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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    That's great Papmom. I oredered Alan Carr's book last week and was told it proabably wasn't available and might take 6 weeks. It arrived in 3 days! Destiny? We'll see.
    I read a couple of chapters when a client didn't turn up today, and I kind of like the idea that to a lot of people having to own up to the label "alcoholic," especially when the paramaters are so vague and the prognosis so depressing, keeps a lot of people from owning up to their problem and seeking help. I used to think it was a cop out to say I have a bit of a drinking problem, but far better that people acknowledge that drinking is a problem, than pretend to avoid the stigma of alcoholism. I don't want to use the word either, because I fear for my job in a small town with preconceived ideas. I think it's just great that you shared with your sister and she was understanding


      Newbies Nest

      Morning Birdies
      A Huge Welcome to All of you new babies.....
      and hey to all my buddies
      Pap mom.....don't you feel better that you shared? I am proud of you!!
      Morning tough sister!!
      Hey Lav
      Morning Traq
      NORA!!! How are you sis??? You sound a bit down
      Coco...u still hanging on???? could someone read your stuff???? is that even possible??? that would seriously piss me off!!!
      K...gotta get to work
      Love you all
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Newbies Nest

        oh yeah....hey fennel
        good luck with the Topa!!!!!
        PM me any time.....Nora C uses it too....
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Dancingon,

          I've just picked up the book from the library as well. I want to get it started but I will have to do so in private. I haven't admitted this battle to hubby - I have said I want to lose weight and get fit.

          In fact, I'm going to head off to bed now. Hopefully, I can get an hour or so into it.

          Spam xx


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Everyone.
            Papmom, I hope I am wrong about my lurker, however signs are pointing to it. It is upsetting, Nora as this place is the ONLY thing I have that is mine. I dont have any clubs or outside-the-home hobbies, I dont attend any regular meetings or anything, I rarely go out on my own with girlfriends etc, so I was hoping that I could have my anonimity here and be able to say what I need to without having to worry. Mama, I made the mistake of telling someone my online name, so this person does know who Hippy Chick really is and they have been using words that I have only ever heard here and bringing up subjects that I have discussed here. I will be very disappointed and hurt if it is true.
            Dancingon I have had a strange thing happen with regard to my order of the Alan Carr book. I could swear I ordered it the other day however I have no record of doing so, no email from the company I think I used..... It is like what used to happen when I would order things on line while drinking. I could never remember if I actually did things. But this time I had no excuse - maybe I am going mad after all!
            Oh well, dinner smells like it is cooked - my night off the domestic duties.
            Hi to all who pop in.
            HC xx
            I finally got it!
            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Everyone,
              Quick hello as I am very late for work but had to check in to start my day off right!!
              DancingOn, you and are are birds of a feather!! I agree with all you said and yes, it did feel good to talk to sis. I know she will support me in this as she has only wanted me to be healthy and happy. Our sibling rivalry days are decades over thank God!!
              HC-unfortunately this is a public forum if you sign up to be a member. It's really a shame this person feels they need to spy on you but maybe we should look at it another way? Is it possible this person also has an AL problem and is looking for help but just can't come right out and admit it to you? I sure hope its the latter because then you will be in a position to help them but if it is the former, than shame on them and get a life!!
              Off my :soapbox:: now and time to get my :bum: in gear before I get a reprimand LOL!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Newbies Nest

                Hippy....maybe you should change your name????
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  Newbies Nest

                  mama bear;831083 wrote: oh yeah....hey fennel
                  good luck with the Topa!!!!!
                  PM me any time.....Nora C uses it too....
                  Thanks, mama bear!

                  Good morning, nesters! I hope you all had a restful night. It's a beautiful day here, the sun is shining down and I think I'll shlep some of my yard waste over to the drop-off place today...and then get started on the front yard. That is, after I take my mom to p.t., pick up our tax forms, run errands...


                    Newbies Nest

                    fennel..I have been meaning to ask you
                    where the heck is foeniculumville????
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Newbies Nest

                      mama bear;831134 wrote: Hippy....maybe you should change your name????
                      Yes...perhaps you should change your name, and remove your "location". It sucks if you're being cyber-stalked, Hippy!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters,

                        Boy, did I oversleep! BUT I did wake up to some gorgeous sunshine :yay:
                        It's about time too!

                        Sending some of my sunshine your way Katie!

                        Papmom, I have to tell you........last year when I first started my journey I tried to tell 2 people about my plan, the wonderful support group (MWO) that I found, etc. I did not receive any positive feedback whatsoever from them due to their preconcieved notions! They were both blunt & in my face that 1. I needed to go to AA and 2. I needed to see a counselor. In reality neither of these people know a damn thing about anything. I decided to stick with my plan, keep my thoughts to myself & just do what I had to do. They are not even aware that I celebrated my one year anniversary last week
                        I am glad that your sister was receptive to you - that's a nice sister!

                        Nora, I shared the Owl Watch link with several people yesterday - very enjoyable & educational, for sure

                        Greetings to my VP Tranq - hope you slept well!

                        Greetings also to dancingon, Mama Bear, spam, HC and all who check in today

                        Wishing everyone a Happy Humpday, I will be back later!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          mama bear;831141 wrote: fennel..I have been meaning to ask you
                          where the heck is foeniculumville????
                          LOL! "Foeniculum Vulgare" is the latin name for, Foeniculumville is Fennelville, and Fennelville is where I live...Madison, WI.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Fennel-We're Neighbors


                            I used to live in Madison! I live a little ways away now but go there pretty often!



                              Newbies Nest


                              Congratulations on your one year anniversary! That is awesome! Good for you that you dissed the naysayers! I had the same experience with my aunt, who after 30 years of drinking, 4 stints in detox and rehab, is now sober, after a 60-day stay in treatment.

                              She dissed MWO and believes AA is the only way to go. She is not as insightful as DoggyGirl as she got AA drummed into her head when she went through treatment because that's the only option offered. It's too bad people are so narrowminded and negative. Like DG says, whatever works for you!

                              Lav, MWO worked for you and it works for me now! CHEERS!



                                Newbies Nest

                                Rusty;831156 wrote: Fennel,

                                I used to live in Madison! I live a little ways away now but go there pretty often!

                                No kidding? Madison is a great town, isn't it? However, my partner and I are looking for land in rural WI, in order to build a small, green hideaway. I live in the near east side, and the houses are about fifteen feet apart from each other, and it's noisy.

                                Are you in WI?

