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Newbies Nest

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    Quick check in. Travel day today, heading for the Boston airport shortly. It has been a great trip, but I am ready to get back home. I feel as if I traveled 1000 times lighter, I wasnt strapped with the extra baggage of addiction. Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Good morning Nesters,

      Happy Friday to all!
      I was hoping for a touch of sunshine......maybe this afternoon.

      Byrdie, wishing you safe travels today!
      Glad you enjoyed your time in New England.

      Lil, hope you see the sun in the OB today

      Greetings Pav, L&F & everyone!
      Wishing everyone a great AF day. Let's get our plans together for a wonderful, guilt free & AF weekend

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Good morning everyone! I've been away from here trying to evaluate me, myself & I, and I like myself here, and all of you of course. I will have to read back and check up on everyone.

        I hope you all have a great day today.
        The easy way to quit drinking?:


          Over it, was wondering where you've been
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Hi Pauly, I've over here (imagine me waving) Looks like you are headed in the right direction!

            Lilbit-congrats on 3 months. That must mean that Dutch gets a party hat too!

            Missed hanging out with all of you but I just needed to take an inventory of myself. I passed
            The easy way to quit drinking?:



              Overit it is good to hear from you. I hope your evaluation goes well...or at least points you in a positive direction.

              So I made it through yesterday. You know if my wife had a miscarriage at 10 days I don't think I would be here. I am glad something like this happened longer into my quit, I am struggling, but I am feeling my emotions and getting a grip. It's like I am learning how to deal with emotions for the first time and it's a steep learning curve. people talk about feeling positive and negative experiences for the first time on here., and I think that is where I am at. I think before this incident, I was finally realizing how awesome my life was. Today, I am going to head over to the gratitude thread and start building some positive habits to get me out of this funk.

              If it takes some discipline I am disciplined. I do feel like sometimes I am writing a pep talk to myself on here for the day, and I burn out early despite it everyday for 2 weeks. Yesterday I left for work an hour late because I knew I could. I practically crawled out the door I felt so bad. If my 2 year old woke up yesterday at 10am I would have, she is my alarm clock right now, She is the best part of my day and I feel so bad I can't even enjoy it. I went to CVS at 9pm, walked by the alcohol and right for the ice cream, bought more than i know what to do with but dammit if I am not going to beat this funk. My stomach has been bugging me everyday, and I am positive it is just my emotions. It hurts before I eat and during the day when I am not eating anything particular. I was hoping it was my protein powder, I have drank coffee and tea religiously but I am not giving that up. There is also no way my stomach is pussing out on tea when it was handling vodka like it was nothing. Talk therapy session for me is over. Happy Friday all, hope you all have a good one.


                just saying hi and enjoying reading everyone's posts….
                Hanna…thinking of you….hold on tight and things will get better


                  Hi, Nest

                  3June, it was so good to hear from you! Even though you've been gone awhile, I just knew you were doing fine. There are some people like you and Ginger who from their early posts on show that they get it. Then it's just a matter of giving yourself the time to heal and establish new patterns, behaviors, and interests.

                  Jennie, I am so happy for you! You sound wonderful - so confident and happy. I'm really glad you gave the no sugar experiment a try. We never know what something is doing to us until we go without if for awhile. Do you find that not eating junk decreases your desire to drink? That was my experience, anyway.

                  Hanna, I've been thinking about you so much and sorry you're going through such pain. You're experiencing relativity in action. How ironic that having to stop drinking seems like the hardest thing in the world until you have to do something that is even harder. I used to fantasize about having some serious illness that would force me to stop drinking. A friend of mine couldn't drink while she was receiving intense chemotherapy and I remember actually feeling jealous of her. What twisted thinking addiction can lead to!

                  I wish there were a way for us to truly help you through this. I hope that you can realize what an amazing thing you're doing and be proud of yourself.


                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Wow, I ended having a pretty busy but productive day!
                    No complaints from me

                    Dutch, you go ahead & write yourself a pep talk every day if it helps. Nothing wrong with that!
                    Don't eat all that ice cream at once, OK?

