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    Hey Eloise!
    I wish the guests would register and come talk to us!
    I honestly think the problem of AL abuse is so much deeper than people think!! No one is immune!
    Over-it, does your bag need a trim? Hope all is well (under the circumstances). Thinking of you....Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Hello (it's me back again....) But at least I came back eh? Things aren't as bad as they once were but are worse than what they have been if late and I'm sliding back into booze as a crutch. I'm a very headstrong person and once I have it in my headb that I'm alright and I don't need any support I just crack on thinking how wonderful I'm doing while what I don't actually see is how vulnerable I am and how the al just creeps up. A quiet drink last night turned into three bottles of wine most of which I drank. I can't be bothered any more ��


        SoftF, hot tea with honey, lemon or orange always soothes my sore throat and the honey actually has antibacterial properties that helps it heal. If you want something cold instead, maybe treat yourself to gelato or frozen yogurt in your favorite flavor?

        Trinity, welcome back and good for you for returning. We've all been there more times than we'd like to remember but it's a new day and therefore, a clean slate. After 3 bottles of wine, your body will be craving plenty of water, so keep it close at hand and keep on sipping it. Snuggle in, eat some good food and watch a favorite old movie. Hugs!
        "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


          Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
          Hey Eloise!
          I wish the guests would register and come talk to us!
          I honestly think the problem of AL abuse is so much deeper than people think!! No one is immune!
          So true, Byrdie! People think they're all alone but they're not. The simple act of talking about quitting & one's problems here, and being accountable to this anonymous group is the #1 factor in my so-far successful quit (almost 2 months now and going strong). There's always room in the nest!!
          "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


            I love all you cheeky sods! That's all.


              Lil, did i mention it was the best massage i have ever had and i have to walk oh 4 feet to the pools edge! NO 3 days is not two weeks, gees you sound like Dutch! (no offense Dutch)

              Kensho i think its the little things we appreciate more now. If hubs had bought you flowers in your drinking days you probably would have thought "whatever, what does he want"! We wont get into the kids drinking my af drinks! They know i dont drink so why take what is mine and my darlings are 21 and 26.

              Welcome back Trinity, i was headed to 3 bottles a night and i had to seriously consider where i was definitely headed and it was not in a good direction. Keep note that the ones that post on here daily and make themselves are accountable are the major success stories. You have to 100% dedicate yourself to becoming af. Half arsed attempts will ultimately fail. I'm on holidays and still checking in daily, i refuse to wander away and be left to my own devices.

              SF, thank you and i for one am extremely proud of you and your achievement and reaching out when needed. I recommend the honey and lemon juice but i did read on fb that pineapple juice is great also.

              Well today will be a repeat of yesterday, breaky, pool, reading, napping, perving, swimming. We went to the markets last night and they sell al with juices and soft drinks. I am so grateful i did not feel the need to wander around the markets with a beer in my hand and i dont even like beer but like you said SF it would have been so cold but just so not me anymore.

              Since mum is not drinking she doesnt seem to snore as much, a double bonus!

              Take care everyone.
              Last edited by available; April 22, 2015, 07:15 PM.
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Hi all; busy couple of days but I'm here! Mom had the day off from work and we ended up running errands together since I had to bring my car into the shop for new tires. (You guys, my tires were SO terrible!) Yesterday I was doing a bunch of cleaning so I didn't have to do it tired and actually pretty sore if you want the truth, but nice to have so much taken care of.

                Today never would have gone so smoothly while I was drinking. I would have had a spiked bottle of soda with me and tried to find ways to sneak off and gulp from it, or would have asked her to just take me home to wait for my car. I would have been cranky and on edge since it would have messed up my schedule and that always made me want to drink more. Instead, we had a really nice breakfast at a local diner and took our time running errands. One of the errands was getting mom more nicotiene gum, and we talked about quitting smoking which she's really struggling with. After we got home, instead of a drink and a nap, I had some green tea and then went back out grocery shopping for the stir fry I just cooked and ate. I also cleaned the kitchen so I wasn't trying to do that and cook all at the same time.

                It wasn't an exciting day, but it was exactly the kind of normal day that I could never manage to have while I was busy drinking. I'll definitely take it.

                And *waves at the "window shoppers"*! I hope folks visiting decide to sign in and have a chat, too. I know I was reading for a while before I got up the courage, but it was so worth it, and everyone has been so kind.

                Dila - I hope you're feeling better soon, but I sure know what you mean. At least when you're sick you know it'll only last til it's over; it's not something you're doing to yourself every day and night!

                SF - For a sore throat I'm also thinking tea (I used to have mine with honey, but I've been just having it with milk lately), but if mine is dry and I want cold with bubbles that's when I'd go for my sparkling water.

                trinity - Welcome back and glad you're here! I definitely understand being headstrong; but staying in touch with folks here has helped me stay stubborn in the RIGHT way. We're all here for you!

                *hugs* and support to everyone, I'm going enjoy sitting here on my butt for a while after all the running around!
                I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

                Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
                AF on: 8/12/2014


                  Byrd, yes the bag was looking a little rumpled so I spruced it up a bit.

