Actiongirl, I like your name and thanks for your wishes.
Kensho, thanks for the hugs and hope you found a good treat last night.
Jane, I hereby place these worries in the coat closet. I laughed when I read your post. How true. "Expert denial" should be on my resume and, darn it, I should get some benefit from this well-honed skill.
Pav, thank you. Yes it's stressful but I've made up my mind this morning not to let it rob me of one moment's joy and peace while I'm waiting.
Byrdie, thanks so much -- my mom and older sisters have all had scares too, so that's a good sign.
Yeah Dutch, as Roseanne Rosanna Danna once said, "If it's not one thing, it's another." I can think of much crappier situations than mine.
Woohoo, Kairos! You survived Day 1, which is really the hardest one in many ways. Welcome back, lots of water today.

Welcome, ToMy. Happy you joined. May 1 is a really cool quit date and I'm glad you decided it's time. No matter where you are, there will almost always be drinkers but I'm finding as time goes by that no one really cares what's in my glass. Plus, if they do, they probably have a much bigger problem than I do.
Last night, my overactive imagination combined Byrdie's uber-realistic relapse description with my experiences of the last 24 hours into a vivid dream. I was supposed to skate a performance piece but -- forgive me, guys -- my breasts were hanging down below my costume skirt like gonads and I was so distraught that I downed a bottle of champagne. I was so happy to awaken and realize that neither really happened. LOL!