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Newbies Nest

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    Good evening Nesters,

    Pizza, cupcakes & hip replacements huh? My, aren't we a diverse group??

    I had a good day & even squeezed in a quick trip to the outlets for a bit of shopping - nice!

    not tonight, plan to win. Don't let an uncomfortable moment, evening whatever throw you off. You will be much happier in the long run when you get thru this weekend unharmed. Better to feel proud than sorry!

    Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Hi, Everyone:

      Not Tonight - Listen to your name - Not tonight! You're probably already in bed...

      I have had such a good mood week, and when I was reflecting on it I realized 1) I exercised a lot, 2) I worked hard at solving a problem and made headway, and 3) it is lighter later! All good things in the realm of being sober.

      I am trying to talk a son out of a St. Patrick's Day party - that holiday has become an excuse to just drink. I trust him, but I Blech.

      Believe me, I work at a high school - so angry about powdered alcohol. For sure kids will snort it, and it is a lot easier to sneak in places than a liquid. FFS - who ARE these people. GRRRR.

      Good night. Friday is NO reason to drink - and every reason NOT to drink.



        Just checking in, appreciate all the comments and Kensho I didn't even think about it being from not drinking but maybe you are right. My body has been used to a certain lifestyle for so long maybe I am recovering from it somehow differently thank expected.

        Lilbit I love my passion and can't imagine life without it. I did find out today my wife and I are expecting our second after we had been trying, so I figured it's time to knuckle up at work and make sure that happens instead of focusing on the gym 80% of the time

        Ava I'll try to remember that but as my wife pointed out today i have a hard time holding back when I see others going full throttle, just skittle kid like that I guess.

        Today was a awesome day, really enjoyed bein sober and focusing on reading and learning to improve my business. If I can have my second kid and stay sober until they are born I think I'll stay that way forced, I always wanted to be sober for the first one and stopped for thr month before she was born, then a week later started drinking. Here's hopingthis time is different!


          Dutch congratulations on your 2nd child. Dont just hope, just do. i remember i was going to give up drinking until my 50th birthday which was at 4 months sober but as time went on and life became better there was no good reason to keep drinking. There is no reason why i need to drink when all it does is cause heartache and pain for me and my family. I hope you find as time goes on that you never need to drink again.
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Checking in quick tonight; today went WAY faster than I wanted it to. My own fault, though - I woke up on time...and then rolled over and was out for another 4 hours. O.o I'm guessing I needed it, but it still messed me up. I've always had trouble with getting up in the morning, and I'm trying to remember that my sleep patterns are still getting used to a sober life, too.

            Podcast the other night went well - I'd always gotten the impression that the guys we were interviewing were really nice people who care about the folks who play their game, and they certainly showed it. They even hung out with the cast for nearly an hour after the show, just chatting with us. Because I worry, I went back and listened to the whole two and a half hour show and I'm also pleased that I don't sound terrible or dumb. And I don't sound drunk either, since I wasn't drinking!

            I'm glad what I post is helping you, Dutch and anyone else. I know I get a lot of my motivation from hearing about what others are up to, and hearing what's gotten better for them over time.

            I've got paperwork to look through over the weekend, and then my health insurance should be a go. I'm nervous, but also excited. Other than not having insurance, I'd avoided the doctor like nobody's business while I was drinking. Whatever damage I've done is something I'm going to have to face though, and better to know even if I'd rather ignore it. It will be nice to be able to tell him I stopped drinking, at least - I know he tried to ask me about my drinking back when I had pancreatitis and I deflected and avoided giving real answers. I'm sure I didn't fool him.

            Speaking of, I've stuck to my goal to make sure to at least give the dog a real walk daily since that first nice day we had. I can't push myself as hard as I'd like since my hilly neighborhood is wrecking my shins - but the route I've worked up to is a good 30 minutes at a brisk pace. I really want to get back in the habit again; I know I always used to feel so much better when I made sure to do that regularly. And I know darn well it's better for my dog, too.

            Support and *hugs* (if wanted) for everyone, especially everyone struggling. Stick close - if not reading in this thread then going through to Toolbox always helps me out. And it really does get better. The old timers know that better than I do, but even where I'm sitting I'm getting comfortable in my own skin again and I'm starting to move forward in my life in ways I thought were impossible while I was drinking. And you know, while I was drinking all the time I suppose it *was* impossible to get a handle on things. It's scary to have to actually move forward with my life in some ways, but it's also exciting to know I'm at least going somewhere. Slowly, for sure, but one step at a time is how you get anywhere I suppose.
            I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

            Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
            AF on: 8/12/2014


              Good morning Nesters, happy Saturday to all!

              Cloudy with heavy rain all day in my portion of the nest, oh well. I have plenty of inside projects to keep me out of trouble

              Dutch, congrats on baby #2! What a wonderful motivation for you to stay on plan!!

              Wishing everyone a good AF Saturday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                I had a dream last night that someone was trying to MAKE me drink…..I woke myself up yelling "NO"… husband then says: you were yelling in your sleep for a long time….that must have been a bad nightmare" I told him…."no, it was NOT a nightmare" I can't believe I had that dream!!!

                My puppy is in the hospital with pneumonia. I took him to the vet yesterday and they took X-rays and there it was…a bunch of fluid in his lungs. So he is there…..I had to make decisions and was on the phone with the vet last night discussing his condition. But I am not worried. Enzo is where he should be. Enzo is getting the treatment he needs and he will be all right. I have faith that he will fully recover. I miss him like you would not believe. There is an empty space in my heart for him.

                Now just wait a second…..did I just write that? Is that how I really feel? ABSOLUTELY. Rewind 3 months……I would have been a drunken mess. I would not have been able to have the discussions with my vet last night….or if I had, I would not remember what he said. I would have woken up this morning and I would have had to spend some time trying to remember why enzo wasn't home. I would be full of anxiety and fear. Then it would slowly come to me that he was in the hospital and sick. So then I would be full of self loathing and disgust. and I would stress and worry about enzo because I would not fully know what is actual condition was…..

                but that is not happening to me this morning. I woke up from a very restful sleep. I feel wonderful. Why? simple. I. did. not. drink.


                  Originally posted by Pavati View Post
                  Hi, Everyone:

                  Not Tonight - Listen to your name - Not tonight! You're probably already in bed...

                  I have had such a good mood week, and when I was reflecting on it I realized 1) I exercised a lot, 2) I worked hard at solving a problem and made headway, and 3) it is lighter later! All good things in the realm of being sober.

                  I am trying to talk a son out of a St. Patrick's Day party - that holiday has become an excuse to just drink. I trust him, but I Blech.

                  Believe me, I work at a high school - so angry about powdered alcohol. For sure kids will snort it, and it is a lot easier to sneak in places than a liquid. FFS - who ARE these people. GRRRR.

                  Good night. Friday is NO reason to drink - and every reason NOT to drink.

                  powered AL???!! boy I'm really out of touch, which is ok.
                  Liberated 5/11/2013


                    Morning, Nesters!
                    Just a quick peck-in for me!
                    Powered AL, huh? Well, that would have made the life of THIS Alkie easier, which , in my book makes it a bad thing. All we need is for Al to be easier to abuse. UGG.
                    Happy PIE DAY, PIE! Hope to see you 'ROUND!
                    Hope everyone has a peaceful day. Make today count! Xo, B
                    Last edited by Byrdlady; March 14, 2015, 09:02 AM.
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Hi, Nest:

                      Dutch - Ava took the words right out of my mouth - don't just HOPE, work to make it happen. Getting and staying sober takes work. It can be fun work - checking in with friends, learning how to meditate, exercising. It can also take discipline - checking in, checking yourself, asking for help. But with baby number 2 coming, you really have incentive now. Congratulations.

                      I was talking to my son about this St. Patrick's day thing, and he told me that he doesn't drink, and that he has no problem saying to people who offer him alcohol that he doesn't drink. I honestly feel like my being sober has contributed to this stance. First, we have had many conversations about the alcoholism in our family. Kids who drink once a month at age 14 have a 50% chance of developing a drinking problem, whereas if they don't start that until they're 21 they have a 10% chance - we talk about that a lot. Also, I can't help but think that he sees what I am doing. As they say, our kids watch what we do a lot more than they listen to what we say. Anyway, I am proud of him for doing that.

                      Jennie - That is true what you say about Enzo - you can be present for him since you're sober. I hope he gets better quickly.

                      LavBlue - Congratulations on your podcast, and being present for it.

                      Lav - Wish I could have your rain! I believe it rained .03 inches in February here. SO DRY. It is scary, really.

                      Happy Sober Saturday, everyone.



                        Hi Nesters,

                        Byrdie, that's a funny deal about the Pi day. I had no idea. I did see on the news about powdered alcohol. What??!! There's one story I won't be investigating further.

                        Happy Saturday, Y'all!


                          Dutch I really wish I would have stopped when my babies were young. Instead, unfortunately, I had wine in my hand all the time in the evenings until they were 13 and 15. It did nothing for me, it hurt my parenting - I hope you quit and quit for good - you would never ever regret it.

                          Hi everyone - Had a pretty good week. Yesterday evening we had some folks over to watch basketball - everyone was drinking beer and wine. I had my seltzer and was just fine. I had a few passing thoughts of having a glass of wine but thought to myself, what good would one be? And also thought, I really don't crave the taste at all. This was a surprise to me - I really enjoyed wine when I was drinking it but now the thought of it really doesn't do anything for me. At least that's how I felt last night. It never ceases to surprise me how my mind is changing and I don't have to fight it as much - my non-al brain is winning the fight with my al brain! Love it!


                            I remember being so relieved to be pregnant so I could have a good shot at staying AF! It really is a good opportunity. A new baby brings stress, so ramping up those coping skills will be important!

                            Beautiful day here. So nice to not be hungover! It's worth the efforts, no contest.

                            Done. Moving on to life.


                              Good morning nesters. Busy, busy, busy.......:checkin:

                              Dutch-CONGRATULATIONS :rara: Isn't it funny how things work out? The timing of everything? Get yourself do not want to let this little one down. Your wife needs a good strong man at her side.

                              I'm glad everyone stayed safe in the nest last night. Looking for NotTonight to check in.

                              Gotta run! Have a great day! Day 20 here and feeling awesome!!!!!!!!
                              The easy way to quit drinking?:



                                Ahhhhhhh, husband just drove off with the kids! Rare, quite moment in my house on a Saturday! I'm going for a bike ride, and then running some errands before meeting back up with them.

                                I just wanted to say how truly lovely it feels to be clear and fog-free. I never, ever, not once EVER have regretted NOT drinking. Not once. It is such a better life to just NOT do it. Keep the faith newbies - just persevere through the times that feel hard because they are far outweighed by the calm clarity of being sober. At almost a hundred days, (over a few slow patches, a few bored patches, and a few stressed-out patches) I still BY FAR prefer not drinking.

                                Do the work, and the results are more than you can imagine.
                                Last edited by KENSHO; March 14, 2015, 02:14 PM.

                                Done. Moving on to life.

