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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning/evening nesters,

    Feeling a little Blah today, can't really put my finger on why. I'll just have to work through this.

    Lav, glad to see the sun back in your part of the nest! Hope your garden weathered the storm.

    NoraC, Thanks for posting the Owl Cam that has been interesting(I used to work with birds of prey). Hope you have a good day!

    Coco-Nut, are you ready for April?

    Hippy Chick, I think your gut reaction to all of this is probably correct, please keep us posted.

    Tranq, So you let a girl derail you...:H Just kidding, I know you will get right back on track!

    KatieB, I have missed you around the nest. I saw where your court day went well! I'am so happy for you Katie. :l

    Mollyka, How have you been doing?

    Papmom, I really like your new signature!

    Sophie75, I hope all is well in your part of the nest and I'am hoping as well to get the biggest cucumber award or something from my garden adventure!

    Hi! Mazzie, LT, Violet70 and everyone else that pops in the nest today. Have a great Hump day yall!

    The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


      Newbies Nest

      Morning all.......

      Coffee is on......Bagels & Toast......Diet Coke in the fridge (if anyone wonders - I am not a coffee drinker but must have my Diet Coke in the morning. )

      I need to rush again this morning. I have been oversleeping like mad. Slept thru 2 alarms and my husband has been in 3 times to wake me up. So, I am getting up.

      I want to thank you all for the warm words. Yes...I have been depressed and I am trying to pull myself up. Nothing that I can put my finger on really. I am going to do some reading that Runningwind suggested. She came across something that said that this isn't that unusual. I am still not drinking so that is a GOOD thing.
      Anyway, I am sorry that I have't been around much lately. I have been lurking. I just haven't had the energy to post. So, I'm sorry about that.

      I was so interested to hear about where everyone lives. Some of you live so close to where some of my good friends live. Interesting.

      Now - On my soapbox. I am so sorry Hippy!!!! i know EXACTLY what you mean when you said that this is yours. That is the one thing you had. I understand so much. :l It is so sad that someone that you trusted would be doing this to you. My husband knows about this site but he would never go on it. There is only one person on here that knows my real name. But, I realized that I used my nickname that many people would know. Oh well. Too late now. Anyway, I'm thinking of you. Do you think you can just confront the person and ask them?

      Ok, I've really got to go.

      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Newbies Nest

        At work now, 30 minutes late and bored to tears. Got to find something to do!!

        Lav, thank god you have gorgeous sunshine-that means we'll get it tomorrow!! :wd:
        Yes, I agree with you-my sister and my whole family for that matter are very nice and supportive. In fact they are downright special and I thank my lucky stars every day for being part of this unit. We have always supported one another and none of our get togethers are fraught with dysfunction which I consider a true miracle. I'm sorry you didn't get the same support from your non MWO people but you have ours and we all look up to you for your wonderful achievements.

        Thanks RW-I'm glad you like the siggy. I hope it does the trick but I saved my other one just in case.

        OK, I've really got to get cracking so everyone have a great day/evening and I'll see you tonite.
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Newbies Nest

          I thought I had better join in here for a bit I'm on day two AF and hoping to make it to tomorrow in one piece.

          Got a lot of bottles to dispose of this evening!


            Newbies Nest

            3 Days AF and i tripped and fell in the wine barrell

            And this morning is mixed with nausea, shame, regret, headache and beating myself up. I logically would take nights of sleeplessness over this feeling. So here's to starting over, yet again:upset:


              Newbies Nest

              Miim;831225 wrote: And this morning is mixed with nausea, shame, regret, headache and beating myself up. I logically would take nights of sleeplessness over this feeling. So here's to starting over, yet again:upset:
              Miim, don't beat yourself up, save that energy to fight this addiction. Have you made your plan yet? Just pick yourself up and get back on the horse. Keep posting and asking questions. Wishing you the best on your journey,

              The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                Newbies Nest

                [QUOTE=NoraC;830937]Hello Nesters......
                I'm another one that has to head to bed now........

                Hippie - I certainly hope that nobody is trying to follow you & read what you say. That would be quite upsetting. I mean VERY upsetting. I am really sorry to hear that.

                Yikes? What's up with this? Tried to go back over posts but too many to digest and that pesky work thing is restricting my forum time again. Dang! (Does anyone really say "dang"?)


                  Newbies Nest


                  Nice of me to just pop by all of a sudden to nag everyone...

                  Sorry I've been out of touch. Work has been a living HELL. But I did want to come by and poke you lot in the nest to make sure I have plenty of company, feathered and otherwise, for my scheduled AF April - complete with my birthday and Easter Sunday (not listed in order of importance).

                  Come on, guys, SHOUT OUT -- I'M IN!!!


                    Newbies Nest

                    [quote]Coco-Nut;831291 wrote:
                    Originally posted by NoraC View Post
                    Dang! (Does anyone really say "dang"?)
                    LOL - you just did coco!!
                    Morning all (well its morning here in Oz) - Happy April Fools Day!! I'm pretty rubbish at "practical" jokes so I am not going to "fool" anyone this morning :H
                    Had a great night's sleep.. waiting for my grocery shopping to be delivered (what a fantastic service..)..
                    Day 5 AF for me.. or one unit of AL in 11 days! I'm feeling optimistic that I can beat this thing and no longer feel the urge to drink when going through stress or loneliness as I have learnt so much! It will just make me feel worse.. I have lots of plans to keep myself busy over Easter..
                    Hi Runningwind, Fennel, Lav, papmom, uk blonde - welcome :welcome:
                    I hope everyone is feeling well.. please don't feel bad if you have "caved" and had a drink - remember ODAT! get back on the horse and keep coming on here...
                    Take care all,
                    Katie xxx
                    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                      Newbies Nest

                      Happy April Fools Day to you too Katie
                      I don't do practical jokes either......they can be mean sometimes.