                    Overit, what's going on with you? Of course you passed your self-test, what's next?

                    How's it going jennie?

                    Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest! Also wishing my dog doesn't wake up at 4 AM with an asthma attack again - geez.

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      hi, everyone. I'm new here. this weekend I will be starting on antabuse and am curious what other's experiences with this drug have been? I guess I'm feeling a little anxious, but i don't know if that's because of the subconscious thought of stopping drinking, or just no faith in myself in stopping. any insight is appreciated. <3
                      "Don't be ashamed of your story. It will inspire others".
                      “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


                        Good morning Nesters,

                        Still waiting for the sun to make an appearance in my portion of the world!

                        Hello & welcome idefineme!
                        Glad you found us & decided to join in for support. I did not use Antabuse or any meds myself but others here have. I'm sure someone will chime in soon. I do know that you need a good plan in place to succeed. Getting rid of all the AL in your house & vowing to buy no more is a good start. Stay close to the nest, ask if you have questions & beware the serious side effects of mixing AL & Antabuse - you don't want to go there. Wishing you the very best on your journey!

                        Wishing everyone a good AF Saturday!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Good morning, all!
                          Back home, just picked up the dog, life is good!
                          One of our travel mates got a cold and I have pucked that up...I try to be careful in airports and such and got one anyway. Got the washing going, its good to be home!

                          Idefineme, welcome. Hearing that you are about to start Antabuse leads me to helieve this isnt your first crack at quitting AL? Speaking for myself, I found the FEAR of quitting to be much harder than the act of doing it! I hope that is the case for you, too. Once you get over the first challenging days, you begin to feel better and better! We are so glad you found us! Talking it out here has made all the difference for me. Welcome aboard!

                          Hope everyone has a peaceful day! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Made it 90 days, despite feeling bad about other things in my life, I am quite pleased with this. How about I celebrate with a drink!

                            Just kidding =P


                              Hey all, don't have much time this morning but wanted to check in. I'm doing something new for me today - sober wedding reception! Honestly, I'm more nervous about the drive (not used to city driving anymore) and getting parked than about being sober just now, but I know that doesn't mean it won't change.

                              I'm really grateful if anything this morning. Especially by the end of my drinking, I never wanted to go to things out of town - it was such a pain (to me) to try to stay sober on a long drive. And then there was the planning out exactly how much I could drink and still be able to drive home, or wondering if I should bring my own just in case. I know I don't have to worry about any of that today and that I'll be able to leave the reception when I WANT to instead of having to wait until I'm sober enough. I'm positive I'll be enjoying the food more, too!

                              I also never would have wanted to go by the end of things because of my own health. I was always tired even when I wasn't really hungover, and my stomach could get really questionable. I was also super overweight and just generally looked unhealthy, so I hated to go out where folks could see me. I always worried they were judging me for looking so poorly. I'm not perfectly healthy yet, but I've made so much progress in the last 9-10 months that I'm at least proud to be seen again.

                              I'm pretty excited about being able to be present for this today! I'll try to check back in when I get back.
                              I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

                              Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
                              AF on: 8/12/2014


                                Good Morning:

                                CONGRATULATIONS, Dutch! Yes, celebrate with a good drink - of tea, juice, water. Whatever you want. I know it won't be alcohol because you don't drink. How amazing is that.

                                Welcome, idefineme. This is a great place to get support for staying sober. I have never used antabuse so I can't chime in about that, but stay close to MWO and you'll get a lot of wisdom.

                                LavBlue - Have fun at the wedding reception. Being sober and in charge of my transportation, etc. is a great thing. I love having the better control in all ways.

                                As for me? I wake up with vertigo symptoms sometimes - dizziness that won't go away. I used to blame it on alcohol and being hungover, but it still happens. My hypothesis is that it is my sinuses resettling after being horizontal all night. It doesn't happen often enough to worry me, but it IS one thing that didn't get better with being sober.

                                I am excited to be home today with nothing on the calendar until dinner with friends tonight. Some spring cleaning is in order, as well as some lounging around with a good book. I am so glad I don't have a hangover to get in the way.

                                Happy Sober Saturday,

