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    Hi - checked in & wrote out some replies & never got back to it. Wrote in shorthand so can no longer read. LOL.

    Start of Day 6. Have lots going on and am not afraid to say this is getting tougher. I love how I feel except for lack of sleep. Have to be careful because in the past that is what would derail me. Have Downton Abby to keep me company during the wee hours.

    LilBit I am so sorry to hear the diagnosis. Yes, it is scary. Know there is life after the big "C". I am a 12 year survivor, and you will be too. You are strong and will beat this!

    The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


      First, a massive Thank You! to my supportive, great twig-mates! Reading your posts is like opening a bunch of gifts on Christmas morning. Armed with all these good wishes, I am ready to face the day. Here is today's attitude:
      (Click him -- go ahead!)

      This forum is so important for helping folks get through those early AF days. I promise not to derail the Nest with tons of talk about My Other Struggle. 'Will probably make another thread soon for that discussion and provide a link, so that you can pop in if you're so inclined.

      TMH, keep up the good work. When you make Day 7, you get mooned by everyone. What's not to like about that? And Downton Abbey is a great wee-hour companion, although if I see Anna's lower lip tremble one more time, I'm gonna' lose it.

      Lav, may I throw some dandelions on my fiance when The Stella attack? May I please?

      Byrdie, your guests sound like a hoot. OK, well, they don't. It's great though, how insufferable people bother one less without the AL.

      Happy Hump Day, everyone.
      "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


        TMH, it helped me to understand the biochemistry behind the sleep problems. Certain inhibitory and excitatory neurochemicals get down- and up-regulated, respectively, to cope with the effects of chronic alcohol intake, given that it is a strong depressant (otherwise the person would be asleep all the time while trying to drink!). When you remove the AL, your "calming" neurotransmitters are still low and your "exciting" ones are still high so sleeping can be a big problem. It takes time for everything to get sorted out. The important thing is, if you drink so you can sleep, you'll have to go through the same process all over again next time you decide to quit. So, you might as well get it over with. I found hypnosis apps to be very helpful for falling and staying asleep (e.g. Glenn Harrold, Darren Marks).


          What strength here! Lil, I love reading your kick-ass attitude. That and humor are great friends in tough times. Sending my best hugs your way!

          I am SO enjoying a more manageable week. I love waking up and being tired from living hard, not tired from drinking. Our week-long cloud cover might have something to do with it too. I can remember a year ago when I came here desperate - controlled by some stupid drink. Life has changed so much. I do not have a perfect track record over that year, but I live LIFE now - I communicate better, I sleep better, I think better, I am better at my profession - and something most important, I am a much better mom. I would have never forgiven myself if I drank my kids young years away. So thankful for this place and the support to preserver to learn new coping skills - and to learn to view alcohol for what it is - an addictive substance that only causes damage. Not glamorous, not tough, not any of the things the commercials say it is.

          Yesterday I was approached by a showroom I do business with and he tried to sell me on their upcoming seminar by telling me that the first few attendees get a free special drinking mug. I replied with, "I'm really not into drinking much these days," and he looked at me like I was an alien. And I don't care. More people need to know that it isn't a requirement for a happy life.
          Last edited by KENSHO; May 6, 2015, 09:22 AM.

          Done. Moving on to life.


            NS, I still have nightmares every night but suspect this is rooted more in childhood issues that the drinking. Was wondering if you knew anything about means for resolution. I hadn't thought about CD's, and will look into it. I'm not up for spending the money to go into therapy for it. I reached my limit for that for this lifetime. lol
            AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


              LilBit, as someone who hasn't gone through any significant personal loss or life-changing news since quitting, I've often wondered how I'll handle that news when it eventually finds me. I read others' posts referring to how inspirational your attitude is, and that's the first word that popped into my brain as well, although someone referred to your attitude as "kick-ass" and that that was a brilliant description as well!

