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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thank you for the nest!

    Im new today and in day one AF. Starting on ther supplements and ordered hypnotherapy CD so feeling abit more positive. Need to stop thinking ahead too much and day at a time just doesn't sit well with me and when the boredom sets in thats when i want to reach for the vino. But alas, I cant do it to myself or my kids anymore. Any suggestions would be most welcome. Thanks for the it:thanks:


      Newbies Nest

      April 1st sounds like a good start for AF me

      Hello all, I did drink last night but I am in for the April AF challenge!:thanks:


        Newbies Nest


        The secretary wasn't in yet this morning. I answered the phone. "Good morning. The Smith Company". Someone asked to speak to one of our employees. So, over the loudspeaker to all 45 employees I paged----------"Good morning. The Smith Company". I got the giggles so bad. :H:H:H I finally paged again and said "April Fools". Finally someone else had to page the employee. I couldn't stop laughing to actually page the person.

        And how is everyone else doing today?
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Newbies Nest

          Hi everyone, just a quick hello as really tired. Hope april started well for you all. Well done on the giggles Nora!
          Chat tomorrow...


            Newbies Nest

            hi Sis Sophie
            sending you hugs and kisses!!!!
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              Newbies Nest

              7 pm here Nesters, such a nice day

              Nora, I lived the first 49 1/2 years of my life in a suburb just outside Philadelphia. We moved South about 45 miles to cow country almost 7 years ago. I have a 2 1/2 acre mini farm going on here :H The chickens are a new hobby! They are a lot of fun, very educational too. I've learned that you do NOT need a rooster around. We got rid of that mean SOB a few years ago. The backs of my legs were always covered in bruises - he didn't like me. I take good care of my hens & they give us lots of fresh brown eggs.

              Fennel, your neighbor's chicken coop sounds very cool What we did is buy an Amish built shed, had them install a hatch so the girls can go out into their fenced area as they please. We divided the shed to use half for storage & the other half for living quarters for the girls. We installed homemade nest boxes & a roost. Not bad for a couple of life long city folk :H

              Hi Rusty, hope you had a good day!

              Hi & welcome Lovestar! Please find yourself a comfy twig & settle right in with us! I can tell you from personal experience - AD & AL do not mix :no:

              spam, post whatever, whenever you want!! If we all waited to be in a good mood too post there would be nothing here to read!!!

              Coco, hope that nest belt is snug - we're moving forward!!

              I'll be back a little later, I need to go chase the 'girls' inside before it gets too dark!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Evening Everyone!
                Well, the sun FINALLY came out this afternoon!! You've probably seen on the news the devastating flooding that has swept New England. I am safe thank goodness as I live on a hill and away from rivers. Unfortunately where I work is on a hill too so there was no excuse to work from home this week :upset:!!
                My agility class was cancelled for tonite so I was able to get home early to walk the boys and it was great. So nice out.
                All day today I felt so witchy. Just wanted to bite everyone's head off!! I worked out at lunch as usual but it didn't seem to help. On the way home I kept thinking about good old vino and feeling that buzz one more time and getting numb. But I knew how horrid I would feel tomorrow morning and I knew I wouldn't stop at 1 or 2 nor would it help me figure out what I was feeling. But still, I wanted to sooooo bad!! Then I remembered I hadn't taken my L-glut yet so I popped those(without water-blech) and popped a piece of gum in my mouth. Those 2 things and taking the route home that didn't pass the liquor store did the trick. Plus walking the boys LOL. Another crisis averted. Whew!!

                Lav, I would love to have chicks in my yard but I'm afraid the boyz would consider them lunch,dinner, breakfast etc LOL that plus I do live in a city. I long for the day I can move to the country before I get too old to enjoy it.

                :welcome: Lovestar. We're here to help so post away and ask your questions. Everyone does it a little differently but we're all heading towards the same goal: sobriety and a better life.

                Hope everyone had a great April 1st. Did you all catch the Google April Fools Joke? head on over to Google. It was pretty funny.

