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Newbies Nest

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    Jane, thank you so much for fishing out my old stuff! It still makes sense to me! (at least I'm consistent).

    If that was from the Newbie's Nest from March 2012 (and that's about the only place I posted then) you could have just hit the reply with quote button at the bottom and it would quote it like we do if it's from yesterday (if that makes sense) it replies to the most current, even if it's from years ago.
    (Me giving technical help??? We must be in the Twilight Zone) :haha: B
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Wowsers, that easy? I cant wait to try it! MUAH!
      AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


        Morning nest

        Dutch congratulations on 60 days of sobriety. We will always have ups and downs on this journey especially in the early days of our quit and it does even out eventually but who ever seen a "normal" person happy 24/7. My advice is never ever become complacent and always make you quit your top priority. Be very proud of your achievement, as we know this is not an easy journey.

        i said to a friend the other day that now i am in my second year of being sober that acceptance of never drinking again is how i am rolling. I realise that on birthdays, mothers day, xmas, New Years and every other special occasion that i cant drink and i accept that now. Tomorrow i am celebrating mothers day and my daughters 28th at a pub and i have no qualms about it at all. Take me back to last mothers day and at 100+ days i still felt deprived, i still thought i could have one! My how TIME has changed a lot of things.

        FF great work on having a plan, be as bloody grumpy as you like. You will get to 7 days and onwards. Keep up the great work and the even greater plans to stay sober.

        Well today for me i am going to clean out my wardrobe and move summer to winter. I have enough clothes to open up my own Op shop. Culling is just so damn hard and i am sure when i throw said items out i will surely want to wear it a few days later. i bought clothes into the house from my holiday so something has to go! Its hard being a woman sometimes!

        Take care all. xx
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Good evening Nesters,

          Happy culling Ava! I tried to do a bit of that myself today

          I went out & bought some nice plants for my deck pots today. I love to have a lot of colorful blooming things out there, makes me feel alive

          Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest. I'll go look for your thread Lil :hug:

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Happy Friday, Nest!

            HAPPY 60, Dutch and Lil! Dutch, that last paragraph says it all. Most definitely toolbox worthy.

            Dinner with great old friends tonight - one of them made sure that when we split the bill I wasn't charged for alcohol - I LOVE it when that happens as I don't like to bring it up myself. We had a wonderful time and I didn't miss AL at ALL.

            Must hit the hay. Happy SOBER Friday,



              Quick hello. 'Busy prepping the house and myself this weekend. Filling it Nice Things and following Lav's suit on fixing up my flower pot garden out back. 'Going to a drag show tonight with a friend. If the Queens can't make you forget your troubles, nothing can. Happy weekend, all.
              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                Good morning Nesters,

                A bit cloudy here at the moment but that's OK. We actually could use a touch of rain, we'll see.

                Lil, I can honestly say I have never been to a drag show. I'm sure I've missed a whole lot of fun. LOL
                I hope you enjoyed it & forgot all troubles for a while.

                I'll be busy potting up my new plants today. What's on everyone else's plan?
                Have a great AF Saturday one & all!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Hey Guys,

                  Just got back from 2 days away in a hotel. No alcohol for Kairos! And no wine ordered at dinner by other half
                  without my asking him to refrain. Grateful for that.
                  Day 10 here and keeping on keeping on.
                  K xx
                  Sobriety is its own reward


                    Jane- ditto what was said above about Byrdie's great post from March 2012. Boy, can she write an inspirational message!

                    I know we all value her wonderful, uplifting and positive advice. In her significant repertoire of past messages chronicling her journey to sustained sobriety, I would bet there is enough material here for a 365 day by day compilation for newbies. Probably publishable, or at least should be given it's own thread here (hint,hint...). I don't think anyone else has published anything like this.

                    On her topic from the May 2012 post, the complacence dangers between 6 and 12 mos- I can really relate. I am right in the middle of this period. My wife and I just returned from an extended trip in Europe and on more than one occasion, while attending some functions there, a waiter or two, inadvertently poured wine in a glass at my table setting over dinner. I looked at it, somewhat longingly, for a split second, before I quickly said- Oh, no thanks, I don't drink. But even that split second was too long. Yikes, close calls.


                      Lav, you can have some of our rain, we are supposed to get 7 inches this weekend. Tropical Storm, Ana is heading our way.
                      Kairos, so proud of you for hanging tough in the restaurant scene, they are a challenge at first, but you will become a pro!
                      Lil Bit, a drag show, huh? I dont even know what to say except 'two snaps up!'
                      Pav, so glad you didnt get stuck with that AL bill. I am amazed at how expensive AL is (altho it didnt seem to matter when I was drinking it). It adds a lot to the check!
                      Everyone is doing so well! Keep up the great work! Getting this monkey off our backs once and for all will be the greatest gift we've ever given ourselves! Enjoy your day! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Kairos, so proud of you for hanging tough in the restaurant scene, they are a challenge at first, but you will become a pro!
                        I sure hope so Byrdie. Thanks
                        Sobriety is its own reward


                          I have to vent before I go crazy. Kids, grandkids, May long BBQ, fireworks, fire pit, garage clean up because I can't find my table for the food.............and all hubby says is "it'll just happen" I have tried to explain that it just happens because I plan and prepare. We live 45 minutes to the nearest town so food is important to stock up on. Don't want to be driving in every day. Just gets frustrating because this happens every year and he says the same thing every year. OK done venting, cookies made taking a breather then off to the nursery for some shrubs. Wish it would warm up so I could get them in the ground. Maybe tomorrow. Thanks for listening. This is when I would usually say oh what the h*** and pour a drink, but not this time. Thanks for the forum, if it wasn't for this I probably would. Have a good rest of the day.


                            Karen, I'd been out of town for a few days and my daughter said when I'd returned, You know, Puppy sure gets out a lot of toys and leaves them all over the house when you're gone.
                            hmmm... Really??? I guess that's how it looks.

                            Good job on posting instead of drinking! That was my main tool. And notice and enjoy how great you feel tomorrow morning when your party just happens :wink:.


                              Morning nest and happy mothers day from me to you.

                              kairos, thats wonderful that your partner is supportive, i am sure it makes it easier. Congrats on 10 days, double digits, woo hoo.

                              Hope the drag show went well and took your thoughts of life at the moment for a time Lil. Mum and i went to a lady boy show in Thailand in 2014 and it was fantastic, such beautiful people and stunning!

                              Oko, i am vigilant with who gets me drinks and what goes into it. i always think that if i have a sip i will turn into Dr Jekyll and turn into a monster, running around, drinking anything! Obviously that wont happen but it makes me always vigilant. I think with the 6-12 months that we have not drank for so long (well for us alkies) that our al brain tells us we have this in the bag, we have done it for this long that surely we can control ourselves now. Al brain is certainly sneaky and will always try and win. The positive is you said "no", it was an automatic response which we all learn along the way.

                              Well my wardrobe has been culled, walls washed, ceilings de-cobwebbed so a big achievement yesterday. Lav it feels good to throw stuff out, just a shame i will fill that bit of space back up sooner rather than later.

                              Felt a bit teary this morning as 28 years ago my daughter was born. I had one of those "i wish i could have done things differently" thoughts, especially with regards to my drinking, but at the end of the day she has turned out to be a beautiful, strong, caring, loving and kind woman who is extremely proud of what i have achieved in the past year and a half also.

                              Take care xxxx
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Good evening Nesters!

                                Well, kids & grandkids descended on me with next to no notice. I take all this in stride, thank goodness, ha ha!! We had oven fried chicken (not Stella), potato salad & lots of good stuff. My daughter brought me a beautiful potted lavender plant - how did she know?

                                Ava, 'therapeutic throwing out' is good for us once in a while. Makes room for the good & new stuff

                                Congrats on 10 AF days Kairos!

                                Oko, good job avoiding the wine on your trip!

                                kherriot, feel free to vent away, we all do it at one time or another!!

                                Byrdie, stay safe in that storm! All we got was a very light misting then the sun came out.

                                Hello to everyone & wishing a safe & comfy night in the nest for all!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

