).
                        "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                          Good afternoon everyone, and Happy Birthday Hanna. I hope you found something really cute on your shopping trip today.

                          Lilbit, I think you are really strong for being able to abstain from alcohol while your fiancé is drinking in front of you, and it is perfectly understandable why you were abstaining from the other thing. One of the things that I find difficult when I don't drink, is that I have to face the things in my relationship with my husband that I can't change on my own, if that makes any sense.

                          Enzo's mom - I think you gift and plans for your husband's 50th sound great! I can completely relate to what you said about not remembering your 50th, because of drinking. I have far too many of those lack of memories as well. Such a waste! When I stop to think about it, I am so ashamed of myself. This also made me think about how my drinking dictates our family holidays. How I wake up hungover most mornings, so late start. May participate in some sort of family activity, but mainly gearing up for lunch when I can finally get to my first (of many) glass of wine. Then, well, that becomes the priority. What a shameful waste on my part! Anyway, hope your husband has a wonderful 50th!

                          Well I need to get back to work, but I hope everyone has a peaceful, productive and sober day! Peace and blessings
                          While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                          Benjamin Franklin


                            LilBit, we'll give you more than a Whoot, we'll give you a MOON! Nesters, drop em for LB!! :butt: Here's to 7 full days! You've conquered every day of the week, INCLUDING a weekend! We are so proud of you, no cracks from us! BUTT, the worst is behind you! (that just never gets old!) :haha:

                            Loll, welcome aboard! Here in the nest, we aren't so familiar with the use of bac. You may have better response with the medication sections of this site. We are here to help you thru the day, have you checked out the Tool Box? Link is in my signature line below.

                            Neck deep in work today since I was on the road yustaday! Hope everyone has an easy day! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Lil bit~ Day 7 is great, I'm not sure why I do remember it being very special. Looking back st Al haze, the thought of 1 week without drinking as absurd, why would anyone want to put that sort of negativity in their minds? How will I have fun, go places etc!
                              Yes I am still early in my quit so I have thoughts of drink but I can say those thoughts quickly turn to nausea now. By playing those thoughts out for a few days, has really help mold and reshape my whole thought and theory of alcohol and the poison it is. Just another great tool gained In these rooms. Great for you LB and your day 7, keep doing what your doing!
                              I'm tired today, trained all day yesterday with Rookies, then answered calls all night. I'm in a bit of a funk with my quit. Nearing 7 months, I have a mental game going on, my last few failures were at the 6~10 month time frame. As bad as I want these thoughts to go away, they just won't. I feel I'm in a different/better mindset this time yet I'm fully aware of the cunning, baffling, power of Al and the stranglehold it can have on me. Like a mouse falling into a small box with a hungry python in it. If I stay close to the mother ship and weather these uncharted waters I'll be fine, if I venture away, there will be a world full of boxes with pythons laying for me. As Byrd told me I'm going to have to stay close and ride this one out, this one being that I'm freaking out about being in a time frame were i have failed before.
                              Not sure where I was going with all of that?

                              Warning sleep deprivation can cause incomprehensible rambling.

                              Thanks everyone for being here.
                              And Stay Hard!
                              AF 08~05~2014

                              There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                                thanks! sorry for the rookie mistake.

