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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello Nesters!! Having a better day today. Thanks for the good thoughts. Time for bed so just a quick note.

    Tranq - You are so right. The last thing I need is to add alcohol to my system when I'm depressed. What a mixture. Took me long enough to figure that one out.

    Lav - Glad that you are enjoying the Owl Cam. I think it's great! Thanks for that link. I'm going to check it out.

    Spam - I agree about enjoying the AF life. Who would have known? :H

    Papmom - I absolutely loved The Mary Tyler Moore Show!!!! Remember her throwing her hat in the air?

    Hippy - Congrats on 12 weeks sober!!!!!:goodjob: And by the way....I've been meaning to tell you for a long time. For my husbands birthday, I gave him a sign that says "An Aging Hippy Lives Here with His Flower Child". So, I'm really a Hippy Chick too.

    Katie - You sound great! Good job on Day 5.

    Coco - Dang! I say dang all the time. Isn't that ok? And by the way - I'm 99.9% in for April.

    Miim - Sorry you fell in the wine barrel but we are here to pull you out. Here grab a hand! :l We have all be in there before and we know that it's no fun. So, grab hold.

    UKblonde - I read your post about disposing of the bottles. Been there...done that! Congratulations on making a commitment to yourself. :goodjob:

    Runningwind - Big hugs to you. Guess we both had the blahs huh? Wow! You worked with birds of prey?!? I'm glad that you enjoyed the Owl cam too. I hope that you are feeling better.

    Fennel - One of my best friends lives in Dane. I have been there once & it's beautiful.

    Rusty - How are you doing? Haven't talked to you in a bit.

    Mama - My dear sis! How are you doing?!?!? Is the Topamax getting any better?? Did you talk to your Doctor about the side effects?

    Violet, Molly, Spirit, Mazzie, Sophie, and all the other Nesters.......I must go to bed. I can't believe it is so late!! I must get some sleep so I can get up & get the coffee on for the Nest!!

    Night all!!!! See you in the morning.
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Newbies Nest

      Just checking in, because my ex has arrived to spend time with the kids and I don't want to spend time with him, as he stresses me out.
      Hey Hippy, congrats on all those AF days and don't let the stalker get you down. Maybe some people get off on scaring people.
      Not a great day today. I got home and found my wee fur child (Foxy x Tibetan terrier) having a seizure. I thought he'd been poisoned, but there was no real sign of that and the vet reckons he must be epileptic. Once I got home and compared notes with the family I found he'd had one in February when I was away, and my ex had seen him have one just before Christmas. Hope it's not going to become too regular. He's my baby, not to mention the only one who's excited when I suggest a walk!
      Feeling strongish for the April challenge. I've decided there is no perfect moment. It's easier to stay on track when you are happy and determined, but there is always stress and difficulties that can throw you, so better just to get on with it.


        Newbies Nest

        Dancing On-sending mega pings across the "other" Pond for your furkid to feel better. Hopefully the vet can prescribe antiseizure meds for him and he'll live out his life to the fullest. My now 17 yo cat had seizures around 9 or 10 years ago and I freaked. My vet said there was nothing to do unless they became regular. Because they were so infrequent, we couldn't get a handle on it. In one of my cat forums there was a thread going about Febreeze causing seizures. It just so happened I had been using it a lot since it was around the holidays and I was having family over and trying to make the house smell fresh (this was pre dogs but still the house I thought smelled like cat). I stopped using it and he never had a seizure again. Could be coincidence. I have no idea if they've changed their formula or not but I refuse to use anything like it. Won't even use any cleaning products on my floor-use a steam cleaner. Anyway, thought it was worth mentioning. Please give him a hug from all of us in "Mickeyland" and use what you've learned here to deal with that stress and the stress of your Ex being there.

