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    Celebrating my 60 days today, and pretty amazed I have made it this far. I think the past week has reaffirmed my desire to stay AF even more so. I constantly felt depressed drinking, I would wake up the next day and not want to do things, I would just keep going through life feeling the blahs. There would be periods of time I would listen to something inspirational or motivational and get some momentum, it would alwayd lead to drinking less eventually (probably my brain trying to help me make better decisions while my mood was elevated). I would quickly fall off the boat and stop listening and start drinking again. This went on for five years. One quit I actually received a trip to a Tony Robbins seminar as a free gift, it was at a very difficult time in my life and really needed some motivation. After the seminar I stopped drinking for a number of days. Unfortunately my weding was coming up and I had a bachelor party in my honor. One drink led to many and I was right back on the alcoholism bandwagon. I never quit for any substantial length of time, enjoyed a drink, and contniued my quit, I constantly want to remember this.

    People on here kept telling me that I would feel better, my mood would fluctuate and to take it a day at a time, and I am so glad I believed them. I would have days of feeling better followed by day of feeling like doing nothing. I peronally did not attribute this to AL but posting on here at least had me curious it was the cause. Since my birthdfay 8 days ago I have not had one gloomy day. Eight days of feeling good, I mean actually feeling good about myself and my life, it is so powerful I can feel myself lifting the spirits of those around me, family, friends, students, and I think that makes it even more infectious, this renewed spirit I have. Not drinking has brought me closer to my goals, health wise, financial goals are getting better, personal goals for exercise and my passion for martial arts, how I respond to my daughter and challenges in my life. I am telling you guys it freaks me out!

    Alright, I am done ranting about how good I feel, but I just hope someone reads it whose on the edge of quitting and gives it a shot. It's like all the personal development stuff I have studied thus far in my life, all the positivity, gratitude, skills for sales and business, health information, relationship knowledge and communication skills, etc. , anything I thought would make a difference in my life was stunted by alcohol. Call it giving in to instant gratification, like my goal achieving side was in a constant battle with my AL brain, who knows. All I can tell you is its like all this energy was sitting in a fire hose and AL was a kink in the line. My only fear at this point is coming down from this new energy I have had, but its been 8 days and I still feel good. Maybe I have to be vigilent and make sure I dont forget this was not the norm, I used to feel lousy ALL the time drinking but never attributed it to be that much of an issue in how I felt. As always I welcome everyone's input in their experience at this stage, but most of what I have read on here says you just keep feeling better. If I felt any better I would be dancing on the ceiling =P
    Last edited by Dutch1988; May 8, 2015, 01:28 AM.


      Rant all you want Dutch
      You have done well, your are following the plan of success that are senior members have so graciously given to us. Congrats on your amazing achievement, 60 days is badass my friend!
      You are definitely born again Hard!
      AF 08~05~2014

      There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


        Hi all
        Well day 5 it is and the first weekend looms, but I'm feeling determined. I feel a bit out of it today and unable to concentrate much on anything, but I guess that is normal? i am planning to get some form of excercise in this evening (gym or bike) and avoiding the normal Friday night situation where drinking would be the main priority. Hope everyone else is doing OK.
        I can beat this.
        Today is the day I start.
        1st September 2015.


          Good morning Nesters,

          Happy Friday to all It's time to get your weekend sober plans together. Plan ahead & you will succeed!

          Dutch, Congrats on your 60 AF days! Feel proud, feel happy & grateful! Your hard work is paying off now & that's wonderful!

          FF, great on your 5 AF days! What else is on your weekend plan to stay out of trouble?

          Greetings to everyone & a special hello to Lil!
          I'll check in later.
          Have a fabulous AF Friday one & all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Lav - have arranged family and friends visits both days which involve me being the driver! Might be a grumpy driver but at least Ill be a sober one.
            I can beat this.
            Today is the day I start.
            1st September 2015.


              Good morning, Nesters!
              Dutch, if the smile on my face gets any bigger, I'll be arrested! I am SO happy for you! 60 days is MASSIVE in our world! This puts you in a very elite club! You have earned a set....of MONTHS!!

              Your 'speech' above was so inspirational, I wonder if you would consider putting it in the Tool Box for us? I'm telling you, it is hard to believe the impact that AL has on EVERY aspect of our lives. As Turnagain says, it affects every cell in our bodies, every time. I'm a believer! I've been on both sides of this thing, and the sober side ROCKS compared to the sack of stones I was carrying with AL. GREAT JOB, Dutch!

              Hope everyone has his plan in place for the weekend! Stay strong, you will never regret it! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Dutch -- 60 Days! Great job, my quitriplet. At 60 days, I feel like we're approaching badass status, don't you? And belated Happy Birthday. I bet it was more fun without the hangover this year.

                Pav, I added David Sedaris to my "other personal toolbox." Thanks, and yes. Nurse Stella is especially good at picking up those unsightly dandelion scraps left lying around your recovery room. She's very helpful that way.

                FF, please remember to plan something fun for yourself this weekend, too? It's important to fill the AL vacuum with good things, not just responsibilities.

                So, I made my "other" thread. Myhappyplace already visited it. I feel so honored! 'Have begun reading her thread, too.

