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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi guys!

    Lonely gal - my situation seems very similar to yours - I am now a single mum of a nearly 2 year old boy; my ex husband and I separated after he assaulted me last year.. it seems so tough, but hang in there! I've been doing really well without him, and feel optimistic.. just concentrate on your child.. that's what keeps me sane! and not drinking.. you will make friends - there are ways and means.. such as playgroups - I am also joining a single with children group as well..
    Hi to Lav - good on you for making that trip to the cemetary to put flowers on your mother's grave.. that must have been quite emotional for you..
    Congrats UKblonde on Day 4! :cheering:
    Hi Nora, Fennel, mama bear, dancing on.. and to everyone else that pops in today..
    I took my son to the park this morning for 2 hours! then he had his lunch and his dad came to pick him up.. I just finished doing a huge "autumn clean" of my flat, and have pampered myself.. now im off to the shops to get some DVD's to watch for after I finish work - i'm doing just 5 hours shortly..
    On Day 7 today! :yay:
    take care all,
    Katie xxx
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



      Newbies Nest

      Good for you Katie.
      Lav, if PA means Pennsylvania, I am on the other side of the world, so will have to play with your chooks virtually. One day I'll get some more.
      Now ducks are cute, Fennel. They actually wait for you and greet you every morning, and their eggs are great for baking, if you're into that.
      Tomorrow there is chocolate and more chocolate and we're going to a fun archery event. I was very nice and invited the kid's dad, which promises to be a stressful decision, but hey, you have to try to be civil for their sake.
      My 11 year old daughter is driving me mad already with the "I'm bored" routine. It's only the beginning of the school holidays here in NZ, and we already have the DVD's and games. WE went shopping for a school bag and I ended up buying her a leopard skin (fake) bean bag for her bedroom. Everywhere we went she was asking for me to spend money on her, and much as I'd love to, it is in short supply at the moment.
      Any ideas for non-expensive fun are welcome.


        Newbies Nest


        I love NZ - it is so beautiful! i've been 3 times, to the North and South Islands.. there must be so many places you can take your daughter for little or no money - go for a picnic together, to see some waterfalls.. go for walks in the rainforests..
        Also, maybe a baking/cooking afternoon with some ready-muffin or cookie mixes.. also normally kids love craft - maybe visit a craft shop and buy lots of beads/lace/glitter etc and get her making some beautiful things! (scarfs, jewellery, or just paintings..) - though make sure its in a place in your house where the mess won't matter!
        had a great day so far.. watched a scary movie with a bucketload of choc mousse (i need to put on weight.. its dropping off me too fast from all the stress lately!).. am starting work shortly..
        take care all,
        Katie xxx
        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



          Newbies Nest

          This is my first post on this site.I came here a month ago and the stories really hit me hard. I knew I was seeing myself in a lot of these stories. I finally got the courage to admit I had a bad problem, sure I admitted I was an alcoholic for years, but never asked for help.
          I checked myself into detox last Saturday, an experience I will not soon forget, and have been AF for 7 days now. I go to group therapy 3 nights a week now as part of my treatment. I have to stay AF for 30days, attend 2-3 meetings outside group and write four exercises, mostly about how not to fail and what to do if I do relapse.
          My girlfriend totally supported my entering detox but three days later says she wants some space and not sure she can trust me now. I have to stay AF for me and not her so really I cannot blame her one bit. It will be a long road from here but I'm finally ready to help myself. No real cravings today for the first time in seven, other than getting out of detox; I had no desire to see alcohol again that day. About to fall asleep now so guess tomorrow will be 8. Full day planned which has been very helpful so far. Thanks for this forum to write what we think and give each other support, lord knows we need it.


            Newbies Nest

            Originally Posted by spuddleduck
            spam, grapefuit and soda sound yummy

            It must be an acquired taste. Do you mix them in a blender? Sort of a brown, greasy, citrus drink?

            Just kidding - couldn't help myself!!!

            Have day 2 of the April Challenge!__________________


            He He...Took me a while to work out what you were talking about!

            It's OK so long as you remember to get the lumps out!

            Spam xx


              Newbies Nest

              Coco-Nut;832047 wrote: It must be an acquired taste. Do you mix them in a blender? Sort of a brown, greasy, citrus drink?

              Just kidding - couldn't help myself!!!

              Have day 2 of the April Challenge!
              He He...Took me a while to work out what you were talking about!

              It's OK so long as you remember to get the lumps out!

              Spam xx


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning or whatever it is where you are at

                Welcome Mangrove:welcome: Great to have you here. Ask anything you want and well done on waking up to day 8.

                Dancingon, good luck amusing your daughter. If I think back to my happiest childhood memories, not many of them required big money..days at the beach, picnics, playing outdoor games till I was exhausted, pretending to camp in the back garden, baking messy cakes, swimming in the local community pool. How about you make a list of ideas and let her choose. That way it's her idea..all about the mind games:H

                KatieB, glad you pampered yourself, you deserve it big go pamper yourself some more.:h

                Mama Bear, hope you are enjoying the weekend. I went online to read up about topa and the list of side effects scared me so am trying without it. However, I believe that it has worked wonders for people so it's a tough call. Can you get advice from a doc about modifying the dose or checking if certain foods or other medications worsen the side effects? Anyway, best of luck sis:l

                Right ho, it's a beautiful day here and am meeting friends for a big walk and lunch so better go and get ready.

