Good morning/evening nesters,
Feeling a little Blah today, can't really put my finger on why. I'll just have to work through this.
Lav, glad to see the sun back in your part of the nest! Hope your garden weathered the storm.
NoraC, Thanks for posting the Owl Cam that has been interesting(I used to work with birds of prey). Hope you have a good day!
Coco-Nut, are you ready for April?
Hippy Chick, I think your gut reaction to all of this is probably correct, please keep us posted.
Tranq, So you let a girl derail you...:H Just kidding, I know you will get right back on track!
KatieB, I have missed you around the nest. I saw where your court day went well! I'am so happy for you Katie. :l
Mollyka, How have you been doing?
Papmom, I really like your new signature!
Sophie75, I hope all is well in your part of the nest and I'am hoping as well to get the biggest cucumber award or something from my garden adventure!
Hi! Mazzie, LT, Violet70 and everyone else that pops in the nest today. Have a great Hump day yall!