        Morning Everyone!! Quickly popping in. Determined to get to work on time today!! Have a good one!! :l
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Newbies Nest

          Hi everyone. Thanks for all your congrats. I like the thought of a quarter of a year Papmom.
          Nora - my fellow hippy chick/flower child... LOL I am a bit young to be a hippy but I always wanted to be. Long hair....flowing kaftans... burning my bra ... free love.... I think I must have seen Woodstock or Monterey when I was really young and it has made an impression on me. I thought I wanted to be Janis Joplin when I grew up until I read a biography on her and changed my mind.
          Dancingon - I hope your furkid gets better soon. They bring so much joy to our lives, it's almost as hard as when our human kids get sick.
          I love hearing about what you lot have done in your lives. Birds of prey, wow, I've never thought about having that as a hobby. You are all opening my eyes to a bigger world. And remind me of things I hadnt thought about for years... Mary Tyler Moore, I remember that show. I loved it.
          Well, my good news is I have talked myself out of the fear and booked that cruise! By the time it comes around I will be one year sober and will be able to cope with an AF holiday. So if anyone wants to join me, we are leaving Melbourne on 16th january for a two week cruise around New Zealand...
          Gotta go cause i am going to show my husband how to use his ipod that I got him for Christmas. We are going to download some music from Itunes.
          Take care and have a good night/day.
          I finally got it!
          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters,

            We will be having a lovely, real Spring day today, sunny & 76 degrees - purrrfect

            I have to admit I have no experience with birds of prey - just my 16 or 17 hens. I sometimes have to coax them out of the nest boxes so I can collect eggs. They're not always thrilled when they see me coming

            HC, now you have a wonderful vacation to look forward to.....nice!! I still have never been on a cruise. I did do a river boat cruise through Germany with a friend 12 years ago - that was very nice!

            Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Morning everyone.....

              Coffee is on. Soup for breakfast (sorry - it is cold here & I need to warm up). Diet coke in the fridge (even though I'm cold - I must have my Diet coke )

              Dancing - I hope your furkid is much, much better now. That is so scary when they are sick. Sending good wishes.

              Papmom - You made me laugh...I'm determined to get to work on time today too!! So, I am going to get moving!!!

              Hippy - I knew that you were young. So, I have been meaning to tell you that because I knew that you would get a laugh out of it. I am 4 years younger than hubby so that sign was just perfect for him. He has grown his hair long and it is in a ponytail now. He has gone into his second childhood. :H We are hippies.
              I'm really glad you booked your cruise!!! Good for you!!

              Lav - Enjoy your day. You are having better weather than we are. Wow - hens. Cool. Hubby always wanted a chicken. We live in a city. What was he going to do with a chicken in our backyard?

              Well - I am going to get to work on time. So, I've got to run. Our poor Kitty is about to have kittens. We are normally very careful and have all our pets taken care of. We waited too long with her and she got pregnant. So, kittens are going to be born soon. I'm not sure that she is going to know what to do. We have had other cats that have had kittens over that past 32 years and had a couple litters where the mothers just didn't know what to do. One mother wanted to have the kittens while she was sitting on my lap. I think this cat might be the same way. So, we have to watch her closely.

              Enough talking.....time for work.

              Have a wonderful day everyone!!!!! Where are you Nesters????? Sleeping in?????:H:H:H
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Nora,

                Yep. I slept in until 5:30 CST. It's beautiful here in Wisconsin, sunny and warm. Have a wonderful day. You always have so much to offer me. I so appreciate you.

                Lavande, I am addicted to your posts. I read them over and over and over.

                Have a wonderful AF day!



                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Im new today on on day one of trying to be AF. Any suggestions for the early days would be most welcome. I have started on the nutritional supplements (some anyway...waiting on the postman for the others!!) and also wating for a hypnotherapy CD. Don't wnat to go down the drug route as I am already on anti depressants.....they may have a chance to actually work if i can keep AF. Great to have found this website and read teh forums.....Happy Easter everyone. Got to stop thinkiong too far step at a time I guess.........


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning, nesters...glad there's still some coffee left for me!

