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Newbies Nest

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    Morning Nest! Thanks for all the congrats, i seem to fly in right around my anniversaries! Cowboy - thanks for thinking of me!

    Great pic overit! Wish i would have thought to do that at the start of my journey!

    Had a great time at my nephews wedding in Dallas. I'll try to post a pic of me with my daughters. If Byrdie can learn, maybe i can too.

    Congrats to all the newbies out there. stay strong!
    AF/SF - November 23, 2014


      Just flying in to say Hi Nest!! Thanks Cowboy and all for the congrats! Seems i always stop by around my anniversaries!

      Overit - great pic! I wish i would have thought to day a pic on day 1!

      Had a great time in Dallas for my nephews wedding. I'll try posting a pic of my daughters and I. If Brydie can figure it out, well i should too.

      Oy, Brydie! You are a wonderful baker. I am not good with dough at all so i stay far away from baking.

      Congrats to all newbies out there. stay strong.
      AF/SF - November 23, 2014


        Well can't figure out the picture thing. That pic is of my sister and I. I'm the taller one, she's the one clutching onto her e-cigarette thingy and her whiskey close by. I've been trying to work on her to quit both along with her kids and husband but no luck so far.

        AND i double posted. OY!

        Running out to get some errands and shopping done. Have a great Saturday all.
        AF/SF - November 23, 2014


          Hello all - just a quick check in. Busy with work and my kids' baseball and softball games lately and so have had less time to check in but I know I need to do it more often to make sure I don't forget to make sobriety a priority! Another great reason to check in daily is so that you don't feel like you're missing updates -- reading back can take awhile after just a couple of days! Great to see all of the pictures and it sounds like everyone is doing well and staying strong. Keep it up and have a great weekend all!


            Good morning! Just checking in from the office. hopefully this will be my last weekend at work for a long while. Just....gotta.....get.....caught.....up

            Thanks for all the nice comments regarding my pics. Really, it's mainly bloating from alcohol I'm sure. Now wait until I post pics for 6/30. You'll all be running scared when I show off my guns

            Have a great day everyone.....I know I will!
            The easy way to quit drinking?:



              Well Sat. is here and I am still AF/39 and counting. To be truthful I feel like drinking b/c depression or just low mood or what has crept slowly upon me and I know a drink would pick me up today but would drop me off at the town dump tomorrow so I will resist. I have gotten a much better handle on the anxiety at this stage but my low energy and just feeling overwhelmed by everything it tough. The only solution I know is exercise and I am having a hard time jump starting it. The weather this year has not been a help (SAD) but I will sit it out till I am back in the swing of working out and riding daily. The sun is also great for me so I look forward to the improvement in the weather and myself. Today is a beautiful day and I am grateful to not be drinking. Thanks MWO and everyone for the help and support as most likely (surely) w/o this site I would be skunk drunk tonite. So off for a ride and then to work. I wish a pleasant and happy weekend for everyone.


                Nice job hypernova! I feel you man, the last few days I have been up and down as well. I actually tried lil it's visualization exercise because I have a hard time letting go of anger. It really seems like I need to be mindful and stop myself from full blown rage rather than waiting to get there and trying to relax.

                Overit you should be proud of your progress, what a huge difference not drinking has made! Very impressive. Makes me want to get on my sisters about quitting, one is getting married soon and I know she could benefit from stopping. She drinks more casually but pretty sure it's everyday, seems like it could help.

                BL if you ever want to send me a cake for no reason I'll hook you up with my address, they look delicious!

                Doing better over all, been listening to self esteem affirmations from the book I can do it! Seems like recording then and replaying them is making me more mindful of my thoughts and easier to catch a negative one. Since drinking and stress go hand in hand with me, it's important for me to monitor my thoughts.

                Hope you guys have a good weekend!


                  Morning nest

                  Great pics everyone. I happily have gained weight since my son told me i looked like a worn out crack whore though a bit of toning would not go astray.

                  I had a drinking dream last night and it was so vivid and i had the feck its to go with the dream. I just thought to myself that it was only the once and while i am on holidays so why not! I even thought of NS and Byrd (cant get you out of my bloody dreams even) but i remember i didnt stop drinking, it wasnt the one off i planned and then i felt too ashamed to tell them. not sure where that one came from but at the restaurant last night mum had a wine and i had an iced coffee and they gave me the wine. And to annoy me more, i dont even want to drink bloody al, hate the stuff.