                  I'm exhausted. Usually after tax season you take that first weekend and just sleep and get caught up on life. I was with my mother, 8 hour drive each way, and very little sleep. Got back just in time to come in to work on Monday. I'm really dragging. I hope to get caught up on my sleep this weekend. I'm not planning anything outside of my house. Sleep, clean and repeat. Just have to make it until this weekend.

                  When I did get home Sunday I thought I could use JUST ONE REALLY stiff drink. I even told my husband but for the first time he encouraged me by agreeing that I shouldn't "break my streak". Usually it's the other way around "you deserve it" "just one won't hurt" but of course I thought it all through especially the part when I finish that ONE REALLY STIFF drink, and want another, and another and another, end of crying about anything, fight with my husband and wake up the next day not remembering anything, etc. So, I ate and went to bed instead. No GSR here!

                  Have a great night all. I have a bathroom that needs cleaned!
                  The easy way to quit drinking?:



                    Good evening Nesters,

                    You guys have been busy - that's a good thing
                    I have completed my 3 day kid watch so I am (or should be) off duty for a few days. I need to catch up on a few thousand things around here.

                    Dila, feel better soon!
                    Trinity, 3 bottles is a lot - please take care of yourself, drink lots of water & tea, OK?

                    Lili, torticollis is a pain in the neck, isn't it? I thought you had a shoulder problem going on. Hope you get some relief soon!

                    Overit, you are burning the candle at both ends - take care of yourself as well.

                    LavBlue, we can do all sorts of 'normal' everyday things much easier with dragging our old friend AL on our backs, don't you think? You're doing great, keep going!

                    Wishing everyone a safe & peaceful night in the nest!!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Just stopping by real fast, been busy trying to get caught up on work I let slip after last weeks anxiety and stress. Feeling better stress wise, been reading a good personal development book talking about gratitude and thinking about gifts you have been given in your life. When I stopped and thought about it I am very blessed. Ironically I have been reading it to try and help my bro but I thibk I am actually getting more out of it.


                        Hi, Everyone:

                        Ellie's contemplation today on TBH (stands for The Bubble Hour in addition to the apt "to be honest" found on social media) was about having been a shape shifter - being who she thought everyone else wanted her to be in whatever moment. I didn't think I was like that, but now I do see that I was wanting to be liked so much that I sacrificed who I was. Alcohol made that possible, physically and psychologically, with the toll to be paid in guilt, shame and remorse. It feels so great to be who I am now - me - take me or leave me. I may lose a couple of people out of my life, and I may gain some as well. Either way, I am FAR more content.

                        I have to zip by today - Lil, hope you feel better, Ava - try not to relax too much. Kensho - yay for flowers.

                        Good night,


                          OK, Ava, now I really want to switch places with you, but what is "perving?" My overactive imagination is running rampant.

                          Overit, glad to see you checking in with a nice, crispy bag.

                          LavB, it's great that you're being so helpful to your mom. I quit smoking almost 20 years ago. It was hard then, and I hear that it's even more difficult now with all the addiction-producing chemicals they put in the ciggys.

                          Absolutely right, Lav! The condition is "Torti-" meaning twisted and "Collis" meaning neck. Apparently, it starts in my neck where it meets the shoulder, but most of the pain radiates out and downward through the shoulder. I made it until 7 pm without taking any pain relief meds or muscle relaxers today so I hope that's a good sign that it's on the mend.

                          Snuggling up with my 100-lb mutt for the evening's snore fest (his, not mine). Nighty, night, All.
                          "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                            Good morning Nesters, happy Thursday to all!

                            Boy Lil ~ I think I would at least take the muscle relaxer to loosen those muscles. Take care!

                            Pav, I definitely spent the first half+ part of my life being a people pleaser too. That's OVER! Now I do what I enjoy doing & am not interested in the opinions of others

                            Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday! Be true to yourself!!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Morning all! Great to see the lively discussion in the Nest! I think most MWO members peek in and read everyday, it warms the heart to see so many determined to rid their lives of AL! And this place is a great thread to get the support you need to keep trying until you get it right! Everyone here is behind you all the way.

                              Just wanted to drop in and recognize a couple of monthly milestones today. I haven't seen either of them post on the Roll Call lately, and just wanted to make sure their achievements don't go un-noticed.

                              Mstall on your 5 month milestone, and Overit on your 2 month milestone!

                              Hope everyone has a great day!
                              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                                Hubby's Moods

                                Good Morning Everyone. 6 AF day, feeling good and have lots of energy but I think my Hubby is worried. He has to go back to work in a week and will be gone for 2. Over the last couple of days he seems to be getting better toward me, we can actually have a conversation. But then night sets in and of course I can imagine what he is thinking so he is up at all hours of the night and very moody. Like he is feeling sorry for himself. I am sure it is all because of this and he relives coming home and finding me like that. That is the only thing that is brining me down and at time I think "what the hell" if I am going to be treated like this I might as well........... you know but then I think I am doing this for me and if he can hang in there things will be better. Sorry just had to vent. Have a good day.

