I have to admit I am tired after a 12 hr day with a feisty 4 year old, Ha ha!!
There would be no chance in hell I could be doing this stuff, at this age if I was still hugging a wine bottle. No way!!
Welcome back blackflag! Stay close to the nest, report in often
Matt, it's a good thing when you finally realize & admit that you are out of quits - this one IS THE ONE!!!! For me it was a huge relief getting that damn monkey off my back
All we have to do is wake up each & every day & choose not to drink. We are fortunate when you consider the alternatives.
Hope your Texas heat doesn't get too bad.
Dutch, I really hope you & your brother keep the business happy & healthy. You certainly have had a lot to deal with lately but you are doing great. Don't forget to treat yourself with a little kindness.
Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest.