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    morning nesters

    Well last day in Bangkok and head home on a flight that leaves at midnight so since i woke at 6am and wont sleep till on the plane (if you call that sleep) then i am not going to be real friendly when we touch down in melbourne. The kids are missing me, the dogs are missing me so i will give that about 2 days at home before they all wish i was away again!

    This holiday has been so different from the last when i was about 120 days sober. i was still in deprivation mode and my favourite past time was staring at people drinking and feeling jealous, why them and not me and now i figure it was probably due to 99% of the people not being alcoholics like i am. Today i can quite happily go shopping and enjoy a cold non al drink when i get back as damn it is humid and hot here. Mum has probably had 3 glasses of wine the entire holiday and i keep telling her it is okay to drink in front of me but i know she is so proud of me that she doesnt want to. I know i dont need to drink AT her anymore. There is no more anger and bitterness towards my mum, blaming her for how my life turned out. i am just sorry i put her through so much hell but she loves me unconditionally.

    Dutch i love those days when i have such a burst of energy and can see the results but mine are pretty few and far between now although in saying that i never did anything with a hangover except feel sorry for myself in bed until i felt like getting my next drink in the afternoon.

    SF proud of you girl at the wedding. Another first done and dusted and that is such a good feeling. The firsts are always the hardest and the most worrisome.

    Welcome kairos there is no place like being home in the nest. i still have my tail feathers so no leaving for me anytime soon.

    Well best get moving. If i have to repeat myself ONE MORE TIME! i hope deafness does not run in the family as damn i feel sorry for my kids already.

    Take care
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Well, poop. I went for my first mammogram Monday. They called me back for more images today and wound up doing a biopsy on a "mass that they're very concerned about." I just want to cry. I'm finally taking better care of my body and now it's rebelling with injuries and this incredibly scary thing.

      'Won't have any results until sometime next week so I'll be "trying not to think about elephants" for five days. Arrrgh.
      "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


        Good evening Nesters,

        I had a long day watching my grandsons but made it thru!

        Welcome back Kairos, the nest is the place to be.

        Great on the sober wedding SF & great on the sober vacation Ava

        Lil, try not to go into complete worry mode. I know dealing with the unknown is tough. We're all here hoping for the best results for you :hug:

        Wishing everyone a peaceful & restful night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Hi Everyone. I'm checking in because I'm feeling a little wobbly tonight. Not that I want alcohol or its repercussions, but I just need an escape from my relentless work schedule. I came home and had a good dinner, and am putting my kids to bed. I will look for something sweet when they are down - and remember how much I would regret entertaining the beast.

          I'm sure I'll be fine - just helps to say it.

          Have a good night - will check in more later when I get a moment. Well, actually the first moment I get I will breathe. THEN I will check in. Support to all...

          Done. Moving on to life.


            Kensho, good for you for saying it and checking in! It's exactly that behavior that will help you guard your quit. I am doing the same thing tonight after a tough day. Let's get out the nest velcro.

            Lav, thanks. You're right. There's absolutely nothing to be gained by worrying.
            "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


              Hey, LilBit - whoa, thinking of you. Please let us know any updates . . . Let the nest hold any worries you may have, if possible. Hang in there!
              Last edited by actiongirl46; April 30, 2015, 10:42 PM.


                Hi Lil! I just read your post and I wanted to send you a great big (((hug))). Try not to worry too much. You have lots of support here. I agree though... poop.

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Lil Bit, Thinking of you. The time will pass either way, so I'm also in favor of you checking the issue in the coat closet until those results are clear. We all used denial about our drinking (expertly) for years and years and years and years; now would be the perfect time to put that skill to productive use. Will pray its nothing! xo
                  AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                    Hi, Nest:

                    Sorry, Lil! That must be so stressful. Glad you checked in instead of drinking and I hope it all turns out well.

                    Amazing post, Ms Byrd. That's how it would go for sure. I have been reading more about the possibilities of stopping the progression of over drinking to alcoholism and it seems that it actually IS possible in a few people. That is a tempting fact for some newbies. But dig deeper and you will find that once it has progressed to a certain point, there is no turning back. I might venture to guess that by the time we all googled "am I an alcoholic," took the test for the umpteenth time and ended up here, we had passed that window. And who cares? I am with Byrdie. Even if I could honestly take in moderate amounts of alcohol for the rest of my life, I would always be thinking about it. Who needs that.

                    Lav, still on the hamster wheel but I think it has detached and is going somewhere great. I am doing some fun stuff at work, even if it is consuming my time.

                    Happy travels, Ava.



                      Good luck Lilbit! That sound like a pretty crappy situation. Here's hoping it all works out for you!


                        Hi all,
                        Well I made it through Day 1. It's never as bad as I think once I've committed. It's just committing in the first place that seems to take so long.
                        Thanks for the welcome back especially to Frances, Peppersnow and Lavande.
                        You guys are doing so well.
                        I had a great long trek thanks Frances but al crept slowly back as usual. Have you been al free all this time Frances? If so I'd love to know how many days I'd have had under my belt if I'd kept on going. (we were just a day apart) and I left for the trek about 67 days I think. But here I am again taking action again and that's what matters.
                        I know I'll need support from this amazing group of people and I hope to join in regularly.
                        Have an awesome day.
                        Sobriety is its own reward


                          Good morning Nesters, happy Friday to all

                          Looks like some showers moving in later today, oh well. It's May 1, April sure moved by quickly!

                          Wishing you a safe journey home Ava!

                          Kensho, Pav & all you other hard working folks - checking in here when feeling stressed has always been a huge help for me & the #1 tool in the Tool box I think!
                          Recognizing a stressful moment for what it is & proactively handling it in a healthy way keeps us safe! My #2 important tool is staying out of the feeling sorry for myself mode - never good. Learning the art of acceptance was a big deal for me. Apparently I spent the first 55 years of my life battling everything I didn't like. So you can teach an old dog new tricks!!!
                          Acceptance & gratitude for everything have been my MO these past 6 years!

                          Lil, hang in there - you have a large group of friends thinking positive thoughts for you :hug:

                          Kairos, great work getting thru day 1 - the hardest day!

                          Wishing everyone a terrific AF Friday!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Lil, my heart goes out to you on that mammo situation. I had a bad scare a few years ago and it is agonizing. I was keeping my thoughts in check until I got in the waiting room for my second appointment and some lady started talking about all the things it COULD be so by the time I got back to the dr. I was in tears. Mine turned out to be nothing but a WATCH, so here's hoping yours is, too. When situations like this pop up in my life, I vow to try and NOT WORRY until somebody tells me to. It has served me pretty well so far. I will send up my best thoughts and prayers for you.

                            Kairos, welcome back. This is the place to get sober if you want to...there is all the support in the world right here! Grab the Butt Velcro (Kensho had it last) and hang on!! That's what I did!!

                            Happy Friday,'s just another day of the week, not a ticket to BoozeVille! I've got FAMILY coming in this prepared for an earful on Monday!! :haha: They are already running later than they expected and they haven't even left yet!

                            Hugs to all, Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Ok, it's time. Time to say and mean "no thanks, I don't drink". I am tired of it. Almost everything revolves around alcohol here in my world (retired golf community) but there are others who choose not to drink, and I can too. No, nothing bad has happened. Just hate being hungover, feeling tired.

                              It's just time.

                              The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                                I'm glad to see you here, TMH :hug:.