                You know, yesterday was admittedly very tough. But it reminded me of an important principle. One way to deal with a horrid day is to simply stick a fork in it. Sometimes a good night's rest really is all you need to see things in a different light.

                Happy Friday, all.
                "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                  AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                    Quick drive by. Got a walk in, now getting ready for hospital volunteer job. Last Fri I went in hungover. Today I feel grand but.....last thing dh said to me is be prepared to come home and find that Andersons want to go out to dinner. Hope not as they are stressful to be with; she has had major personality change & rags on him constantly. I just have to mind my own store.

                    Hope everyone has a great day!
                    The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                      Kensho, I just wanted to say how great it was to read that you were thinking of me. At the moment I read your post, I really needed that. :love:
                      "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                        An awesome post by Byrdie in March of 2012 (I have to copy and paste because sure how to link an older post to the most current in a thread)

                        For the nesters who have been at it a you look around and see others drinking their wine, twirling their hair and laughing....this is a MIRAGE. AL is trying its last gasp to try and get you to romanticize it. EVERYONE is NOT enjoying his/her glass of wine on the front porch and knowing when to stop. For every one person you see drinking there are actually 10 NOT drinking, but we don't see that. I used to think that everyone is drinking except me....a real pity party going on in my head...but if you really look, there are MORE people who don't drink. (Unless you are in a bar) Please don't fall for this. Now is the time to put into place what Lav has pecked into our heads since day 1. Retune our thinking to one of gratitude. BE THANKFUL that you are of a sound mind and body. Be grateful you don't have to use a walkerto get around and that you have both your arms and legs. Focus on other people and not yourself. This is what I do and it helps a fact, it makes ALL the difference. There is ALWAYS going to be someone else who appears to have it all and that's all there is to it. I tell myself to get over it and move on. Try and be of service to someone else. Everything you give away you get back in spades (that includes misery, too, BTW). Be a carriier of good news and good pays really well.

                        The time between 6 months and a year is monumental. It is during this time we lose a lot of people to complacency. In NO case I've ever read...was someone able to go back to drinking and handle it. It ALWAYS resulted in going back and worse. This scares me straight. And I accept that. My attitude from 6 months to the year only got better every day. ALL of my depression is gone. Do I still have down days? Absolutely, that is life. But it is NOT going to drive me back to drinking...the worst place on Earth. Just stick it out...every day gets better. I wouldn't still be here if I weren't living proof. I am not any stronger of will than any of us here....but I hope I am smart enough to know that if my great friends here tried it and failed, I'm no better than they are. It's called an addiction for a good reason. I promise you the sense of peace that comes over time is priceless. I wouldn't trade my quit for all the money in the world. Drinking IS the problem. Don't drink no matter what and no matter who. Byrdie
                        AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                          Bumpy couple days, just a lot of up and downs. My mother wanted to chat while I was right in the middle of thinking about remembering to give myself credit for staying sober and resulting conversation was awkward. She has MS and I think she's in a mood where she really wants to give herself credit for the things she does - and she should, I certainly try to give her that credit as well! It just doesn't combine well with me needing to take some time to pat myself on the back. But, I can come here. I know it's hard to really "get" it when you've never struggled with addiction. I'm weird about it a lot of the time, I can finally be more honest with myself about how badly off I was but I still struggle with being proud of myself for things that are hard for me. Note to newbies that this is one of the reasons I value this site so much, sometimes it really helps to be around folks who get it!

                          NoSugar - I finally got around to checking out The Bubble Hour after you posted that link; thanks muchly! I've been meaning to for a while since so many folks reccomend it here, I think that's going to be very useful and interesting to me.

                          LilBit - Good luck and support going forward, and bravo to you remembering to find new ways of handling a super stressful situation. Also I'm going to second the "stick a fork in it" plan of action - I used to always stay up trying to make myself get in a better mood, and turns out it's a lot simpler to just end the day and start over the next.

                          Dutch - Congrats on 60 days, that's stellar! \o/

                          FF - Bravo on 5 days, for me that first week or so I couldn't even believe what I was doing; I don't think I had a coherant thought in my head.

                          TMH - Good luck with dinner, and you're right about taking care of yourself. Others have reminded me before that drinking AT someone else never does any good.

                          Going to be kind of a stressful weekend here; mom's got a long weekend off and I think she's hoping we'll do a lot of house stuff. That itself isn't too bad, but I think she's super tired and burnt out - I'm going to have to balance my "people pleasing" with the fact that she might just be cranky and that's how it is til she gets some time to relax.

                          Love and support to everyone, have a great AF MAE!
                          I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

                          Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
                          AF on: 8/12/2014


                            That is a great Byrd-quote, Jane.

                            To directly link to a specific post in any thread, right click on the number in the blue bar and select copy link URL. Yours above is: 59475
                            Last edited by NoSugar; May 8, 2015, 12:12 PM.


                              So THAT's what that number is for! Thank you NS!


                              NS, I right clicked on it, then pasted into a new post but I only got a link. Is there a way to get the actual quote? (like in the shaded light blue box)
                              Last edited by jane27; May 8, 2015, 12:17 PM.
                              AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                                Jane, I tried a test (right clicking the Reply with Quote link and pasting it as a URL). 'Didn't work. Here, have a funny picture as a consolation prize.

                                Last edited by LilBit; May 8, 2015, 02:03 PM.
                                "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells

