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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters,

    Busy nest overnight I see

    Hi & welcome to the nest Mangrove! Congrats on your 8 AF days, that's great!
    Take a look in the for good ideas to help you make your plan. Sounds like your rehab experience was good for you. Focus on yourself & your recovery for now, that's most important. Your girlfriend just may reconsider.

    Katie - if you really need to put on some weight I'll be happy to Fed Ex you a few exra pounds I'm dragging around these days

    Dancingon - when my kids were young they learned to never complain about being bored because I was quick to hand them a vacuum cleaner, dust rags, etc..........they figured it out!!

    Greetings to Nora, Spam, Sophie, Stirly Girly, HC, Papmom & everyone checking in today!

    Woke up to heavy fog this morning - don't know where that came from because it's been sunny & dry here for several days. I want the sunshine back!!!!

    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning, nesters! Slept in and still drinking my morning coffee at 11:00 a:m. No big plans for today...what's up with the rest of you?


        Newbies Nest

        :chef::chef: Morning nesters! I slept in. And it was great! So, since I missed serving breakfast in bed. I will be serving brunch/lunch/dinner now to your various twigs!!!! Place your orders here.

        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Newbies Nest

          I have a note posted inside the visor of my car that says NOT TODAY....
          works sometimes.....sometimes not!!!
          Hey Sister Sophie....the topa isn't so bad.....the only side effect I have had is topa dopa....but that gives me an excuse to be stupid...I looked online, too but quit will scare the crap out of you....but the side effects of any medicine will do that!!!
          hi everyone to the health food store myself......I cannot find kudzu anywhere...
          unless I drive an hour north and pull it off the trees in south Georgia!!!
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Newbies Nest

            hey all. this thread is so long, it's hard to find what everyone is tlking about. Anyhow, just want to jump in and say hello! I am on day 4 of no drinking. Very difficult with emotions. I am staying at my parents for the weekend, head back tomorrow, to the real rubber hitting the road. [I] hope I make it and get a life.


              Newbies Nest

              [/QUOTE]This is a wonderful place to be - I am coming up on my 1 month AF anniversary and couldn't have done it without my fellow fledglings. I was fortunate that I didn't need formal detox but that also meant I didn't have the advantage of counseling and group therapy right at my fingertips and had to go it alone until I found MWO.
              I hope you stick around and read and post, read and post. It's very cathartic and the best part? NO JUDGEMENT!!

              Looking forward to hearing more from you!!
              Thanks for the kind words Papmom3! Don't know if I needed formal detox or not but it does help me now, knowing I never want to go back there. The group thing is good and I will continue with that until 30 days AF then prolly mix in some meetings. Just saying :thanks:


                Newbies Nest

                End of day 2

                Hi everyone,

                I've hoping to have many more AF days ahead. I'm taking all the advice on board and not going to get ahead of myself. I stopped when pregnant but the longest I have managed since I had baby was 12 days - I thought I was great, then got hammered at a wedding.

                KatieB - I know what you mean about the isolation being a single parent. If Im honest I have been wallowing in self-pity since my ex left. Time for me to change and start being more open with people! Going to check out some groups in my area!

                Thanks guys :new:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Everyone

                  Its good to come back and read all your posts. :welcome: to all Newbies as well. Love it when newbies land in the nest.

                  I fell out of the nest .....again. But have today decided that I can't change last week but I can change today so that tomorrow will be better. And I really want to be in the nest for NoraC's brunch!!!!

                  I obviously have a prob staying af after reaching the 1 month mark! Will have to remember that next time to get past that and on to 2 months!!

                  Hope everyone has a good af Easter Sunday and Monday. Those chok bunnies haven't a chance!!!

                  KatieB, might I say how wonderful you sound. Good on you. You deserve a good life.

                  Beanzy Mangrove Lonelygal, keep going, you're doing really well. Its good to 'meet' you.

