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    Originally posted by LavenderBlue View Post
    I stopped what I was doing and was trying to figure out where all THAT came from, and I realized that I was crabby because of my wrist, bored, and a few things hadn't gone quite right. Normally

    It doesn't sound like much, but for me it was really a step forward as far as making myself really *think* about why I was craving instead of just trying to push past it, if that makes sense? Pushing past is good sometimes, too, don't get me wrong; but I tend to either ONLY think about stressful things or block them all out as fast as I can. So it felt good to know I can sit with some of those feelings long enough to...well, long enough to really feel them, I suppose.

    I'm glad I'm coming at things sober now, it really is the only way I'm going to actually get the fresh start that I want and I know I deserve.

    And Pav, glad your son is ok!
    Great stuff Lav B. You sure do deserve the very best and you are taking action and going for it.

    For me, sitting with my feelings and acknowledging why i get an impulse to drink/get numb is very useful and helpful. Knowledge is power. Sometimes i have had no idea why i had a craving, and not understanding it caused me to feel a little helpless. I haven't always known why i drink either, but i'm getting better unpacking the reason/s and when i pull that craving/thought apart, it helps me to understand where it's coming from, and that i don't have to necessarily act on it just because i am thinking it, and my body chemistry/taste buds are wanting it. I know i can sit with these feelings, acknowledge any pain, and let them be and drift on. If i am dwelling on painful feelings/thoughts/memories, i am careful how i dwell and for how long. I will dwell on them and give them my time, and i will try to focus on the connection to me wanting to get wasted and where that leads me. What do i want in the big picture? Sitting with my feelings helps to take the fear away for me, because i can begin to understand the connection between negative thoughts/feelings, and the desire to get numb.

    But for some of us, it is too painful to sit with our thoughts/feelings/memories and so we block them out immediately. I don't know which way is healthier, but for me, it seems that acknowledging my thoughts, negative and positive, and feeling safe in the knowledge i don't have to act on the negative ones is a useful habit i'm trying to learn.

    But my headspace isn't as uncomfortable as my post might sound! I am generally fairly cruisey and positive and not a big worrier.

    Well done Lav B!

    Well lookey here. Smokin chilli sauce. It's day 90.

    Have a gr8 week out there Nester's.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Originally posted by Soft Focus
      Pavati - glad to hear your son is ok. It must be difficult to watch but it's an important part of growing up that I guess we all have to go through.

      I'm ok-ish. Am feeling a bit negative at the mo and although I have no intention to drink I'm aware that getting myself into that head space might end up there so thought it would be helpful just to write it down. I'm hoping it's just the cold I have just now, but think these thoughts have been lurking around for a few weeks now. No particular reason, just low level boredom and frustration seem to be leading down a bit of a self-pity path. Just a dose of the blahs I think, but don't want it escalating to the feck-its!

      Lots of love

      Hi SF.

      That would signal danger up ahead for me. Especially any talk/thoughts of boredom. Do you need to shake it up a bit? e.g. the boredom. I was yapping to a mate yesterday and we were talking about the need to get out of our comfort zone sometimes for life to change. I sure need to keep an eye on my progress and keep little challenges a comin'.

      Have a rippa of a week my friend.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        I was talking to someone about boredom and drinking the other day! I took a couple snaps of my closet, I have 100's of necklaces I have made and and 2 drawers full of scarves I have knitted. I am always doing a little something to keep my mind occupied and off YOU- KNOW-WHAT. About a month ago, I started messing around with cake decorating and am finding I have a knack for it! In fact, over the weekend, a former classmate of mine asked me to spearhead the cakes for a 1750 person wedding they have coming up in June! I told him Ive only been doing it for a month and never made a cake over 6 inches! I was so flattered! Morale of the story? Face your fears and try new things, you may find you are really good at it! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          [QUOTE=Byrdlady;1605238 In fact, over the weekend, a former classmate of mine asked me to spearhead the cakes for a 1750 person wedding they have coming up in June! I told him Ive only been doing it for a month and never made a cake over 6 inches! I was so flattered! Morale of the story? Face your fears and try new things, you may find you are really good at it! Byrdie[/QUOTE]

          Awesome about the cake request, Byrdie! That is really a compliment....can't imagine what size cake for 1750 people! Wheeeee.....

          I agree about trying new things.....keeps life interesting!
          Trying to do that also. Taking a class at the local community college starting this week. Haven't been in a school in a long, long time! :egad:
          Kicked AL to the curb November 9, 2014!


            A New Page, I can't imagine what sort of monstrosity of a cake this bride has in mind. From what I have read today, there is usually one central cake and then sheet cakes for the balance. I told the guy if he could use 200 little 6 inch cakes, I was his girl, otherwise, he better get a pro!
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Ooh the mental picture of all those tiny cakes made me laugh out loud.....which caused all three dogs to come over and check what I was up to .....
              Kicked AL to the curb November 9, 2014!


                Good evening Nesters!

                This day turned out OK, all family members home where they belong
                Still way too cold, no sign of spring yet.

                Byrdie, I stopped doing embroidery for the brides & bridal parties - talk about fussy, picky, nervous brides, ha ha!!! I couldn't imagine attempting to please one with cake

                G, Congrats on your 90 AF days :yay:
                Keep yourself in positive mode & keep looking forward. Dwelling on all the yesterdays keeps us stuck there & gets us no where!

                Greetings to everyone & sending wishes for a safe & cozy night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
                  Well lookey here. Smokin chilli sauce. It's day 90.
                  You go, G!!! That's just awesome.
                  "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                    Congrats G on 90 days, that's pretty awesome!!!


                      Onya for 90, G!


                        (That was my attempt at Aussie slang. How'd I do?)


                          Whoot Whoot for you Guitarista - 90 is fanstastic!


                            Thanks friends.

                            Perfect Pav!

                            cause i'm a day ahead being in Oz, ill be looking for 2nd helpings to more congrat's on 30th march roll call! :harhar:

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Good Monday morning Nesters,

                              G - they call that double dipping around here, Ha Ha! Congrats again!!!!

                              Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day & week ahead

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Aussie, aussie, aussie.....Oy, oy, oy!!!

                                Mr. G, congrats on your 90 days, we are SO happy for you. I imagine you picked up your trophy over on Roll Call, but just in case....

                                Keep up the great work! We depend on you!!

                                Off to the big city today for a trade show and a class. If anyone has a gig of watching paint dry, I'll trade ya. I'll be home Thursday.

                                Hope everyone has a great week, one day at a time!! Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

