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    Hi all. Posted yesterday about being depressed. I am just not feeling good. Been to doc and health is good. Actually my EKG is better since last time I saw cardiology doc. Anyway about a couple/few weeks back I realized how much I have increased coffee consumption since going AF and so decided to cut back. This is I think, what it is. Caffeine withdrawal symptoms. Increased pulse and some skipped heart beats are what tipped me off. Relieved to figure this out cause I thought something might be seriously wrong. Anyway time will tell and just thought in case someone else goes down this road maybe this link would help you out. I am very relieved to find my extreme fatigue could be caused by this. Reminds me of when I had mono type of tired but different. So another powerful drug to deal with.
    The most common caffeine withdrawal symptoms. If you have or are planning on giving up caffeine, here's what symptoms to expect and how to ease them.


      Wow byrdlady!

      So many similarities! Last night really felt like a huge success to me. I was sure I was going to have a beer... absolutely sure of it... and I stopped, thanks to the man in the beer aisle. I'll have to thank him some day if I see him again.

      I too have not lost weight!.. actually I've gained, but I'm ok with that for the short term.

      Thanks for your encouragement... it means a lot!



        Hypernova - caffeine withdrawal will do all that and more! I quit caffeine cold-turkey about 3 years ago and I was a WRECK for a full week and not really myself until the third week. I actually had to take a week off work because I could not get through even 4 hours without falling asleep!

        Good luck!


          Hi all. On my I pad so need to make this short as it takes forever to type. Day 2 and feeling strong. Going overnight with my son to a hotel, as he needs to be near said hotel early in the AM for an engineering exam, and since I work near there on Thursday, it is a win win. I can keep him company, and I know I will be in a safe place in terms of alcohol. So much to say, but will offer more when I can get on a computer. Glad to be part of a new newbie triplet group!!,

          Love to all


            Why did I think this was OK? My husband and I had a blowout on Sunday, I wasn't even drinking. He has not talked to me since and he just looks at me cold as stone. Today I had to call him at work for something and he was crying!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just can't bear this.............
            The easy way to quit drinking?:



              Morning nest

              Hanna great work on day 2, keep at it, one day at a time is all we can do. Life surely does get better the longer we are sober.

              Lost i am so happy you didnt buy that beer! One for us alkies is never enough, never ever. We can justify all we want that its "okay" as we have gone so many days af and we have never done that before so we are fine, we can handle a drink when in reality give us just one and we are screwed. As soon as that "taste" hits our brain we are goners and i for one wont take the chance of that.

              Byrd a good thing you werent making cakes when you had just given up al or else you would be the size of a house! Mind you i cant imagine you having the energy to make such wonderful creations with a bottle next to you. I loved your 13 day post, you sounded so excited about not drinking!

              Overit, one day at a time. Stress is a killer for us alkies, the best excuse to have a drink! Stay strong!

              Jane the down will get up! Pull all the "grateful" you can out of your butt girl!

              Kailey, maybe you posting on here makes it real that you actually do want to stop drinking forever. That word to us drinkers is not one of our favourites to talk about or think about. Its really great to know for me now that forever it has to be although it has taken a long time for me to admit to myself that it has to be forever. I do plan to get totally pissed on my 100th birthday, if i remember that is!

              Matt stay safe and hard friend. Yep it was a rough call the other day but saved by mwo so i cant complain.

              Yes lav i have come a long way and i must not forget that. You, byrd and ns got me started, kept me going and hold me together, in this journey i have always thought of you guys when i wanted a drink. I let so many people down when i drank that i can not possibly let the ones down that gave me my life back.

              Quiet one for me, dinner last night which was lovely but damn its cold in Aus. Lemon, lime and bitters for me but i did go to take the wine glass that had red wine in it at one stage. It funny as i dont want to drink after the other night but i am sure my brain has seen a tiny opening that it is trying to make bigger. Al will not win.

              Take care all
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Available, you're absolutely right about the 1 or 2, I had a relapse after nearly two months af last week and I drank like I'd never get another drop again, shouldn't even say drank, I GULPED it,for 4 days straight, on that last day my body just hit the wall,I was in withdrawal even while still drinking, if you have ANY time af,DO NOT allow your thoughts to wander over 1 drink! We're alkies,we don't DO 1 drink, if we did, we wouldn't be here,I'm lucky my body said that's it when it did cuz before,my relapses lasted for nearly two weeks!anyways don't listen to the asshole whispers in your head,it's not worth it, you'll hate yourself
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  There's a flurry of activity here in the Nest and that's good to see. It means we're not out drinking.

                  As the AF days go by, it occurs to me that AL is like some bad boyfriend or girlfriend that many of us have a hard time giving up. The reason? We're being fed (and lapping up like a Golden Retriever on leftover gravy) a bunch of, as Byrdie so aptly put it -- dookie! Let's do a little round of what AL says versus what he really means. If it helps you to visualize AL as my knuckle-dragging ex-husband #2 while you read this, go right ahead.