                  Has anyone heard what MollyK is up to. Haven't seen her here for a bit.
                  Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                    Newbies Nest

                    Welcome Mangrove. Hope you find some friendly support here and some good ideas.
                    KatieB, what a problem to have - putting weight on. I've only lost a kilo so far, just another 4 to go
                    Regarding my daughter I suspect it's just that age when you have to disagree with any suggestion, and maybe I'm a bit snappy at the moment. A year ago, if I suggested baking or going to the park she'd be right in and it was the older boys I was dragging off their computers. Now she has to be in the mood to bake, or make something. I did drag two of them to the park for a bike ride and play, but they argued all the way home. It's getting cooler here now, so the beach is too cold and I have to talk them into bushwalks. I did try the cleaning your room bit, Lavande, and it didn't go down well, but later when I was cooking dinner I poked my head into her room to find it perfectly tidy. I like the idea of making jewellry. I might have a mooch around and see what craft things I can find for the next boring day.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning all.
                      Just had the easter egg hunt. Took lots of photos as it probably be the last. My son (14) didnt want to leave the x-box and I had to talk my daughter (10) into it. So next year it may all be over. We lost the Father Christmas excitement a year or two ago, so maybe my babies are growing up and it's me who needs it still!
                      Pap - glad to hear you sounding better. Coming up to a month - well done! That is great. Doesnt it feel good to know you can do it.
                      Mama - I get the Kudzu off this site as I cant find it anywhere in Australia.
                      Beanzy - welcome, day 4 is a good effort. Keep it up. It is sometimes hard but soooooo worth it.
                      Mangrove - I hope after you reach 30 days you wont stop visiting us. There is so much support in here, I just love it!
                      Hi Lonelygal - good to see you again. There are lots of us here, so you never need to feel lonely - just visit us. We can be your virtual friends.
                      Hey Maz - I loved what you said about not being able to change yesterday. I have a little picture on my fridge with the saying "Dont let the wake row the boat" and I think about that often. I used to worry so much about what I did while I was drunk that I just couldnt move forward and get over it. But now I am forgiving myself for what I did when drunk or in a blackout as there is nothing I can do about it. But like you say, you can control/influence today even if it is only one hour, one minute, one second at a time. Good on you for jumping back on that horse and working toward permenant sobriety.
                      Hi Nora - I wouldnt mind bacon and eggs on sourdough toast if you can sort that for me! Yummmm, you are so good to us.
                      Hope everyone has a sober Sunday and is well on their way into the April Challenge.
                      Take care
                      I finally got it!
                      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good ebvening Nesters,

                        Spent the afternoon working outdoors & boy I look it - plenty of cuts & scratches on my hands & arms

                        Greetings fennel, Nora & Mama Bear, hope you had a good day!

                        beanzy, congrats on your 4 AF days - good work!

                        Mangrove & Lonely gal - hope you are both settling in the Nest OK

                        Mazzie - what happened friend?? Let's add a reminder to your plan - don't let your guard down at the 1 month mark! Glad you are here, fasten your nestbelt!!!

                        dancingon, I always felt it was important for the kids to find actvities that they really wanted to do - something that held their interest. I discovered early on that my daughter really, really liked to read so I made sure she had access to plenty of books. She ended up majoring in English/Communications in college. I tried to get my son interested in the usual biy things - sports, etc. He ended up very interested in scouting & being a volunteer firefighter. He majored in Information Science in college & right after graduation went into the fire academy & is a professional firefighter/paramedic now. The point is - we need to let them explore a bit - discover their own interests

                        Well, on that note I'll wish everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest ~ the night light is on Tranq.

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Happy Easter HC - cross post
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Everyone.

                            Just a quick checkin as I blast out again. This holiday weekend is flying by. The weather's been great here and I've been spending the days outdoors - golf related of course.

                            I've also been searching out a new place to live as my lease is up here in a few months and want to get out. I had a wonderful date with a wonderful lady last night -- and I behaved myself (for the most part . Well the important parts anyway.