                  Dutch the anger will fade, i remember hating the world and could not fathom why, just put it down to PMS but lasted longer so i put it down to menopause and im not even going through it! So i decided to stop blaming everything and just accept it and work through it. And as you well know people will only stop drinking if they want to, i know if i was pushed i didnt have a problem, they did! amazingly a few friends of mine have stopped also now, they figure if i can give up drinking then they can and they had no idea of how much i really drank!

                  2nd last day in paradise then 4 days of mad shopping till dropping. not looking forward to returning to reality and the cold of melbourne.

                  Take care everyone.
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Checking in, day 2 of my 2 day tour, then a couple of much needed days off starting tomorrow.

                    Browsing back a little, looks like everyone is doing well, and all these hotties posting pics! :idhitit:
                    I'd post a pic, but I'm afraid it would drive people to drinking..

                    Stay hard weirdos!
                    AF 08~05~2014

                    There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                      Originally posted by available View Post
                      Morning nest

                      Great pics everyone. I happily have gained weight since my son told me i looked like a worn out crack whore though a bit of toning would not go astray.
                      Ok I'm not going to lie, you lost me after the first paragraph, I sprayed iced tea out my nose.

                      Carry on
                      AF 08~05~2014

                      There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Glad to see so many happy reports today - we can really do this!!
                        Still way too chilly here but at least it's not snowing.

                        Ava, savor your last few peaceful day.
                        Matt, no more snarfing iced tea

                        Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Hyper and Dutch, I think those moods are just part of the process at this point in a quit,I've been googling what to expect during days 30 to 60 after quitting booze and lots of blogs come up and most of those people had the same yucky moods,but the good news is that they pass,(jeez I hope!)
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Good morning Nesters,

                            Happy Sunday to all but where is everyone?

                            Pauly, your moods will even out after some time, promise

                            Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              I'm here, just been busy! I'm starting to really notice how busy my HEAD gets when I'm busy, too. If I have a few things that I definitely want to get done, I tend to go over them in my head as if I'm going to forget. Having a list written down helps some, but I'll still think about it, more than I should I'm starting to think. Not drinking related (well, except that I'm sure I used to drink to stop thinking), just mentally going over what I'm going to wear/say/do/write and how I'm going to act over and over without even really noticing I'm doing it. I'm working on ways to settle down on that, other than just blocking it out; I think it really gets in my way since a lot of the time I'll be so tired thinking about a thing that I'll put off doing it even though that doesn't really make sense. I'm guessing I've always had the habit, but I'm positive it got worse after my really bad relationship, when I was trying SO HARD to be perfect and nothing I did was right. I'm also sure I never really addressed it at the time, just drank a lot to block it out.

                              BUT the weather is warming up here (we had another week of cold temps, boo!) so that's nice.

                              On moods, it's also seemed to me to be another part of recovery. I've heard a few folks say that and it seems that way to me. That's actually really helped me deal with those down days, remembering that it'll pass and will get better the longer I'm sober. I know I have them less now than earlier in my quit, so I'm really glad I pushed through. I try to be gentle with myself those days and remember it's ok to have down days and that the feeling really will pass given some time. It can make me nervous since I have a history of depression, but I've found if I'm patient my head will sort out again.

                              And Byrdie, love the cakes!
                              I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

                              Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
                              AF on: 8/12/2014


                                Checking in -- happy Sunday, Nesters!

                                'Tried an interesting experiment yesterday. I used to love rambling through San Francisco with my fiance. We'd start at Union Square and walk our way through shops and sights to the Ferry Building where we'd have appetizers while looking over the bay and people-watching (which, here in the City is epic). The experience used to be centered around drinking, with a different glass in every place and we'd be schnockered by the end of it. So, I wanted to see if it was still fun without the AL.

                                It was and it wasn't. Honestly, I found the conversation incredibly boring and it was one of the few times since quitting that I've felt deprived, looking around at all the other people sipping wine. But, I enjoyed my bubbly water and cappucino, and later in the evening I relaxed in the knowledge that I would wake up today feeling fine.

                                I guess I'm admitting there's a small sense of loss, giving up that wild and "happy" feeling after the third glass and actually liking conversation about football and fly fishing (OMG!!). BUT, it's so not worth all the junk that comes with it. Have any of you tried to revisit old haunts and habits without the AL? 'Curious what you found.
                                "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells

