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    :shout: HI HANNA

    Buckle up girl!
    The easy way to quit drinking?:


      Hmmm. Based on a PM I just got, I better clarify my last post. When I said my abusive boyfriend, I was referring to Merlot NOT to a man! Would be interesting to have an abusive boyfriend and a husband (not abusive) at the same time LOL


        Originally posted by Hanna View Post
        Hmmm. Based on a PM I just got, I better clarify my last post. When I said my abusive boyfriend, I was referring to Merlot NOT to a man! Would be interesting to have an abusive boyfriend and a husband (not abusive) at the same time LOL
        She's being kind to me:nutso: I'm sure everyone else got it!

        I wish we could hit the "like" button 20 thousand times!
        The easy way to quit drinking?:


          Was so worth that it got me to smile! Don't worry, I am a blonde. I relate to confusion!


            Originally posted by Hanna View Post
            Hmmm. Based on a PM I just got, I better clarify my last post. When I said my abusive boyfriend, I was referring to Merlot NOT to a man!
            Hanna, I have some unsettling news. I think your "abusive boyfriend" was a two-timer. All this time, he's been coming to my house, too. I changed the locks two weeks ago.
            "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


              Thanks so much for the pep talk Byrdie!!!! It really helps to read posts like that when the AL voice chirps in! Got to say though that although I've been quiet here lately just tucked day 18 under my belt, (longest AF in 5 years!!) and feeling really fab.:sohappy:
              See......even I got this far ..... lol!

              Hope everyones hanging in there; stay safe and AF.
              ADP xxx


                Good evening Nesters,

                Had myself a pleasant day & yes, it is starting to feel spring-like

                ADP, great job on your 18 AF days, yay!! Keep going & have no regrets ever again!

                Hanna, glad you decided to kick AL to the curb - he's a real asshat! Good riddance!!!

                HBE, we're hoping you are OK, please check in soon.

                Byrdie, have a safe week if you are to be on the road!

                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Byrd - I had a good chunk of time that I was watching a LOT of Intervention. It was before I realized how badly I needed to quit, and I wasn't sure why I was watching so many when they made me vaguely uncomfortable. I can see now that I was probably trying to tell myself something and just didn't want to listen!
                  Also, beautiful post! And I hope everyone reads it because you are so right. Folks who read my posts now, no matter how I sound I sure do remember. By the time I came here, I had to plan *anytime* I went out, if I went more than a few hours without a drink I'd start getting withdrawals. :/ And yet at the time, it made more sense to me to keep a soda with AL in my purse than to look at "Hey, maybe I need to quit here, huh?" I'd drive through winter storms if I was in danger of running out, and had soooo many empty bottles hidden because I was embarassed to send them out with my recycling. The GOOD news is that now I can look at that as my past instead of my present. All of the struggle to get where I am has been more than worth it, and it really does start getting better with time. And stick close! I very nearly never quit at all, but the kind folks here kept asking when I was going to set my date and asking if I REALLY needed to taper off or not. Everyone deserves a life free of all the crap that comes with AL addiction. I didn't see that at first, but I sure do now.

                  Pavati - I might end up having a conversation with an old friend/ex of mine soon, but depends on how things go. We haven't really been in touch for years, but I know he quit drinking for a while (like, full on went to detox) and that he's drinking again now. When I knew him all we DID, really, was drink - it's one reason that we only dated for a few months, not a lot actually in common. Anyway, he's been wanting to get back in touch for a while and I wouldn't be surprised if it came up since he knows I've quit. I haven't decided how to handle it, to be honest. We aren't really that *close* but I'm pretty sure his drinking isn't doing him any favors. I don't want to overstep, but I don't want to leave him hanging either. I suppose I'll see where the conversation goes and if it comes up, just be honest about where I'm at. I'm glad it went well for you and your friends!

                  Ava- So sorry to hear about your friend. I'm glad you're making the choice to be present for him, but that's so hard to go through. I'm sure he cares about you enough to want you to take care of yourself. Sending love and support. I also hope things settle out with your dog soon. <3

                  ADP: Yay you, 18 days is awesome!

                  Hannah: I'm so glad you're back, this Nest is a much better place to be and with better company than that closet.

                  And I've babbled forever again. :P Tomorrow I'm taking the dog in to get some shots he's due for and all that fun stuff. It's good to know I'll be awake on time and sober, I won't have to wonder if the vet can smell that I've been drinking and worry what they must think of me. Once he's all set to go I'm hoping to clean out his outdoor kennel/caged area. We don't have a fenced yard, but his area has plenty of space and I know he likes being able to spend time outside when it's nice.

                  Take care, all and keep passing around the butt Velcro!
                  I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

                  Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
                  AF on: 8/12/2014


                    Thanks LAVB, I'll take that Velcro, sinch myself in for the night, and pass it along to the left for LitBit and Dutch.

                    Have a great night everyone because no matter what happens tonight, at least we are sober!
                    The easy way to quit drinking?:



                      Hi, Everyone:

                      Glad you're back, Hanna. Stick close and kick that jerk to the curb once and for all. He defo got AROUND.

                      Jennie - I have days that I feel like that - so very grateful that I am not living in FEAR and guilt all of the time. What a relief. Enjoy that feeling.

                      LavB - Good luck with your friend. None of the ones I talked to has a problem. I was able to express my fear that my not drinking would be awkward (no longer a fear, BTW, as we have spent a lot of normal time together). They were able to tell me that they thought it might be awkward, too, and how glad we all were that it didn't change our friendship at all.

                      Ava - So sorry for what you are going through. A balloon ride with Robert sounds lovely - I am so happy for him that you are his friend to help him get through this.

                      Byrdie - I do love your pep talks. It is all true, what you say.

                      I'm glad spring is springing for you all who have been under the weather all winter long - we keep having 70+ degree days here, but we'll have no water to drink in a year...

                      Happy Sober Monday,


                      Edit to add: And we're missing Daisy! Daisy, if you're reading, come hang out. We're here for you.:hug:


                        Hi again nesters. So, a successful day. Feeling pretty damn good about it. Some discomfort late afternoon, but held on and ate dinner, and fine after that. I am extremely tired. Combination of the alcohol intake and a tough weekend relationship wise, causing too many tears and terrible sleep. Really looking forward to waking up in a much better frame of mind. Coincidentally, tomorrow I am meeting up with the one and only person I ever actually met here on MWO years ago on my first go around. She lives about 4 hours away but came with her husband who is here on business. She still drinks, but like me is not a day time drinker, and we are only getting together during the day, so i am not concerned. I do plan to share with her my recent re involvement here, and my decision to quit AL. Who knows, maybe I can encourage her back.
                        Night all. Pleasant dreams ( I recently dreamt I was grinding my teeth so hard that they crumbled in my mouth). stress here lol


                          Still lurking around the edges here. I just don't feel right dropping into the nest while still drinking. I really, really don't want to give anyone a reason to drink. I'm in relatively good shape (how's that for rationalization Byrdie? I just had 3 today. Yes, you understand what I mean.) I can can go for several days without Al, then, well you know the story.
                          Ava, Take that balloon ride!
                          Peace all. V


                            Hanna, I'll still give you ((hugs)), alcohol is as abusive of a bastard as they get (though I totally misread your post)! I'm sitting at a clean desk, sweeping up the details of several small projects in order to bid for the new big one. Thank goodness I have a clear head to negotiate the details (which are structured differently than any previous) so I don't screw myself in the long run. Flat fees are not something to bid wrong. I feel certain that I would not be here if I were still stuck in the mud drowning myself every night.

                            I also really want to say that I think that as important as it is NOT to put alcohol into our bodies, what we do put in has made a huge difference to me lately. I've paid close attention to eating stuff that really fuels my body - and DANG if I don't feel so much more energy! (I've also been getting a lot of sleep - which is key).

                            Ava - sending you ((hugs)) too. You're a good friend.

                            Sleep tight everyone and appreciate every day you have!

                            Done. Moving on to life.


                              Originally posted by Mr Vervill View Post
                              Still lurking around the edges here. I just don't feel right dropping into the nest while still drinking. I really, really don't want to give anyone a reason to drink. I'm in relatively good shape (how's that for rationalization Byrdie? I just had 3 today. Yes, you understand what I mean.) I can can go for several days without Al, then, well you know the story.
                              Ava, Take that balloon ride!
                              Peace all. V
                              Hello Mr V.

                              Glad to hear you're in relatively good shape and still with us.

                              What's your plan with drinking? Are you trying the moderation route, or are you wanting to stop?

                              Either way, take care of yourself friend.

                              Playing a gig tonight. Noice. Take it easy Nesters. Passing the butt velcro to the...........................right! G

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Mr V, As Robin Williams once said, 'I violated my standards faster than I could lower them". Our version of 'I'm in fairly good shape' is really on a sliding scale, and our standards are LOW. You don't have to be in fairly good can be in GREAT shape! There is only one way to do it, CUT AL OUT of the picture completely and don't look back. Trust me, you will never be free of this until you are free of this. Do it, don't waste another day, another week another YEAR. You can do it if you WANT to do it. Thank you for checking in with us, we really care about you and we want you to be around for a long time to come! There is NO GOOD in AL for us.
                                Even you aren't fooling you anymore.
                                I'm out the door, have a great day everyone! Byrdie
                                Last edited by Byrdlady; March 17, 2015, 06:27 AM.
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

