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Newbies Nest

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    Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
    Lav, I'm not sure which ones you used....
    I would think the first link would be the one for us. Some of the other ones get into sleep issues, which (knock on wood) went away shortly after I quit. Lav may be able to add more, but I even went so far as to ask a guy what used to be here and isn't now if he would sell his set and he declined, saying that he knew he needed to quit again and would need them. B
    I just ordered from the first link as it looked newer, more comprehensive. Thanks for the recommendation.
    Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
    Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

    Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

    Go forward boldly and unafraid


      Yep - every time I have left MWO, it's been a disaster. I want to reiterate what NS has said. Stay very close, post often and use MWO as your lifeline, but cultivate friendships outside of MWO too. In the past, when I have gone MIA, a few loving people here have tracked me down, and brought me back to my senses. It's a good plan Those wonderful people have saved my life on more than one occasion. (I was a hard case) Stay sober all. I know it's a cliche - but if I can do it, anyone can. I had to lose almost everything before I quit. Not advisable. But now, I have my life and dignity back, and those I love trust me again. It's an incredible feeling.

      Hanna, you mentioned fast-forwarding one year. This is what you can look forward to. I'm not quite to the year mark yet, but life is amazing. I spent Easter with my family yesterday, and my youngest son, who I was estranged from for years due to my drinking, was very affectionate and loving. It just doesn't get any better. Are there bad things happening in my life? Yes. But I'm able to deal with then now, rather than numbing myself with AL.

      I am forever grateful to everyone here who has helped me get to this place. I'm living now. Not existing. When we drink - we exist. When we are sober - we live. There is a huge difference.

      Stay strong. xx
      Last edited by MossRose; April 6, 2015, 06:21 PM.
      Everything is going to be amazing


        Howdy nesters.

        A client today was talking about getting some money returned to him and he said

        him: alright $1800 that I can spend on booze and cigarettes and I don't smoke or drink but it sure sounds fun
        me: I used to do both and it's not that fun
        him: ah, sure it is, I used to do both too until I was falling down, in fact that's how I used to put out my cigarettes, I would just fall on them

        The easy way to quit drinking?:


          Good evening Nesters,

          I put in a marathon 9 hour day with my grandsons, oh boy! No way I could have done that with a hang over

          Fin, there was only one set of CDs available when I purchased them 6 years ago, the original set. I loved them, especially the Clearing CD - really help me get rid of the BS in my head & learn to relax without AL. Worth every cent, believe me!!!
          Your plan sounds good!

          Overit, I sure hope your client was kidding - that's sounds like a dangerous plan, damn.

          MR, none of us will ever have 'perfect lives' but the benefits of living AF are BIG
          I'm so happy your son has shown you some love.

          Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            A quick check in tonight, just finished a 16 hr day. Wiped out but, still committed. some good ideas here.
            NS and Pav I will get back to you on those questions, they do need to be answered, if only for myself. Fin gave it go. I need to do the same.
            Off tomorrow, will check in.
            Cowboy, great idea on the new thread.
            Thanks for all the support everyone!
            Back in the am---V


              Mr V, I love your avatar.

              Just finished filing my taxes. Arrgh. Very painful but glad to get it out of the way, and I didn't owe as much as I thought I would. I'm also reminding myself how much $$$ I'm saving these days by not drinking. It adds up quickly and there's no IRS deduction for it.

              It's so great to see Fin, Daisy and all the other faces pop up in the nest. Passing the velcro your way.

              Nighty night.
              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                Hi Nesters,
                Does anyone know who the correct person to contact is regarding billing/subscription issues?
                AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                  Hi, Nest:

                  Quick drop in - a lot of sports tonight in my house. Big Badgers fans (boo, Duke) and big baseball fans, too - we love opening day. I'm late to bed...

                  Some good reflection here. Fin, I think you said what would happen to me. Even if I never got drunk again and could have two a day (which is over the "moderate amount," I would take up WAY too much of my brain thinking about drinking. No thanks!

                  SFx - I like your advice to Daisy. Being free from alcohol is not something to endure - it is something to celebrate.



                    A link i found on good ole facebook today and not a bad read for us alkies, hope it works!

                    Delve into the concept of the Disease Model of Alcoholism, exploring its controversies and acknowledging alcoholism as a chronic, lifelong condition requiring management.
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Up late as I had pick-ups to do for my daughter at 3am. Glad to be able to do it. Still look a bit rough butgonna change that today. Time for a shower and a tan! Always lifts the mood. I haven't taken any medication for days now and feel ok.
                      This is my day to get my plan on paper and have it set. I will be staying in the's where I need to be for me right now.
                      Have a great day everyone...Daisy is going nowhere!
                      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                        Good Tuesday morning Nesters,

                        Cloudy & damp here today, oh well!

                        Daisy, I'll look forward to seeing you here each & every day. It only takes a few minutes to check in & it's such a helpful tool!

                        Jane, I hope someone can answer your subscriber issue question.

                        Greetings to all, have a great AF Tuesday!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Hi nesters

                          Woke up feeling strong about not drinking, but very sad. Woke up to a dream that I was with my husband, the woman at work he has shared our (my?) shit with, her husband, and another couple. Somehow, she and I ended up alone together and she was trying to suggest I drink. She said how much better it would be to drink instead of eating dinner.mi said to her " you know I can't drink. You know my issue as my husband has told you everything!" And walked out. Not a very elusive dream. I woke up crying. ugh.

                          Well, life is going to be very up and down emotionally. I am trying to shake off the dream and my mood and get positive. I feel very committed to not drinking, WHATEVER is coming my way.
                          Trying very hard to stay positive, but it is awfully tough. Keeping ridiculously busy, which I guess is good, but to do so and not be around drinking means I am either at work, the gym, the movies, or the mall. Too hard to be home. Any suggestions of things to do?

                          Have a great Tuesday.


                            I am not going anywhere Lav...think I should get an i-phone so I can check in here at any time. One months drinking would cover that cost. An investment for my future!
                            IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                              Originally posted by jane27 View Post
                              Hi Nesters,
                              Does anyone know who the correct person to contact is regarding billing/subscription issues?
                              Contact Kelly Strong at She will get right back to you!!

                              Wishing everyone a happy day! Being free from addiction goes a really LONG way in doing that. Do whatever it takes to break free of this horrible opponent.

                              MindPeace, Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Good morning, Nesters. Seems a little quiet in the nest-hood after the flurry of activity over the last few days. Stay with it, especially those on Day 3. The dip after the initial "I've gotta quit" impetus wears down can be a vulnerable time. Remain strong and focus on your plan. Distract yourself if necessary. Take a walk or dance along with videos in your living room, paying no attention whatsoever to the dog's stunned expression.

                                Loving the Northern Cali rain this morning.
                                "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells

