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    Greetings everyone. I've been reading and staying connected but having some issues with connecting to this site aside from mobile! I usually only post at the office and keep this part of my life off the home computers, just prefer my privacy here with too many eyes and not wanting to delete the history or cache as if hiding a porn habit. So a phone post here, which I hate doing outside of roll call, but wanted to check in. Need to talk to my IT group but could be awk to explain I can't access my alc recovery forum only I can't figure out the problem otherwise! I see some new/old faces here and wanted to say great job on the milestones regardless of days. The early days and weeks just pave the way for so much good ahead.

    In the past month I've told some co-workers that I don't drink anymore. Early on I had some apprehension about these types of disclosures, mostly about whether it would lead to questions when my confidence and uncertainty were at odds. I'm comfortable now that it flows as part of conversation and what feels like a normal by-product of time. I got a few "why?" or "really?" comments but no seismic reactions that a few easy responses didn't put to rest. In fact one friend forgot, and I reminded him at a dinner this week, when in front of 10 people the server asked if there was anyone not drinking? Just me that evening and it made me laugh actually since what months ago seemed would be odd isn't, and nobody else really cares or notices all that much. I don't really care what or how much people drink, only that I don't. I'm not stepping on anybody's buzz, so even if someone has an opinion, comment or response to my not drinking then so what, don't step on my brain buzz.

    I've got a lot of travel ahead and will be out of pocket but looking forward to it. Mostly business but all warmer weather that I will savor. The last stop is beach time with family so my mobile access better be working. What seems like my last great sober hurdle is the beachy vacation where palm trees, Bob Marley and a tiki hut bar would render a huge drunken bender in the past. Unless a funnel is duct taped to my face, no booze will be going down this throat again.

    LavB - 7 months is great and big congrats to you! I'm a little envious, and if not for one (lousy) day in November, I'd be celebrating that milestone with you. I look at this journey as an accumulation of time and a cumulative effort, but still count my consecutive days to have a sober birthday date to mark. Probably true for many that we take a few detours before the final stick.

    Feeling much gratitude on all fronts that I didn't have and couldn't achieve until I was sober. We're here because we finally get it and are very fortunate in that sense. If I hadn't landed in the nest with a resounding thud when I did, and left to my own devices, I'd still be back to all my old vices and made zero progress. Life happens now so keep at it!
    Last edited by Resolve; March 13, 2015, 08:56 AM.


      Powdered alcohol?! Even in my drinking days I would have thought that a bit much. Capitalism in its finest form - often at the expense of reason or social responsibility.

      I have an unexpected day off with kids. I do have to work part of the day, but will arrange something special for us to do at the end of the day. Deadlines, installations, shipments, drawings... in the end, what matters most is love and the people we give it to.

      Have a good day everyone!

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Originally posted by KENSHO View Post
        self-loathing (not a good mix with imperfect and poopy).
        Kensho-that does sound crappy:toilet:

        Off to have a great day, :checkin:hope everyone stays snug for the weekend. I will.
        The easy way to quit drinking?:


          Last night was tough, couldn't sleep again but at least I read and watched tv sober. It was a good decision because I have to work early this morning and I want to be pleasant.

          I've posted on here that exercise and particularlu martial arts is something I thoroughly enjoy and live for. Drinking has not squelched that love, but I think it has definitely hindered my progress the past 5 years. Despite this I just can't seem to go a week without an injury. It's like the universe is tellin me, "find other things you enjoy doing, life has more to offer you." Im going to try to see it that way instead of taking it negative. You guys have a good Friday, I have to go plan my weekend because it is the hardest time not to drink.


            Hey nesters.
            Turn, who knew you played accordion!!' How fun!
            tomorrow is Pie Day! We will have a big shout out for her!
            Resolve, I live in a beach community so I am living proof that you can survive the atmosphere! Everyone is on perpetual vacation here! If I can turn a blind eye to it, I know you can too!
            Heading to Charleston this weekend. Heavy travel next week. Part of it with FAMILY, so expect a big emotional DUMP when I get back! Bah! Hang in everyone! Xoxo. B
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Hey Dutch, I don't remember how long you have been AF, but when I first stopped drinking, my joints were SO sore! My body felt like it was actually falling apart, but I think it was healing. Go easy!

              Done. Moving on to life.


                Dutch-injuries are really hard. I am used to being just an absolute beast in the gym. I was kind of a leader to my small group of friends regarding fitness and nutrition and determination. I had a friend who had a shoulder injury that ended up requiring surgery and recovery. Through the whole thing she was an absolute joy. She never missed a day at the gym but just found other things to work on. Me? I injured my groin last year then broke a rib. I tell you what, I was the sorriest excuse for a whiner there ever was. I went into the deepest depression regarding my injuries, gained 25# and am still trying to just get back in the habit of waking up to just get to the gym. I totally let myself go and in turn let my friends down. They have excelled and have great goals for this year while I'm back here wheezing and trying to suck in my gut. They say hard times bring out our "true selves" I failed that test miserably. So, I'm just trying to be honest with myself. If I can't run due to whatever, instead of just sitting on the couch, I'll walk. Stuff like that. Just move. It brings such joy.
                The easy way to quit drinking?:



                  Good Evening All!
                  Well congratulations are in order, to Finn for 100 days (WOW!), Lav for 7 months (again, WOW), and to Dutch for sticking to your guns, and not giving in to temptation.

                  I am teetering this Friday evening. It's been so full on for what feels like months now, between deadlines, kids birthdays, etc., and I found out as of this morning that we have a guest this weekend. I was going to just leave the house cleaning this evening and kick back with a book, but can't. So here I am, really fighting those voices in my head, telling me that I deserve an adult reward, that being a drink. I do not want to wake up tomorrow, or rather at 3:00 tomorrow morning, with the guilt, the dry mouth, the depression. So I will be white knuckling it tonight.

                  Kensho, you have my sympathies when it comes to contractors. I deal with them in my work, nuff said.
                  Byrdlady, I hope all goes well in Charleston, and things are not too stressful with your family.
                  Over-it, your quote, hard times bring out our "true selves", really struck a cord with me. We have had one of the toughest years with our business, I have ever gone through, and I can not say that I am proud of my coping skills. Truth be told, if I have not chosen to escape via drinking, our problems may have been less severer.

                  Tonight is going to be hard. I am going to have to check in here to plump up my resolve. Would love to just go to bed early, but our guest does not arrive until 9:30 this evening. Oh well, at least we have cupcakes.

                  Happy sober Friday Nesters!
                  While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                  Benjamin Franklin


                    Originally posted by not tonight View Post
                    Oh well, at least we have cupcakes.
                    Oh, if only ALL of life could be solved by cupcakes

                    Nottonight-don't teeter. You got this. You sound like how I feel most of the time. I don't want to drink and that is not my problem. It's the anxiety that causes the crankiness that is the issue. I don't want to make everyone else miserable with my white knuckles. That's no fun! Just keep your mind on good positive thoughts about what you are gaining in this endeavor. You'll stay up, be pleasant, a gracious hostess, get a GREAT night's rest and wake up refreshed and fresh as a daisy ready to take on tomorrow's sunshine and new opportunities. HAve a great night.
                    Last edited by Overit-still; March 13, 2015, 02:39 PM.
                    The easy way to quit drinking?:



                      Dutch and Overit, I also follow a sporting lifestyle and have a demanding sport for which I train daily (6x per week, 1-2 hours). It's a sad truth that it's harder to get back one's game as we get older or experience injuries, both of which go hand-in-hand. That said, I think that sports or gym training are great motivators and I do believe that we can achieve greater and greater heights as or bodies heal from the long AL abuse. We just have to be mindful. And Dutch is right -- when we're injured, sometimes the "Universe" is trying to tell us to focus on something else for a while. The good thing is that you can eventually use the "something else" and all the detours to make you better at your sport. I oughtta know. I'm a competitive skater who had a total hip replacement two years ago. :happy2:
                      "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                        NT, you deserve a cupcake. Matter-of-fact, you deserve two. Overit said it best, but I am also sending you supportive thoughts and good ju-ju. You also deserve the AL-free life that you worked so hard to create. Remember, it's not a deprivation -- you're actually giving yourself a greater reward -- an unpoisoned life.
                        "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                          Yo y'all,

                          NT, can you go to bed early this weekend with a headache excuse or something to help protect you? Take care and know you can live sober. All the best for the weekend.

                          The weekend ain't no ticket to boozeville Nesters. Pucker up and kick some arse in yer own ini....inimit......inimitable way. G

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            NT all you said about teetering is all the excuses we can use to drink. I think us alkies wrote a book on excuses to drink and its a big one. Nothing is worth that first drink but our al brain will try and give us any reason to drink.

                            I had a great time last night going to see a blues band, dinner, no al and drove home. I do seem to have a habit now of watching who i think are drinkers and counting their drinks. Well they dont obviously ha ha! I asked my friend if she was going to have a wine and she asked if that was okay. So now i have the reverse of "what do you want to drink" and "oh your not drinking" to others asking if it is okay. I do feel like maybe they think i am going to grab the wine and skull it but i need to realise that they are just supporting me.

                            i remember other bands i have seen and the hangovers and the not remembering what it was like and how i got home and who i woke up with and last night was so much better than before. it feels like freedom for me now from al, totally and utterly.

                            Quiet day for me, woke with a headache that feels like a pounding hangover. Blah.

                            Dutch be gentle with yourself, even if you did exercise before while drinking, your body needs to heal from the crap that you put into it and to adjust to this new life.

                            have a good one!
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              friday night eat what I want night!!!!!
                              on tap for this evening: pizza followed by red velvet cake


                                Ava - no doubt, your friends are supporting you. That's a very nice thing. Glad you enjoyed your night out.

                                Jennie - enjoy the feast!! I did something similar last night. It was great.

                                Hope everyone is doing well. It almost hit 60 degrees today. I love spring. I think about moving to a southern state a lot during winter. It always sounds like a good idea when the wind is howling, and the temps are dipping below zero. Then I realize that I would miss the wonderful first days of spring. That moment when you step outside and realize - I don't need a jacket!! And everyone is smiling...your coworkers, the cashier at the gas station, your neighbors. I don't know if I could give that up for anything. Well...ask me next January. LOL.
                                Last edited by MossRose; March 13, 2015, 08:16 PM.
                                Everything is going to be amazing