                Looking forward to a great weekend and Easter celebration. Weather should be awesome here and I do believe I will head to the mall after work tomorrow and buy myself a new Easter outfit. It will be the first one in decades and since I'm saving $240 a month by not buying wine, I think I can swing it LOL!!
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Everyone sounds chipper today.
                  Thanks guys. Today my furkid is a ball of barely suppressed energy. On April 1 the beach opens to dogs until October, so it was great to go down there and run around. The vet said the same as about your cat, Papmom. Unless they get very frequent or severe they won't do anything because the meds can have serious side effects. Apparently some dogs have seizures when their blood sugar gets low, so I must watch that, also if they eat slug pellets, lead poisoning and some say the preservatives in pet food can all cause seizures, but we'll probably never know and he'll probably live to be a happy old man.
                  Lovely day here for Good Friday. The house is clean, the washing is done and the kids are just sitting down to watch a DVD. No shops open here today, so even if I wanted to I couldn't go get any wine. I don't want to either. Feeling good.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Mama Bear - hope you didn't lose your mind completely!!!

                    Lovestar - stick with us, we'll help you through the tough times

                    Miim, we've got our fingers crossed for you. Make the commitment!

                    Nora, giggles are good

                    Sophie, hope you are well!

                    Papmom, you should be here to see my 100 lb. Swissy grab a hen & return her to the yard (after someone forgets to latch the gate) She's a regular retriever.....never hurts the hens!

                    OK, time to call it a day. Wishing everyone a cozy, AF night in the Nest....leaving the night light on for all late arrivals (Tranq).

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Have a great Easter everyone!
                      Luv Chook


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters!

                        Hippy - I know what you mean about Janis' life - but I still get chills everytime I hear her sing Bobby McGee. So sad that her and Jimi died before their primes.

                        Lovestar - you have a great start with the supplements and CD. The first few days require just your determination to start a better life, and before you know, it will be happening. Hang out here whenever you'd like - join in and ask any questions. Welcome. About boredom: "The cure for boredom is curiosity -- there is no cure for curiosity." In my early days I spent a lot of time on this site, reading posts in all the various forums. There are pages and pages of interesting threads. A lot of wise people, who've been where we want to go, are hanging around and sharing their knowledge here. It is a wonderful resource.

                        Hi Chook - happy easter to you too!

                        Hi papmom, mamab, spam, RW and all.

                        Take care!
                        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                          Newbies Nest

                          Afternoon everyone. Have had a ho-hum type of day today. Nothing is open so have been trying to find things around the house to do. Feeling a bit sore today. I have an inflammed stomach lining which is giving me hell. We thought it was originally because I drank too much but as I havent had a drink that throws that theory out the window. Just waiting for the medication to kick in as it is rather uncomfortable.
                          Nora/flower child. Sounds like you had a laugh at work with the paging. Has your cat had the kittens yet? I just love kittens.
                          Lovestar - welcome. Sounds like you are well on your way to getting and stay sober. Boredom is my big trigger too. Even now when I am bored (which is often cause I am too lazy to do something about it) I think I might just get drunk to relieve my boredom. Good luck.
                          Fennel - you are sounding strong and are doing all the right things. Good on you.
                          Chook - hi there. Nice to hear from you. Hope you are doing OK.
                          Tranq - Bobby McGee gives me goosebumps too. My husband and I have been downloading music from Itunes all day and have gone back to the 70's. Wow, there was some good music then, hey?
                          Lav - you have done what I would love to do. Move from the city/suburbs out into the bush. I would love to have a little cottage in the middle of a few acres to run chooks, dogs, let the sheep/goats mow the grass for me, grow fruit and vegetables. AAhhh what a lovely dream. One day.......
                          Hope everyone is having a easy day and dont forget to come here when you need to.
                          Take care. xx
                          I finally got it!
                          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                            Newbies Nest

                            A good day here in the Spam household. Out this morning at an Easter festival, a bit of time on the beach then home for a relax this arvo.

                            No thoughts of AL this evening. I have rediscovered my pregnancy drink - grapefruit juice and soda. Very yummy and certainly not sweet. (Unfortunately, I forgot to stop drinking this when I was breast feeding. Poor son did not have a good tummy! But that was along time ago.)

                            Lav - The country dreams sound great. I suggested to hubby today that we sell up and go off in a campervan!

                            Hope everyone is having a safe Friday. Catch up soon.

                            Spam xx


                              Newbies Nest

                              spam, grapefuit and soda sound yummy, im gonna try that.
                              i have my birthday coming up. ive been planning for over a month how im gonna do it sober. i still dont know what im gonna do but one thing i do know is im not going to drink. no way i want my downfall to be on my birthday. when i first started thinking about it, it seemed an impossible thought but now it is just not an option.
                              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                              Keep passing the open windows


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi everyone

                                Im starting out today. Its the first time Ive admitted to myself I have a terrible problem.
                                I cant belive Ive found this site, someone must be watching out for me.

