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    Thanks CK, that was a great support to me. I realize when I am feeling down like that it REALLY HELPS to reach out. All of you guys and gals are a great support. Thanks everyone for being there, I feel so much better and will be able to sleep tonight.


      Just saw your second post, that's awesome!! So glad you toughed it out. Inspiring!


        Couldn't have been strong without the support. :love:


          JUST HAVE TO SAY THIS SITE IS THE GREATEST. No one is here to solve anyone's problems but to be supportive. I think the best thing is that there is no criticism or negativity. THE SUPPORT IS AMAZING........... Thanks to all that help and support. :welldone:


            Good evening Nesters,

            Got a last minute reprieve & didn't have to watch my grandsons after all - OK with me!

            I was mistaken about the 20 pounds of fish - it turned out only to be 10 pounds, ha ha! It just looked like 20!
            I ended making 47 haddock fish cakes, gave half to my son. I can't even eat any because I used real butter & milk in them & I can't have dairy - swell. Anyway, I was told they are very good

            Karen, I was very disappointed by the lack of support & enthusiasm I received at home when I quit, Then I realized that it really just didn't matter. I quit for a lot of reasons but mostly I quit for ME
            It's always nice when a spouse can show support but it's definitely not mandatory. You did just great!!!

            Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest! I am sincerely hoping my dog (who got me up twice last night) feels better & actually sleeps thru tonight. I'm getting too old for this nonsense

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Hi, Nest:

              Congratulations on the big milestones, and thanks for keeping track, Cowboy.

              I work at a school and this end of the year stuff gets SO crazy. So much going on. I am going away for the weekend with some good friends - I can't wait to get away and laugh, hike and eat. However, after the week I've had, I am very discombobulated, and am not sure I am going to pack what I need. Wish me luck.

              Karen - I like the advice you got and I have to remember it myself. People who have not been in our shoes cannot possibly understand. Sorry he was a jerk, though.

              Happy travels, Byrdie. Fishcakes - yum - Lav.

              If I go missing for a couple of days it is lack of access. I'm not sure where I am heading.



                Hi Nester's near and not so far,


                Pack -

                - first aid kit
                - water
                - shorts
                - all weather windproof hiking top/jacket
                - stick, line and bait
                - hiking boots and good socks
                - musical instrument and/or a pair of spoons
                - big cheesy smile
                - camera

                Safe travels friend.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  G!!! SO great to see you in the nest! Missed the stew out of you!
                  This has been the longest prelude to a vacation in history! Can you tell I am excited? We are out the door! Providence, RI, here we come!! Love to all! If I can do this, I know you can! xoxox, Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    I'm so excited for you! Have a wonderful time & take lots of pictures!

                    ps If your phone gets full I can walk you thru creating a free dropbox account then linking it to your phone so it performs auto back up of your pictures every day. This way you can delete in order to make room for more.
                    AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                      Good morning Nesters, happy Friday to all

                      Woke up to sunshine today in place of the storm clouds we've had the past few days ~ nice!

                      Safe travels Byrdie, have fun!

                      Pav, wishing you happy hiking!
                      Hi there G!

                      Hellos to everyone & sending wishes for a great AF day. Plan ahead for a successful AF weekend, you'll have nothing to regret

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Hi guys
                        Just checking I woke up very early this morning...sobbing, yet again. However, it is day 13 for me and I am praying that I get that day 13 "click" Byrd describes. I am in the fight of my life, and my emotions, given the end of my marriage are truly overwhelming. However, I am reaching out for support instead of the bottle. Although it is not a coincidence, it is so sad that now that I am so committed to this my marriage is most definitely over. Anyway,trying to stay focussed on my quit, along with figuring out what to do next. Attorneys, selling the house, finding additional income, a place to live. Ugh. Life. I just keep trying to tell myself that it will all be ok.

                        Happy travels to those going on vacation.wish I could open my eyes an be in Tahiti.


                          Hanna, You are doing great, and your nest compadres are so proud of you. The work you are doing now WILL result in big rewards that you'll see come along later. Just follow the directions that came with your newly planted seedling and before you know it you'll see it getting stronger and stronger.

                          AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                            Good morning nestlings! Hope all are well today. Hope all the vacationers have fun trips & safe travels!

                            Hanna sending out a prayer for you & the hard time you are going through right now.
                            Hang in there honey!

                            Hope everyone has a peaceful weekend.


                              Hanna, first -- hugs! :hug: Now, please do your best not to think of the big, overwhelming picture.

                              Take. One. Thing. At. A. Time.

                              Just focus on today and getting through it AF. You don't have to do everything all at once, and you can get through this so much more easily without the AL. Also, we're here for you, so please keep posting.
                              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                                Hanna keep trucking on! Like Byrdlady says, you already made it through everyday of the week (almost twice now!) you can do it! I like this quote from the hip hop preacher, don't cry to give up, cry to keep going!

                                i was reading a book a month ago about a woman who cited her schizophrenia with the help of meditation, yoga, medication and psychotherapy. I was reading to help my brother but I have never found a resource to help anyone going through mental health all in one place. I highly recommend How I Conquered Schizophrenia to anyone struggling with alcohol. One thing I particularly like is having a gratitude list of 10 things, 10 gifts, you received in your life that you loved, cherished, made you who you are. For me I could keep going way past 10 and realized how blessed I was. Tony Robbins talks a lot about how your focus changes your state, and this is an excellent exercise for reconditioning your mind to look for the positive. That and affirmations I think help a great deal, along with meditation. I mean just yesterday I was meditating at 1245 at night feeling depressed because my older brother, who I have had animosity towards since I was little for mistreating myself and my family, had a son born on the day my wife and I found out about our miscarriage! I mean that sucks. I caught myself asking why I get so bad, and my mind, like any good machine, immediately began searching for shitty things in my life, and found them immediately. I bring all this stuff up because I feel like to maintain quitting we have to retrain our minds to prevent reverting back to form. I knew all these things conceptually for years but only once I stopped drinking did I put any of it into practice for longer than a few days. Best of luck to everyone this weekend, can't drink I am moving my brother in law all weekend!