                Hello to everyone else and have a happy day


                  Newbies Nest

                  How quiet is it?

                  No-one's around!

                  Well, I am. Very slow today and very peaceful. Made rockets from Alka Seltzer as per my instructions in the General area.

                  Nothing much tomorrow. Mini golf and early dinner with friends. I am going to drive but I am a bit worried about the temptation to stop at the bottle shop on the way home. May take some L-Glut with me.

                  Hope everyone is off having a good AF weekend.



                    Newbies Nest

                    Spam;832412 wrote: HoI am going to drive but I am a bit worried about the temptation to stop at the bottle shop on the way home. May take some L-Glut with me.
                    Hey Spam - Stirly here... just saw your post..
                    I have a little paper set out where I can see it in moments of doubt...and it says......
                    "What would be the point?"
                    Just a thought for when you drive by the bottle shop on the way home.... really, after you've done so well, ...... what would be the point???
                    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                      Newbies Nest

                      stirly-girly;832414 wrote:
                      Hey Spam - Stirly here... just saw your post..
                      I have a little paper set out where I can see it in moments of doubt...and it says......
                      "What would be the point?"
                      Just a thought for when you drive by the bottle shop on the way home.... really, after you've done so well, ...... what would be the point???
                      That's a good idea, Stirly, I shall take a print out of my plan with me and read it in the loo before we leave.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Spam;832417 wrote: That's a good idea, Stirly, I shall take a print out of my plan with me and read it in the loo before we leave.
                        Read in the loo??:H:H That would definitely do it...:H:H
                        Have a good time and be strong....
                        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi everyone.
                          Wow, I didnt pop in this morning and now I have 6 pages of posts to read!
                          Spuddle - another April birthday! Sounds like lots of us here in the nest have birthdays coming up.
                          Lav - your lifestyle sounds idyllic! You are lucky to live like that.
                          Coco - you do make me laugh!
                          Pap - I did notice your mood as "Sad". I hope you have perked up abit. It is hard enough dealing with trying to stay sober if you are feeling sad too it makes it a huge effort. Please keep posting so we know you are OK.
                          Lonely Girl, K9Lover welcome. Please visit us often - we do have a bit of good advice to give amongst all the joking around we do.
                          Mangrove - welcome to you too. You hit the nail on the head when you said you had to do this for YOU not your girlfriend. Good luck with it all. It does get better.
                          Mama - I like the idea of us being a virtual family. Bit like the Sims only useful!
                          Hi UKBlonde - glad you are doing well.
                          StirlyGirl - you touched a nerve for me with your words. I have been trying to justify what drinking would do or add to a situation when I want to drink. I have been thinking about trying to moderate however I have been thinking just that - "what would be the point"? If I got something out of it that was positive, it might be OK. But that doesnt often happen. I cant take Topa or moderate because I LIKE THE FEELING I GET FROM ALCOHOL and if I cant get that kick, that buzz, that high... what is the point?
                          I've still got such a long way to go...............
                          Hi Katie, Tranq, Runningwind, Soph, Spam, Jolie, Maz, Chook, Meech and everyone else who pops in.
                          Hippy C
                          I finally got it!
                          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                            Newbies Nest

                            Mangrove;832263 wrote: This is my first post on this site.I came here a month ago and the stories really hit me hard. I knew I was seeing myself in a lot of these stories. I finally got the courage to admit I had a bad problem, sure I admitted I was an alcoholic for years, but never asked for help.
                            Hi Mangrove and :welcome:!! I'm so glad you finally admitted that you need help with your problem and took the appropriate steps for you. I'm sorry your girlfriend can't handle this journey you're on right now.

                            This is a wonderful place to be - I am coming up on my 1 month AF anniversary and couldn't have done it without my fellow fledglings. I was fortunate that I didn't need formal detox but that also meant I didn't have the advantage of counseling and group therapy right at my fingertips and had to go it alone until I found MWO.
                            I hope you stick around and read and post, read and post. It's very cathartic and the best part? NO JUDGEMENT!!

                            Looking forward to hearing more from you!!
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              stirly-girly;832419 wrote: Read in the loo??:H:H That would definitely do it...:H:H
                              Have a good time and be strong....
                              I'll report back when I get home!!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Everyone!!
                                Thank you HC for the concern-I am much better today!! I went shopping for a new Easter outfit last nite and put together a wonderful outfit all on sale!! A much better high than AL LOL!!! On the way home I was having horrible cravings again and couldn't figure out why now all of a sudden then it hit me-I had to ration my Kudzo and so was only taking 1/3 the dose that is recommended!!! :duh: Today I will pop into the natural food store down the street and shell out as much as I can to get through the next month or so. Probably will clean them out LOL!!
                                Today is filled with activities and I almost can't choose which to do. Suppose to be almost 80 degrees F and gorgeous!! Do have errands and of course want to take the pups for an adventure walk at a state park about 30 min away if not too flooded. One thing I was going to do but won't now is my taxes-cannot justify sitting inside for hours paying the IRS on a day like today LOL!! I still have time-just gotta get my focus going.

                                Hope everyone has a great day and I'll check in tonite.
                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

