Lav, I love it when you get mother-hennish. It makes me feel loved.

Kherriot, if you look back through the pages of this thread you'll find that several, perhaps many of us have similar spousal issues. AL is more destructive than a giant Stay Puft Marshmallow Man walking through Manhattan when it comes to relationships. I think the old timers would tell you that it takes some time and patience to undo the damage and rebuild trust. Please don't forget that you're doing this for YOU, not for anyone else or their opinion. Stay strong no matter what anyone says or does, friend!
Pav, thanks and that's a great point about being a "shape shifter." Many of us have done that [raises hand]. I spent so many years trying to be what I thought people wanted me to be, then woke up one day and realized that I didn't know myself at all. Of course, I first turned around and blamed everyone in my general vicinity for it (LOL) but when I owned up and began working on it, it made a huge difference.
Wishing you all a happy AF Thursday.