Londoner, hope things brighten up for you know they can and you know it just takes that first step. Be gentle on yourself.....
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Newbies Nest
Narilly, you give me hope. So happy for you, especially after being here so long. You have wanted this all that time....congratulation!
Londoner, hope things brighten up for you know they can and you know it just takes that first step. Be gentle on yourself.....IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!
Narilly. Congrats on a year! That is fantastic!
Feeling really blue. What else is new (sigh). I know this is not a marriage site, but I have no where else to share. Living in limbo is just killing me. I woke up again this morning literally sobbing from whatever my dream was. Anyway, guess that's it. Not drinking. Just hating my life right now. Ok. Just needed to vent. Thanks
Morning nesters
Brrrr bit chilly here this morning. First Monday i have woken in a long time and felt happy about it, oh thats right i am on holidays in 3 days.
Congrats Nar on a year, you be proud today girl, not many make it to a year and that is a wonderful achievement. I hope you do something really special. It felt like xmas when i celebrated a year of being sober. xxxxx
London, why drink if you feel like you do? Is it in the house? Do you drink when you go out? Its sticking out like "dogs balls" that you need to glue yourself to MWO or to get outside help. You can do this, you know you can, i know you can. Pick a date and go for it! There is no reality when we drink, its not our life, it is a living hell where we exist. Take al out of the equation and our whole outlook changes for the
LavB great work on 8 months, no looking back now.AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Dutch 5 weeks? Lav Blue 8 months? Narilly 1 year? Holy moly! Jumpin Jalapeno's!
You all RAAWK! Congratulations friends.
Another fab week ahead because i'm living sober. That's kinda real nice.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Nar - congrats on a year!! I'm inspired. I can't wait to join that club. Dutch and LavB, way to go. I second G's sentiment. You both rock!!
I had a decent day today. It was pretty outside, so I got in the garden and pulled lots of weeds. Our plot hasn't been gardened in many years, so it's a mess - but I love a challenge. Plus, it was nice to spend some time with my mom. And the physical exercise helped my mood.
I still have a bit of a psychic hangover from last night. I really let my emotions get the best of me, and I apologize. I realize that loneliness is a state of mind, so I will be working hard on that. It's up to me. I'll try not to make such dramatic posts in the future.
Take care all. I have an apple pie baking in the oven and it's just about done. I want to take it to work tomorrow. It sure smells good in here.
MossRose, better to get it out! Glad you're feeling a little better.
Had the talk with my niece. She did not want to see me but it went very well. Talked about respect for herself and for my mum. She said she will make an effort to change things. Felt sorry for her in the end. She said that she got bad parents....told her to consider me as one as well as my mum. Tolld her I loved her and we hugged.IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!
Matt M. - Almost through Day 2. Starting thinking that I wanted a drink...Stupid. But then I took your advise. I closed my eyes and envisioned what the next 24 hours would look like if I have "just 1 drinK (NOT)". It worked for now.....I DON'T want to wake in the middle of the night or next morning wondering what happened & what I said. I DON'T want to feel so hungover that I skip the gym for the umpteenth time. I DON'T want to feel the guilt. So TODAY I will not drink.
thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!
Narilly, Dutch, Daisy - congrats on meeting so many great goals, that's brilliant! And thanks for the congrats on mine, too, everyone. It really makes me smile to know so many folks are pulling for me on this and get what it's like.
It's really weird, on the one hand it doesn't seem that long and on the other hand it feels like longer. I know it's the longest time I've been completely sober since I was about 16, really puts things in perspective when I look at it that way. Definitely no turning back, now - I don't need it, I don't want it in my life, and nothing can MAKE me start up again, just have to keep plugging away at this whole "actually having a functioning life" thing!
I have been reading along, just didn't feel like I had anything to contribute. I noticed that I was still moody from things last week (plus a couple other things) though, so I've been being kind to myself and making sure I don't miss meals. I can do icky moods OR being hungry, but both at once is just making things harder than they need to be. Made an awesome meal tonight, too.First time ever making a cottage pie - think I could eat that forever and it was even a low-cal recipe!
Support and butt velcro out to everyone, and welcome to the newer members of the Nest. Being sober may not fix everything, but I've been struck this week by how much better I'm handling things now than 8 months ago. Not just with what I do and say, but how I *feel* about even crappy things in my life. Things that would have sent me into weeks-long-spirals just aren't kicking my butt like they used to, and I'm so thankful for that. Life is so damn HARD when you add drinking to the mix, at least the way I drank.I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!
Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
AF on: 8/12/2014
Good evening Nesters,
What a great day!
Congrats to LavB on 8 AF months, great work! Life will continue to improve so just stay on your plan
CONGRATS to narilly on 1 year AF :welldone:
I am very happy for you!!!!
Daisy, glad you had that talk with your niece. I sincerely hope she pays attention & calms down before any damage is done!
Glad to see so many checking in today!
Londoner, you really need to make some better choices for yourself. We all want to see you move forward & live a good life.
Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Good night, Nest.
Forgot congrats to LavB before - WHOOT!
Hanna - sorry for your struggles. Nothing that would be made better by drinking, that's for sure.
Mossy - I agree - no need to apologize - we're here for support of ALL kind.
Daisy - glad you had that talk and can be there for your niece.
G - you RAWK.
Ava - Jealous of your trip and very happy for you. What will your new beau do?
No use contemplating one drink - that's not what we want. We want the whole bottle, six pack whatever. And if you're going to have only one, why not just have none?
Off to bed.
First day back with the kids....big hugs this morning. Didn't go to my plan of getting up really early but I will work on it. Going to go for a walk with bubble hour now while 3 of the kids are in school.
I ate like a horse last night! A giant bar of chocolate, crisps, midnight feast. Damn! But, a very happy sober Monday morning! What a difference a week makes!
It is so hard to stop the drinking cycle while you are in it, but, in the same way we try to stay sober by fast-forwarding our time to see how awful drink makes us feel, the same can be done the other way around. If you have picked your start date and are struggling, sit down and play the scenario out.....imagine how good you will feel 1 day, 2 days, 3 days ahead.
For those, like myself, who have done it before, use the knowledge you gained in your previous quit to strengthen your resolve for the next one.
No quit is wasted.....there is something to learn every time. Some take longer than others.
Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!