                  What AL says: You need me to relax.
                  What he really means: I will relax you for an entire 2.5 minutes before you start craving a second drink and wondering if you bought enough for the night. Then, you'll actually be more anxious overall for the next 24 hours and arguing with yourself about whether you should have another.

                  What AL says: You DESERVE me! You've had such a tough day.
                  What he really means: I'm going to short-change you on practically all the other joys in your life because I want to be your one-and-only happy pastime.

                  What AL says: Just one won't hurt.
                  What he really means: (Oh please!) That's the AL-equivalent of "We'll just lie together and hold each other in our underwear."

                  I have more, but these are my top three. Don't believe the lies, and kick "Shallow Al" to the curb where he belongs.

                  Completely unrelated but this true story made me smile: Someone told me today that they once had a chicken with only one leg named "Dinner." Sorry Stella!
                  Last edited by LilBit; May 13, 2015, 08:28 PM.
                  "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Lil, you wouldn't believe how much chicken we actually eat here, ha ha!!! We gave up red meat years ago so it's chicken or turkey but never Stella!!!! It would be like eating one of your kids or something nasty like that.
                    My big 90 lb dog never stinks but the small 30 lb dog always stinks. I think it's in her half beagle DNA, LOL

                    Hello & welcome LostandFound! great on your 13 AF days - Byrdie's magic number

                    Pauly, glad you are back on board with us!!

                    We're still getting constant updates on the train derailment, so sad. Seven people have lost their lives, over 200 treated at 10 area hospitals. Am I glad I'm retired? You bet I am! I'm too old for all that stress now.

                    Wishing everyone a safe & peaceful night in the nest. Overit, hang in there, keep your focus on your quit because everything else will work out.

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Originally posted by LilBit View Post
                      What AL says: You need me to relax.
                      What he really means: I will relax you for an entire 2.5 minutes before you start craving a second drink and wondering if you bought enough for the night. Then, you'll actually be more anxious overall for the next 24 hours and arguing with yourself about whether you should have another.

                      What AL says: You DESERVE me! You've had such a tough day.
                      What he really means: I'm going to short-change you on practically all the other joys in your life because I want to be your one-and-only happy pastime.

                      What AL says: Just one won't hurt.
                      What he really means: (Oh please!) That's the AL-equivalent of "We'll just lie together and hold each other in our underwear."
                      OMG this is brilliant. And I seriously LOL'd at the last one!!

                      Thanks for posting!


                        Good morning Nesters,

                        It's Thursday so let's get the day started

                        Wishing everyone a wonderful AF day!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Morning, Nest!
                          I am taking the day off! Well, that's the plan, anyway. I have already checked email...made of list of stuff I need to do tomorrow. I need a day of therapy....RETAIL therapy! I'm going shoe shopping!

                          Lil, you nailed it with those analogies! 'Let's just cuddle, comes to mind!!' We all know where that leads! You really can't see these truths (troooothz) until you have the distance from AL. It is frightening.... the POWER of this addiction. Every day we put between us and AL is a WIN. I loved the Shallow AL obviously have better writers than I do! Remember to thank them in your 0ne Year Speech! :haha:

                          Hope everyone has a peaceful day! All you gotta do is get thru THIS day! I know you can do that! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Ah! Retail therapy... love it! Have fun, Byrdie.

                            I'm looking forward to the weekend when I'll have some proper time to read back on this thread and get to know you all a little bit. In the meantime I'm here dutifully posting and sticking to my resolution to do so every day.

                            Today is day three for me and it's just a breeze. I'm out of town at a meeting I attend once a month and this has often been a "free" drinking time for me, since I'm not accountable to anybody here in my hotel room by myself. The meeting has a fairly late start in the morning so I've always thought it was a plus that I had time to get over any residual hangover. That's no way to live!

                            I bounced out of bed this morning and got my notes together for the day instead of spending that extra time putting on another layer of concealing makeup. LOL. I won't get home until late tonight, so I'm pretty feeling pretty safe in my quit today.

                            I'm trying to mentally prepare for the weekend which very often is the hardest time for me to stay on track. I love gardening and I have a real association in my mind of doing it with a glass of wine in my hand. Ah well, that's a few days away and I have plenty of time to get my resolve solidly in place before the. Have a great day, everyone.
                            You had the power all along, my dear.


                              Originally posted by Lavande View Post
                              Lil, you wouldn't believe how much chicken we actually eat here, ha ha!!! We gave up red meat years ago so it's chicken or turkey but never Stella!!!!
                              So Lav, when you're sitting around the table, savoring that Original Recipe with a side of cole slaw, do you ever look up and see this?


                              Oh, the guilt! Heehee.

                              Have a great day, everyone.
                              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                                Lost and Found. Sounds like you saw an angel in that beer aisle (they don't always have wings on their back). Sometimes that's the way things happen. And your emotional reaction afterward; very powerful.
                                Last edited by okoren1; May 14, 2015, 10:05 AM.