              TMH, ditto to what NS said about the brain chemistry at work. One thing you might consider is checking out the MWO suggestion for supplements. Not everyone wants to go that route, and our responses to supplements might be very different. I did use supplements early in my quit and I definitely noticed a difference in my sleep, jitters, etc., after starting them. L-Glutamine helps with sugar cravings, but it also has sleep-inducing effects for many people. Others that worked for me are GABA, which is supposed to have the impacting of calming down an over-excited nervous system, and Calms Forte, which is an over-the-counter botanical that is sold in the infant section of most drug stores. I personally would swear by those three as getting me through the early weeks and months of my quit with regard to calming down my nervous system and helping me to sleep as well. I still keep a bottle of Calms Forte and GABA in my purse all the time, but only use them very rarely for physical responses to anxiety, such as during take-off on a flight. I had one very close call when I was in an airport and received some stressful news that triggered a massive craving, and was very glad to have those two supplements on-hand. Here's the MWO link to supplements with a schedule:

              FF, good to see you again and welcome back!

              Take care, all!
              Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


                Lilbit so sorry to hear the news. You've always offered advice and help whenever I needed it on here, I hope everything works out for you. All I can say is I don't think I'll ever be able to use any life challenge as an excuse to drink again after reading your post, it's probably the strongest thing I've read on here this far. We had a family friend who had staeb4 pancreatic cancer, and I've read books like the China study that some people say are flawed but do talk about eliminating meat from your diet or animal protein to prevent tumor/cell growth which he tried and seemed to work, but stopped when his cancer went into remission and then came back. I know it's anecdotal and I the last thing you may want is right now is something that may lead to false hope, but if it was me I would try and gobble anything that might help, so I am tossing it out there. Best wishes and will definitely keep you in my thoughts!


                  I just need to be reminded that life is an exceptional journey, if you just live it.
                  Not just existing like I have for so long.

                  LilBit, So sorry to hear of the diagnosis. Sending support from here. I know you'll get through this because of your positive attitude.


                    Good morning. Well, you won't be hearing from me again for a few days. TAKING SOME TIME OFF!!!!!!!!!!! And I hope away from internet and gadgets.

                    Everyone hang tough and hang in there. Have a great day!
                    The easy way to quit drinking?:



                      Lilbit I'm sorry to hear your news. I hope things work out for you and I know you will never be short of support from this site.
                      Pepper I might try some of those ideas of yours especially L Glutamine, as I'm already craving anything sweet. Day 3 going ok so far though. Sleep messed up and moods a bit erratic, but most importantly,not giving in!
                      I can beat this.
                      Today is the day I start.
                      1st September 2015.


                        Thanks for the suggestions re: sleep. In the past I tried Calm Forte & a bit of L-Glutamine but never got in the habit. Think I need to keep out on counter. Had a great mid afternoon workout & am now having a NutriBullet drink, mostly veggies, 1/2 banana, 1/2 apple with 1/2 scoop protein powder & 1 T. Coconut oil. Making a pot roast for dinner. Comfort food?

                        Feel happy & positive & healthy today.

                        The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                          Lilbit, I think if you want to start your own thread it can be therapeutic, My Happy Place did and it was nice to read of her progress you'll find that there's a more than a few breast cancer survivors here on MWO, I love your attitude about all of this, and that you're staying strong, very inspiring
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Kairos has 7 days today!!! Nesters, will you join me in that 2-cheeked salute that only WE can do! :butt: Great job on those 7 days, the worst is behind you!

                            Pie, has 300 AF days! These are amazing numbers! Great job, you are a well-rounded member of this site! Thank you for all of your contributions around here! Keep up the stellar work!!

                            Mr. V, great to see you! Fat fella, all good today? TMH, keep it going!

                            You will never regret a day you spent sober! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Congratulations Kairos -- one week is a fabulous accomplishment.

                              Pie -- WOW - 300 days is wonderful.

                              Keep up the fantastic work and inspiration!!
                              Mary Lou

                              A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                                Greetings Nesters,

                                I had a good kid-free day, got lots of stuff done too Lol.
                                When I'm watching grandkids that's pretty much all I can do so everything else (including work) goes on hold.

                                Lil, dandelions are Stella's favorite snack, how did you know?
                                Team Newbies Nest is at your service, just let us know how we can help :hug:

                                Congrats on 7 AF day Kairos - terrific!
                                I'll get Byrdie to bake a cake for Pie's 300 AF days :yay:

                                Hypnosis & herbal supplements took a while but I did eventually move into a better sleep pattern. Now I wish I could get the freaking hot flashes to stop at night, ha ha.
                                Wishing everyone a safe 7 cozy night in the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

