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    Hanna, your sleep will return to you, just give it time! You're doing great!

    One of my most special treats is my sparkling water. It can't be worse than alcohol?!? I'll take the risk! I too, have upped my caffeine intake. Again, better than wine or whatever my chosen foe was that day.

    Hold tight at your events people - you WON'T regret not drinking EVER! But you will HATE if you drink - no question.

    Done. Moving on to life.


      Really great post Londoner. I agree it belongs in the toolbox. Timing of & reading your words and the post itself couldn't have come at a better time for me. Thanks Byrdie for the quoting of Londoner. Best to all.


        Originally posted by Hypernova View Post
        I've been up and down the escalator for years & as many have said ~ don't give up your quit ~ protect it at all cost.
        Hi Hypernova - so happy that you are back! You've got a lot of support here and some good tools. The good news is that you never have to go down the escalator again....and you've already enlisted your most important supporter - YOU.

        While we're living under the influence of addiction, it is very difficult to imagine life without another drink. Here's the reality - while many of us might have liked the taste of our chosen toxins, it was all about the buzz from our liquid drug. That drug changes our brains - actually, to be more accurate - the drug alcohol damages our brains. And tragically, it damages the part of the brain that we value the most - the part that makes us who were are and the part that helps us decide.

        None of us choose to be addicted, but we can and must choose to be free of that addiction - while we still can. It starts with the unwavering commitment to never put the addictive, destructive drug in our bodies again. That's easy to say....harder to do. And as you have gets harder to do with every subsequent slide back into the pit of free-for-all drinking. The fact that you are here and you WANT to get off the escalator is hopeful - and a sign that your prefrontal cortex is still hanging in there.

        I also remember feeling the odds were against me when I finally made that huge decision to no longer drink no matter what. I told myself I could beat those odds (although, at first, it felt more like lip service than REALLY feeling it 'authentically') BUT I kept telling myself 'this time is different.' And it was. It has been. It still is. And, as I like to say, the only regret I have about making that that I didn't make it a hella lot earlier than I did.

        You CAN beat the odds and get your life back.
        Last edited by Turnagain; March 21, 2015, 01:11 PM.
        Sober for the Revolution!
        AF & NF July 23, 2011


          Having a hard time posting lately.

          Anyway, had a very enjoyable evening last night. Not even a thought of AL.

          Dutch-enjoy tonight and stay strong! I want to see you back here tomorrow without those GSR brothers.

          Hyper-good to see you! Strap in tight and HANG ON, it's a little bumpy after take off but we're right here with you.

          Gotta run, hope this post takes.
          The easy way to quit drinking?:


            Ok. In other matters... I just bought the most gorgeous pair of black leather boots at Banana Republic that were originally $225, and I paid.....

            Ok so I do live in Florida, but we love to pull out the boots on the chilly winter days.

            Amazing how this purchase has lifted my mood...

   I just shallow?:happy2:t


              'Quick post to ask the nest for some good ju-ju sent my way, please? I'm performing tonight for the first time in nearly a year. 'Used to quaff a shot of vodka after lacing up my skates (no kidding!) but tonight I'll just have to put on those "big girl panties" and do it. 'Could use some good thoughts if you happen to see this.
              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                Hanna....SHOOOES!!! 'Nuff said.
                "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                  Hanna-what a steal!

                  Lilbit-are we going to get to see a video? So curious.

                  Heading out for the day. See everyone later.
                  The easy way to quit drinking?:



                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Welcome back Hypernova!
                    You can do this, we're here for support!

                    Lil, wishing you the very best tonight
                    We will all be there in spirit with you cheering you on!!!!

                    Hanna, plan a trip up this way, you can wear your boots - nice find

                    Dutch, stick with that black coffee, you'll have no regrets!

                    Happy to report the snow melted & it's just a bad memory now, ha ha!
                    Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Hi nesters

                      Hanna treating yourself is a great way to keep on track. After i got my bills in order and paying them off instead of being disconnected, i do treated myself (less often now). I deserve it for all the hard work i have put in to being sober.

                      Glad it is warming up for you Lav, we are having beautiful autumn days now and i love this time of year.

                      Thankfully i have gotten over my longing to drink to block the stress/pain/anxiety i am going through! It took 5 day of being on here and using my support to get over the urge to drown my sorrows and thoughts! Its funny but i was so sad for Robert and so sad for my dog and so sad i could not drink also. That alkie part of me is always present and waiting for an opportunity to open that door. I do know if i did not have my support that i would have drank. I would not have wanted to deep in my heart but i was down to my last ounce of my coping mechanism. A patient i helped at work on Friday sent me flowers as a thank you. To me that meant the world,that i am wanted, needed and i am helping and i am doing it sober.

                      I am off shopping with my son and daughter today, life does not get better than that. The memories of me dragging my sorry arse out on a weekend and suffering anxiety and nausea are long gone. Damn it feels good to be sober!

                      Dutch i hope everything was enjoyable on your night out. Good luck tonight Lilb, you will have a ball.
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Hi all,

                        Im back!
                        Byrdie, hope you're well
                        If anyone else remembers me, pls reach out -- send me a message or reply on here if you can
                        Its been quite some time. I was sober for a while and was faced with devastating news, and I fell off the wagon. Hearing from you all helps so much and lets me feel less alone during this confusing time.
                        I promise to be there for you too, I will follow the threads and learn about you wonderful folks. Looking forward to reconnecting with the ones I know and meeting new people. Together we can do this, I sure know I can't do it on my own.
                        Hope everyone is having a beautiful, relaxing Sat night :heartbeat:


                          Welcome back, LS :hug:.


                            Hey lost soul. Welcome back. You've done this before, I'm sure you can do it again. You are so not alone here. We've all been/still are there. I was sober for awhile too. I don't know what your de sating news is but, it'll still be there after drinking. I'm not one for giving advice as I am still struggling too. Back on the right track now and just taking it one day at a time. Check in, post and read, a lot. PM me if you like. I'd like to help.


                              Good morning Nesters, happy Sunday to all

                              Welcome back LostSoul! You came to right place. Hop up on a twig & settle in for a while.

                              Ava, glad to hear you worked your way through the rough feelings. We all truly know that AL will never solve or problems or comfort us in any way. It's poison, that's all it is & we have so many other choices.

                              Hello to all & wishing everyone a good AF day!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Morning, Nesters!
                                Welcome back, Lost Soul. I am sorry to hear about your trials. We have had some doozies here on our site and folks got thru the deep water can, too. Settle in and lean on us until you get your legs. We are glad you are here. Stay in the nest and you will get your head right.

                                Hope everyone has an easy day! Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