                    Nora, in my city we can have back yard chickens- no roosters, and we have to keep them penned up. One lady in my neighborhood has a really cool coop for hers. The "nesting" box has a roof that she lifts up for easy access to the eggs. The roof of the coop is made with colorful soda cans that have been dismantled and laid down like shingles. She made a narrow tunnel of fencing from the coop leading to a larger pen in another part of the yard. Those are some happy chickens! :H


                      Newbies Nest

                      Lovestar;831586 wrote: Hi Im new today on on day one of trying to be AF. Any suggestions for the early days would be most welcome. I have started on the nutritional supplements (some anyway...waiting on the postman for the others!!) and also wating for a hypnotherapy CD. Don't wnat to go down the drug route as I am already on anti depressants.....they may have a chance to actually work if i can keep AF. Great to have found this website and read teh forums.....Happy Easter everyone. Got to stop thinkiong too far step at a time I guess.........
                      Welcome aboard, Lovestar...this is a great place to start! My first day AF was eleven days ago. It's going to be uncomfortable, there's no two ways about it. In my case, by the third day, I was feeling a lot better.

                      I was an evening drinker- wine with dinner. Or more accurately, wine during meal prep, wine during meal, and wine after the meal. When I went AF, I purchased fancy sodas to go with my meals, then immediately took myself outside for a long walk. I drink herbal teas in the evenings now.

                      It takes a little while to develop new activities, but it's worth it when you start feeling better.

                      Stick around, and don't be afraid to ask questions. :welcome:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Welcome to nest Lovestar - Don't worry...we don't always talk about birds in here. :H I've been on a kick lately. So glad that you found this site. Everyone here is so supportive. Congratulations on Day 1. :goodjob: You are so right that the anti-depressants might help if we stop drinking. Did you get L-Glutamine? I found that really helped the cravings? Doesn't help everyone but sure helps me.

                        Good morning Rusty. Didn't sleep in long. Wow!

                        Fennel - Don't think I'll tell hubby about that chicken coop. He'll be out building before I leave for work. :H:H

                        Oh my gosh.......I can't believe I'm running late. That is more typing this morning.

                        HAPPY AF DAY!!!!!!
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Newbies Nest

                          C'mon, Nora...think of all those farm fresh eggs you could have! Plus, the chickens can help rid your yard of pesky insects! I think you and hubs should start collecting cans for the roof right now! :H


                            Newbies Nest

                            [QUOTE=Lavande;831356]spam, you are coming along nicely yourself, you sound much happier these days


                            Awh. Lav - That's a really kind thing to say. I have tried to keep my problems outside the nest, which may mean you're reading my other posts. I am determind to post on here whatever my mood.

                            Thanks to everyone for listening to my ramblings. It looks like you're all getting up but it's already into Friday am here by 40 mins, so I am off to bed.

                            Nora - A coffee, Coke zero and a croissant with cheese would be perfect for brekky,

                            Night all
                            Spam xx


                              Newbies Nest

                              DAY 1 APRIL CHALLENGE

                              Good Morning Everyone!

                              Happy April 1 - the first day of the April challenge (and this is no joke!!).

                              I hope everyone is strapped in (nest-belts thoughtfully provided by Lav) and ready to rock!

                              Good luck everyone!

                              Coco :h


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Mid Day Birdies
                                I am at work losing my mind but that is nothing new....grabbing a quick bite to eat at my desk and checking in
                                sounds like everyone is good....coco I am still holding on to your beak......
                                Welcome Lovestart....come hang out with the rest of us goofy birdies...
                                Hey Lav, Fennel, Sweet Rusty, Sister Nora, Sophie, Pap and everyone else
                                I am frustrated with the Topamax but sticking to my guns....
                                Thanks to Miss Clairol I am blonde, so it's natural that I act like a dingbat...I can't remember shit!!!!!!!
                                BTW...I spoke with Debbie at River Pharmacy and she is a WONDERFUL resource!!!! She is a recovering alcoholic and was so helpful and is passionate about helping women acheive sobriety.
                                I highly recommend anyone with questions about supplments or meds give her a call.
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

