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Newbies Nest

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    Hi, All:

    Great to hear you sounding so positive, Kensho. I love those rare times I find myself alone in my home.

    G - Glad you checked in. If Ava can find Matt in Texas, she could certainly find you in Oz - don't tempt fate. Those bricks of hers are reported to be something else. I hope you had a nice run, some good food, a good music session - whatever you need to re-center yourself. You got this, and you have us all behind you. Like Ava says, use us. Do your best friend (that might help).

    I had a good long talk with old friends today about my quitting - we were on a walk and they had a lot of questions. It felt good to just put the cards on the table with them - and be honest about the hard work I have put in to staying sober. I recommend it to any of you considering it...

    Another successful, HAPPY, sober weekend in the books. I'm with you, Lav and Byrdie - I would never want to go back there in a million years. Thank goodness I don't drink.



      Fly by here from the Rockies...

      Ava, I hope your date went well! I had a date night of my own - kids at a sleepover. I really had some relaxing time this weekend! I remember really, truly, genuinely struggling DAILY with alcohol. SO glad I don't have to do that any more. I tend to forget the nitty gritty details of my drinking problem - then I see someone blitzed or search through a bag I used to keep bottles in. And I feel so happy that I'm not living that torture any more. It's not just what alcohol did to my body, it's what it did to my mind. It created such an inner fight that destroyed my balanced, unified sense of self.

      Nuthin' better than sober! Keep up the good work folks! And if you are struggling, know that it doesn't always have to be that way! Promise!

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Being sober is just the best Kensho.

        I had a good day at work for a Monday and i came home and my dog can hardly walk and was seizing but she settled down and my friend robert rang with the news he has been given 6 to 12 months to live. Man i wanted a wine. I am gutted and sad. he has asked me to go on a hot air balloon ride as he has always wanted to go on one and he wants to go with me. That made me happy.

        For today i will not drink!
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          thats shit news ava, im sorry.


            Good morning Nesters,

            Ava, I am sorry to hear your news. You have been such a good friend to Robert & I am sure he feels loved :hug:
            Skip the wine, just don't go there, you know it won't help. Deep breathing & mindfulness has helped me thru some high stress times.

            Kensho & Pav, waking up each & every morning choosing to remain sober is a blessing & I wouldn't have it any other way

            Wishing everyone a good AF Monday!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              last night at my AA meeting, someone was there who was clearly drunk. He "shared" even though you aren't supposed to if you have been drinking. He was a frick'in mess. Like the show "Intervention" that Byrdie told us about, it was a sobering reminder of why I have stopped drinking. Then, this morning, as I was driving home from the gym (yes, I got up at 5am to hit the gym because I had no hangover) I looked up at the sky through the leafless trees. It was pink, blue and purple and with the tree branches in the foreground, it was spectacularly beautiful. I was hit with such a huge sense of gratitude it brought tears to my eyes.

              I know I will not always feel this way. I know that more than likely, I will have my "doubt" days. BUt there is no sense worrying about that now and I am happy that today is not one of them. Today I am going to embrace my gratitude and enjoy this beautiful day.

              Enzo update: he is getting better and better. he is becoming more playful and his appetite is back!!! I just have to wipe his nose with tissues now and then. It really brings me back to when my kids were young. He is so adorable…..I love him so much!!!:love::happy2:
              Last edited by enzo'smom; March 16, 2015, 07:02 AM.


                Yo Nesters,

                Sorry to hear Robert's news Ava. I have no idea how i'd react if it were me, especially at such a young age. Take care of yourself.

                Thought i heard a gang of chooks scratching and squawking at my door last night. Ah, probably nuthin'. Just some crazy dream.

                Wishing all a safe, sober and magical week.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  'Made it through another weekend without drinking (that's two now -- yay) and realized that I used to believe that I needed a glass in my hand to relax. I think we let these myths take hold in our lives and then reinforce them with repeated behavior, sometimes without stopping to reflect whether they're really true.

                  Yesterday, relaxation looked like: watching movies all day in my pjs, making tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches, planning an upcoming beach trip online, cuddling with the cat and dog (though not at the same time!) and working on a simple crafting project so I can get it off my dining table.

                  Today, I feel great -- actually rested and ready for the week ahead. There are no bottles to try to quietly put in the recycling bin, no stack of glasses to wash, no fuzzy remembrance of "Oh gosh, did I really eat that??" upon discovering a plate of lasagna, fries and Oreo remnants, and no astronomical restaurant/bar bills showing up in my Visa account for a *good time* that I hardly remember.

