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Newbies Nest

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    Good Morning
    There is a weird sight peaking through the sky in Tx, I believe some refer to her as the Sun?
    We are officially out of our 10 year drought with a reported 10~15" of Rain, depending on where you live, since the first part of April.
    I'm going to do not a Damn thing today,
    Hope everyone has a great day!
    AF 08~05~2014

    There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


      Just saying hello quickly, as I am at work. SHOE SHOPPING!! Now that is something I can relate to! LOL Will check in later. Hope you are all having a good Thursday!


        Hello, Nest!

        Well, they took my blood for testing this morning so hopefully I'll have a clean bill of health soon! We had some worries about anemia or diabetes because I've had numbness in my fingers and toes on and off plus family history, but it might just be poor circulation so we'll see. I'm actually not as worried about it as I used to be - maybe it's just that I'm starting to have more faith in myself to be able to handle things.

        Reading through what everyone is saying, I'd definitely recommend daily posting, especially in the first few weeks and months. I had weeks I practically lived on this board, and I think that really helped me stay committed. I took a break from here for a while, in all honesty, and later came back because I wasn't all that sure I'd stay strong without it. If I hit a rough spot, it's a lot better for me to know I was just on here that morning than a vague idea that it's been weeks since I posted.

        I remembered a line, and I forget from where, that someone was saying, "AL never actually made me feel happy, it made me feel like I WOULD be happy in about 15 minutes." That rang pretty true to me, that idea that I'd be happy after just a little more...only I never actually GOT to that promise of being happy while drinking. Or if I did, I'd immediately have more to try to keep it going and we all know how THAT ends up.

        Rooting for you Hannah, Kailey, Overit, LAF to make this quit stick! And rooting for everyone else on this board, too!

        Sometimes when I'm tempted it helps me to tell myself, "Well, I don't drink anymore." My brain will try to tell me just one wouldn't hurt or no one would know and all of that, but if I stick with, "Too bad, I don't anymore" it saves me from having to argue in a way? I'm not sure if I'm explaining it well, it's just that for me sometimes I have to stop the argument with a "No" instead of trying to argue back.

        Oh, and Hypernova, caffeine withdrawal is definitely not any fun to go through; good luck!
        I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

        Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
        AF on: 8/12/2014


          Good morning. Just checking in!
          The easy way to quit drinking?:


            Hello friends,

            It's day 14, so in about 10 hours it'll be two full weeks sober for me! The time has gone by so quickly, I can hardly believe it.

            I just wanted to write a quick post to say a big THANK YOU to everyone on here; to those present now and everyone that has posted in the past all the hundreds of posts I've read over the last few days.

            Reading your stories of success, of failure and of determination has been so incredibly helpful. This is a lonely journey, but to know that there are others that really understand that journey makes the goal seem so much more attainable. You are all truly inspirational.

            I believe I am just beginning to find myself again after 20+ years lost.

            Thank you all.



              Originally posted by LostAndFound View Post
              It's day 14, so in about 10 hours it'll be two full weeks sober for me!
              Many congrats Lost & Found!

              AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                Hello Nesters,

                It is good to be here. While I am not posting here and reading posts on daily basis but I feel as if I BELONG here. Kinda like a women you love so much that after a while you know she will be around always...

                Well Hanna what a great post. I can so relate to it. I have been a drunk, workaholic, traveling freak. I still do all other stuff but I don't drink. Have been sober for 1 year plus now. I remember during first 8 to 9 months as could not imagine myself without Mwo. It was my support mechanism. My place where I could vent. Last year was also my record year of travels all across the world. And going to so many new places and staying sober there helped me form such great memories which have given me strength. But where ever I went I wrote every single da. Mat be so many folks here must have felt.... "what is it with this guy! " but then many too were in the same boat. During these days emotions were high, and recall being so charged up while writing. By brain which became so dull with years of drinking was super active and fresh.

                How can I thank Mwo for changing my life... Someone said... "the irony of quiting is you must do it on your own, Yet you cannot do it without others support".

                We have to work hard on our own to quit but we must have support mechanism. For me it was Mwo.

                Is my life perfect? No ways... But it's so much better!!

                Take care...
                Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                Rebooting ... done ...
                Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                  Morning nest

                  Well i am with you Matt, I am going to do nothing also! I would appreciate seeing that weird thing so send it our way. We are having a cold snap and its a shocker after the Thailand holiday.

                  Lost, congratulations on 14 days for you and Oko you said that so well, an angel! What a lovely thought.

                  Kailey i did everything with a glass in my hand which meant i really did nothing once i started drinking as that then became my focus. Now i just think about doing something and do nothing and have no guilt associated with not doing it!

                  I hope things are going okay with you Lil and you are taking care of yourself.

                  Glad to see you Over, checking in is all it takes.

                  Lavb, i went to the drs yesterday and have to do a fasting blood test. I used to tell myself when i drank that i would stop for 5 weeks and then have a blood test. Well obviously 5 weeks never happened and neither did the blood test. It feels good now to just not eat, walk in for the test, walk out and know my liver levels wont give me away! Its the little things in life i appreciate now, i dont miss the hiding!

                  Great to see you Rahul and glad you are well.

                  I'm off to make a cuppa and snuggle in bed, feel like crap but its not from a hangover!

                  Take care
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    im new don't know wot to do


                      Hi Stronger and welcome. I seen you post on another thread. How can we help? There is always someone around here since we live in all different parts of the world so post away. You will get lots of support in what you need.

                      I came here at the end of my tether with drinking, all the stories i read were my life and then i seen how others changed by stopping al and threw myself in. I have never regretted a day that i have been sober and i am sure you will not either.
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        hi im new. is anyone there to talk. im really being honest


                          Here and present!
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Grateful for the beautiful weather we've had for two days. It inspired me to get some stuff done outside!!

                            Ava, sure hope you feel better soon!

                            Matt, that's a hell of a lot or rain. I hope your weather settles down for you now. I'm sure you enjoyed your day off
                            Do firefighters/paramedics really ever get a day off? My son apparently got home from work this morning in time to walk his 6 year old son to the school bus stop at the corner. The bus arrived & just as the first of many kids there stepped off the curb (to cross the street to the bus) a car blew through (ignoring the giant STOP sign) & hit the child, hard. The kid was thrown from the street up onto the lawn. He rendered assistance until the ambulance arrived very quickly. I haven't heard the extent of the child's injuries yet but I can tell you that all of the kids & parents who witnessed the event were traumatized. The driver was an 18 year old with a brand new license & a car full of friends. I guess he was distracted
                            I'm thankful that my son was there.

                            Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Hello & welcome Stronger Me!
                              Glad you found us & decided to join in
                              Can you tell us a little about yourself? Getting started is a bit confusing but we'll help you in any way we can.

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Originally posted by Lavande View Post
                                Do firefighters/paramedics really ever get a day off? My son apparently got home from work this morning in time to walk his 6 year old son to the school bus stop at the corner. The bus arrived & just as the first of many kids there stepped off the curb (to cross the street to the bus) a car blew through (ignoring the giant STOP sign) & hit the child, hard. The kid was thrown from the street up onto the lawn. He rendered assistance until the ambulance arrived very quickly. I haven't heard the extent of the child's injuries yet but I can tell you that all of the kids & parents who witnessed the event were traumatized. The driver was an 18 year old with a brand new license & a car full of friends. I guess he was distracted
                                I'm thankful that my son was there.
                                Oh my gosh Lav, that is awful. You must be proud of your son for taking such quick action. Who knows what the outcome might have been had he not been there. Hope the poor little child is ok. How sad :-(