                            Take care all. And have a great holiday -- if you're so inclined.
                            Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                              Newbies Nest

                              good evening everyone!! you all sound very good and Mazzie, you just hold on tight to us on your next 1 month AF anniversary. together we'll set you on the road to 2 months!!

                              Had a very busy busy day today. Got a late start with the hike but had a great walk when we finally got there. It was very warm and sunny-wish I had worn a hat!! We walked a bit more than 3 miles along wetlands and a long pond. It was so beautiful and the peepers were singing their hearts out. I didn't know the peepers sang in the day!! For those of you scratching your heads, peepers are spring frogs, very tiny and they go Peep-peep-peeppeep-peep!! very high pitched. One of my favorite sounds of spring.
                              after the hike I stopped along the way home and did some errands. Then lunch on the deck and then off to more errands!! Finally got home around 7! I had bad cravings again around 5:30 but took the L-glut on the run and they subsided. Found a great new Ice Tea blend: Organic Green Tea with pomegranite and blueberry. Couldn't wait to get home and pour some on ice and read on the deck while the dogs explored the yard. Imagine that-I was actually looking forward to drinking Ice Tea on the deck on a warm spring evening instead of a bottle of PG!!
                              Now it's 9pm and I am one sore and tired gal. busy again tomorrow with housecleaning and laundry before heading out to what I'm hoping will be a luscious Easter feast at a very old fashioned Inn about an hour away with my family. I've told myself that if I want to have one glass of wine with dinner (and I'm pretty sure that's all it will be as it's very expensive!!) I can but right now it isn't all that appealing to me. We'll see how it seems tomorrow. I don't want to have to go back to day one and start the count all over again.
                              Alright fellow nesters, have a wonderful nite's sleep or productive day. Happy Easter to those who celebrate!!:chick:
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!


                                Newbies Nest

                                lonley gal;832704 wrote: Hi everyone,

                                I've hoping to have many more AF days ahead. I'm taking all the advice on board and not going to get ahead of myself. I stopped when pregnant but the longest I have managed since I had baby was 12 days - I thought I was great, then got hammered at a wedding.

                                KatieB - I know what you mean about the isolation being a single parent. If Im honest I have been wallowing in self-pity since my ex left. Time for me to change and start being more open with people! Going to check out some groups in my area!

                                Thanks guys :new:
                                Hi everyone..
                                Not checked in for awhile.. was feeling bad about drinking all the wine last night.. I said on the ODAT thread I was going to stop.. but I didn't.. I stayed up til 1am and drunk a whole bottle of wine.. though it was spread out over several hours and I dont have a hangover today.. still not a good idea now I am on anti-depressants.. luckily though I had eaten lots of food and like I said, I feel pretty good today considering.. I am still happy with everything I got done yesterday - did a huge clean of my flat, watched a couple of DVD's, worked (I drunk the wine once I finished work).. still, proves I cannot put that bottle away once opened! I am not trying to make any excuses, but I did not have my son with me, or I would not have bought the wine.. I know I cannot drink when I am looking after him, but I still don't want to end up drinking regularly.. I am not totally sure yet what I want to do.. if I want to give up completely.. but at least if I tell myself that I don't drink, then I am less likely to start drinking again regularly..i've only bought 3 bottles of wine in the past 6 weeks..
                                Lonely girl - yes, being a single parent can be tough, i've been one for nearly one year now.. its hard as the few friends I have are often busy with their families when I have days off, and I dont want to intrude.. and i dont have my son on weekends.. though as I am seeing it now, it is the best of both worlds! I get to enjoy being a mum during the week, then can be a single girl on weekends, without the partying! But it gives me chance to get things done so I can focus on my little boy during the week.. how many children do you have? and how old are they? boys or girls? sorry, i hope you don't mind me asking.. I managed to find a "single with children" group, but I am yet to go to any meetings yet.. but have a look on google and see what groups you can find? Like I said on a previous post too - if your kids are young enough, join a playgroup, i'm going to do so after the Easter holidays..
                                take care all,
                                Katie xxx
                                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