                  What is that scratching noise? Wrong house, Stella. :happy2: Get the muddy feet back on the bus. I wish you all a great AF week ahead!
                  "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                    Sorry to hear your news, available. Sending you comfort and strength. Please stay strong to really be there for him.
                    "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                      Good Morning, Nesters!
                      Off to another running start at work. I'll be traveling the rest of the week, so lots to get done today in preparation.

                      I understand that folks in the very early days of quitting think that someone with over a month of sobriety doesn't remember what it's like to CRAVE AL so much so that nothing else matters. However, I hope you'll notice how many of us stay in the nest to help others along the path. We tried everything also, we DO understand...and sometimes we were wobbly. Many times, just a phrase can help us get over that rough edge. If you find your AL Voice is becoming overwhelming, push it out and say NO, HELL NO! AL will not take one more day of my life. There are some tough times and the mind games are endless it seems....but I promise you, if you stick it out, you will be rewarded many times over. Giving in to AL only does ONE THING: it sucks you back in. Do whatever it takes to ride out a craving.

                      During my time at MWO, I have seen so many come and go. It makes me so sad when we choose AL over all else. Choosing AL is at the expense of everything.....our relationships, our jobs, our integrity, and our health, it's frightening to witness the power of addiction. Once we cross the line with AL, it comes down to two choices: life or death. You may say, 'Well, I'M NOT THERE YET'. Well, maybe you aren't there today, but you are in the team photo or you wouldn't be here. This thing is progressive. It doesn't 'just go away' it takes a concerted effort to get it out. Whatever stage you are in right now, make this day count towards a new life. Waiting until ____ will not make it any easier. Waiting until I retire or waiting until AFTER vacation or waiting until AFTER the holidays, or waiting until the kids are older or waiting until the moon falls out of the sky. These are just are just WAITING. Quitting this affliction isn't going to be any easier tomorrow, in fact, it's going to be HARDER tomorrow. Quit right now. Don't let AL claim one more day of your precious life. This substance in a glass is not worth the price it demands. The price to keep this relationship going is too high.
                      No more excuses. Do it. Once and for all, you are a person who DOES NOT DRINK, no matter what. I promise it will be the best decision you've ever made.
                      Hope everyone has an easy day. Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Byrd~ That was awesome. What a great read to start the day. Thanks for all you do. You are a true blessing to me and this forum. Mucho love and respect for you my friend.

                        Hope everyone has a great day!
                        Stay Hard and whatever you do don't take that first drink!
                        AF 08~05~2014

                        There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                          Good morning nesters! Great sober weekend was had here.

                          Ava-I was off screwing around with AL so I'm not familiar with your friend. I'm so sorry though. That just sucks! I have 3 here on my daily prayer list too.

                          Everyone sounds strong and amazing throughout this weekend.

                          LAV-you're right, we're missing a few. HBE and Hanna both. Hmmm.....

                          Ok of to work, AGAIN:checkin:

                          Byrdie-I love Intervention. My husband asks why I would want to watch something like that and I tell him it's for the last 5 minutes when they show these beautiful people, sober & happy (most of the time) and the efforts they have put into their sobriety, the surprise to themselves that they have survived and are thriving with eyes looking to the just proves that I can do it too.
                          The easy way to quit drinking?:



                            Good morning Nest friends! We have spring here, and giddiness is in the air. The birds are chirping and people are doing yard work and purging closets. It feels really good to feel the crispness of the morning and appreciate the flowers popping up from winter's brown. I remember my alcohol days as hell. Struggling with myself daily - spending SO much time thinking about drinking. Now I can focus on my fitness, health, planting my garden, starting new work projects, billing on time, being more patient with my kids, and waking up alert and happy to be alive.

                            To Byrdie's point, quitting alcohol is hard. It is. But it will be hard today, and it will be hard in 3 years, and it may kill you in 10. Stop today, and give your all for 30 days. It can be done - it's not at all impossible, just uncomfortable. When that 30 days is up, I PROMISE you will see life in an entirely new way - and see alcohol and addiction for what it really is. You will see your way out, if you choose to take that path - and you will never, ever regret it!!

                            Done. Moving on to life.


                              Overit. I found Hanna for you. She was hiding in her closet with her abusive boyfriend again but she has decided to kick him to the curb, so I have brought her back here. Hope you all are willing to deal with the crazy lady...again!


                                Hi Hanna! Giving you a BIG (((hug))) right now. Sounds like you've made some tough decisions and are thinking about what's best for you. Glad you are back. Hope you stay around and keep up the good work!

                                Done. Moving on to life.