                      Nora & anyone else maybe needing a little uplift - take a look at this: The ToDo Institute: Mindfulness, Procrastination, and Gratitude using Morita and Naikan Therapies
                      I've had a membership there for quite some time but you can do a good bit of reading for free. The Japanese Psychology alternative methods of Morita Therapy & Naikan Therapy really focus on Gratitude. I find these readings very helpful, soothing.

                      Hi & welcome Ukblonde & Miim! Please find yourselves a comfy twig & settle in the Nest for a while. I'm all for forgetting the past, it's history & cannot be changed. Turn your attention to today & then to tomorrow - One Day at a Time!

                      Coco, do you want me to call you in sick tomorrow? Don't work so hard

                      OK, back to my duties here!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning everyone. Set the alarm early this morning to get up and go to the gym. Rolled over and turned it off and thought I would have an hour extra in bed, but then decided the gym would make me feel better than an hours sleep.... what is going on? I truly am going bonkers!
                        Coco - you crack me up! I'M IN. It's also Tranq's birthday and mine in April. So an AF month is a great birthday present to us all.
                        UKblonde and Miim -I'm with Lav, someone told me when I first started " Dont let the wake rock the boat" (dont let the past control the future) and it has stuck with me. At least now you are doing something about getting and staying sober. You are both in the right place, so welcome and visit us often. We love newbies. x
                        Mama - I dont really want to have to change my name as I am proud of the fact I have been here since early January, people know me here as Hippy Chick. Maybe I am just being paranoid. I realise this is a public forum and my words are out there for all the world to see. I dont have a problem with that. That is the chance and choice I make when I post. It is just the fact that this person could be reading something that they could ask me about.
                        Anyway I have said my piece. If that person is reading this THEN STOP! OK.
                        Last day of the week before four days off. How wonderful. Our weather is still holding out so we should see some lovely days over easter. I do love this time of year. The wind generally has calmed and the nights are cool but the days are glorious.
                        Thanks for the link Lav. Will have a look at at that later. Feel like I need to do some work on that part of my life.
                        Before I go, I just want to say, thank you to all of you for helping me get to 12 weeks sober. I never thought I would be able to do it when I first started but reading your posts, sharing your journey and allowing me to share mine, has been incredible. Every single one of you has in some way helped me get here. With all the suggestions and support, even the times people have relapsed and gone away, or relapsed and come back - it has all helped me with my desire to stay AF. I hope I have been able to give you back something in return.
                        Take care.
                        I finally got it!
                        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                          Newbies Nest

                          12 Weeks, Hipster, that's excellent!

                          I know what you mean abut the gym - I kept going back to sleep this morning but I had already arranged to meet my personal trainer so couldn't back out.

                          I'm not sure what to do today. It's the last day of the school term and I am not sure whether to dash round like a mad thing and get things done or take a relaxing day for myself! The latter is sounding good.

                          Got to say, I am really enjoying this AF free life. I have not done any huge amounts of days - 11 is the most. But I have certainly drunk ALOT less since the end of Jan.

                          It's beginning to feel normal to not drink during the week. (Still struggling at the weekends.) It's beginning to feel fantastic not to have a hangover. I've just started on Allen Carr's book, so I am hoping for a good long run this time.

                          Have a good day everyone.

                          Spam xx


                            Newbies Nest

                            HC - CONGRATS on your 12 AF weeks :yes2: I'm very happy for you, be proud! It really makes a huge difference, doesn't it? Keep going friend!

                            spam, you are coming along nicely yourself, you sound much happier these days

                            Believe it or not, I'm still watching the Owl Box live stream that Nora posted yesterday. Very interesting stuff

                            OK, wishing the entire Nest a safe & cozy night & leaving the night light on.
                            :h Lav
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              HC- what a lovely post! Congrats on your 12 weeks-you're almost a quarter of a year AF!!

                              Lav- I took a look at that website and found it very interesting. I'll try to get back to it to read the rest of the free articles. Loved the one about Victoria's garden!! have you ever taken the retreat there? They probably don't allow dogs so it won't be an option for me although the price is right.

                              Welcome to our newest members!! You will definitely feel right at home here and will get lots of support and help.

                              Katie-you sound great girl!! You're the present day Mary Tyler Moore: You're gonna make it after all...!! Sorry if I'm showing my age here

                              time to head to bed and start Allen Carr's book. Hoping to get at least one chapter in before I nod off.
                              Night Night everyone!!
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Everyone!

                                Hippy, I respect your attitude regarding being proud of being here. You should be!

                                Lav and Rusty - I agree - What this country needs is more free speech worth listening too. I don't listen to people who know all the answers.

                                Yep RW - I succumbed to feminine wiles again - I guess I should've learned from Margarita Mary! Ha. But this one was cool and I was okay with two beers over dinner and a 3 and a half hour conversation. I just wish I would gone straight to bed when I got home. you're right - something to learn from.

                                NoraC - glad you're aboard. Hang in there with the depression. Al won't help that you know. I used to think my depression was caused by al - but now I know that it's the other way around. I'm trying to figure out a way to fix that now. Lav's suggestion of Amoryn has helped me.

                                UKblonde and Miim - hello and welcome. You can make it to tomorrow in one piece. It's gonna get easier -- you'll see. Hang around - there's a great bunch of people here - we don't judge - we just help each other. If you have questions just ask.

                                Hi KatieB, spam, mamab, papmom and everyone else. You sound great!

                                Happy birthday Coco - enjoy the holiday too.

                                Take care.
                                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -

