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    Hang in there Hanna, I totally understand what you are going through. Like they all say, don't beat yourself up............everyone here will support you. Just keep coming back. You wont forgret it!!!


      Good evening Nesters,

      Another long day for me, geez! But I did get lots done, I'm not really complaining just super tired

      Congrats on your 7 AF days Mischa! Feels pretty good, right?
      The headaches, tiredness, etc will all go away soon, promise.

      Hanna, your 30 consecutive days are coming, just hang in there.

      Jane, your graphics are getting nicer & nicer. Are you in competition with Cowboy? Ha ha, just kidding

      Lil, you really sound good & that's music to my ears! Stay well.

      Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Afternoon nest

        A bit of a quiet time at work, well i am making time with a coffee.

        Kherrio, i had horrendous headaches for 5 weeks but i figured i did this to my body so i had to let it heal in its own time. Congratulations on your 7 amazing days. You have the right attitude to keep on going and going girl.

        Hanna you are sounding a lot better, i know not great but each day heals a little, be strong and stay safe.

        I am nearly ready for meltdown mode now. I thought if i dont stop and regroup i will A: cry hysterically, B: yell hysterically or C: not sure on that one. So i have rescheduled vets appts, shopping etc so i can have a quiet weekend. I am realising i cant do everything and i need to take care of myself once and awhile so this weekend it is. No drinking thoughts but i still know that at the back of this brain the thought that al will fix "it" is always there. Thats not an option so its look after Ava weekend.

        Keep safe everyone. xx
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          I just lost a long post.
          It did me good to write it out, but I don't have the time now to write it again.
          I'm heading off this weekend and will be back Monday..
          Looking forward to catch up with all of you..

          Have a wonderful end of the week/weekend!

          Mischa, Great job on 7 days!!
          Kherriot on 2 months!
          Last edited by lifechange; June 22, 2015, 11:59 PM.


            Checking in. Working a OT shift today��, but need the money, vacation is on the horizon.
            Everyone sounds good for the most part.
            Most of us put in many years of feeding our addiction and putting off important things in our life. So unraveling out tangled web can take time, but it's so much easier untangling things with a clear sober mind.
            So keep on keeping on, and whatever you don't take that first drink!

            Linda~ Hang in there my dear friend, your a soldier! Thinking about you often.

            Stay Hard Mi Famalia!
            AF 08~05~2014

            There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


              Good morning Nesters, happy Friday to all!

              Slept like a log last night, still tired - must be age related, ha ha!
              Maybe a granny nap this afternoon....we shall see

              Matt, OT is good but don't overdue. My son tells me he's been pulling a lot of 36 hr shifts lately, geez.

              LC, have a good & safe weekend away!

              Ava, take care of #1 today, you deserve a break!

              Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Friday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Happy Friday to everyone! Life is good, life is good!
                Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                  Good Morning, All!
                  The sun's out, the birds are's FRIDAY! Life is good!

                  As I read the overnight posts this morning...I began to make a mental list of why I'm so grateful to be sober. It has been a real experience, this RETURNING to normal. I didn't think I was ABnormal at the time (as a problem drinker) but in the rear view, I WAS. I like rules as it turns out. Rules give me a sense of peace and order. AL breaks all those rules for me. The overnight posts made me think that there may be someone reading who might be in those painfully slow first days of sobriety, where everything makes us want to return to 'NORMAL' for us...(which is NOT normal!) I thought I'd make a list. If I had to re-live my first week of sobriety:
                  1. Be good to yourself. You are in the hardest part, it WILL get better.
                  2. EAT. Whatever you want! Keep your tummy full.
                  3. Stay occupied....put yourself on a task and see it thru.
                  4. Do whatever you need to make sure you don't take the first drink.
                  5. Vow not to buy or drink AL and get it out of your can't be responsible for what someone ELSE does, but you do control what YOU do.
                  6. Reach out for help - recovering alcoholics love to help. Glue yourself into MWO. Read and POST.
                  7. Go to bed early - it will make the days go faster.
                  8. Your sobriety is the first order of business, everything else can wait until later. Put your oxygen mask on before assisting others.
                  9. Talk to us, we are all ears and anything goes here in the nest.
                  10. Keep going - 15 minutes at a time, one minute at a time. It adds up. My first night sober was 1610 days ago. I started with Day 1.

                  Just a few thoughts here on a Friday, as we head into the weekend. Friday is just another day, not an excuse to derail. If you want indifference to AL, the only way I know to find it is to starve the life out of it, every day you put between you and AL does that. Before you know it, you'll get thru the day and think...'I haven't thought about AL at all!!" That is a WIN! Take its importance away and you will be miles ahead! Take the romance out of it and rip its mask off to reveal what AL really is! POISON to us (Kryptonite, to us SuperSheros!) Don't fall for's a TRICK! Stay strong, everyone! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Happy Friday Nesters!

                    Lav, I invested a few dollars in a microsoft app called Logo Customizer. Its nothing fancy, but I'm having fun with it
                    AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                      Jane, I wondered how you were personalizing all these cool pictures!! I don't know why I'm so cheap when it comes to buying an APP??!!! You'd think I was debating world peace! B
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Byrdie, The 3 bucks doesn't bug me as much as the fact that I don't totally 'get' the different app thing. I understand that iphone aps are one thing (and apple exclusive), I'm TRYING to understand/remember that Microsoft is another planet (and is associated with Hotmail), that Google is another planet and associated with Gmail....

                        what troubles me is not being able to connect the dots. I know they're all separate and unique entities, but I find the whole thing very weird. I'm paying for extra Cloud storage for my apple devices- I have nothing I can see on/in my cloud, and prior to upgrading to the iphone 6, I was constantly having to delete stuff just to have enough memory to download the latest update. I have a bunch of email accounts that I was required to set up at one time or another for reasons I don't remember (and not because I was drinking). And don't even get me started on passwords.

                        Ith confoothing
                        AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                          Hi, All:

                          Quick check in. A lot going on here in Pav-land. Thank goodness I'm sober to use the force and fight off the bad juju with inner peace.

                          Cowboy wrote about the "discussions" or arguments with his wife as being so much better with a clear, sober head, and I concur. That was a totally unexpected and wonderful side effect for me.

                          Today I realized that I also have discussions with myself that are much more healthy and productive than when I was drinking. I don't feel nearly as "woe is me" when something doesn't go well, or blame my temperament (I'm MOODY, I'm ANXIOUS, I'm SENSITIVE) on my negative reactions. I still get sad, mad, etc., but it doesn't feel hopeless or permanent like it used to. I can face those emotions and understand that they are there. But the only way out is through. If I avoid them, they'll turn around and chase me until I deal with them (like Wile E Coyote).

                          I know we all think we're different. I certainly did. And we are in many ways. But BELIEVE me, if you are considering quitting, you can't even begin to imagine the positive side effects of quitting drinking. Suspend disbelief and hop on in. You will never regret it.

                          A fizzy water cheers to all of you getting milestones - measured in hours, days, months or years. Keep on keeping on.

                          Happy SOBER weekend,


                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Thanks everyone for such thoughtful posts today - nice work

                            I didn't take my granny nap, thought twice about it possibly messing with a good night's sleep (usually does). This getting old stuff is for the birds (Sorry Byrdie & Stella), haha!!

                            Life is so much better without the AL monkey on your back. I didn't have the energy to carry that bum around anymore, glad I ditched him when I did
                            Keep going everyone, you'll have no regrets!

                            Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              One thing that helped me was reading Allen Carrs "Easy Way To Control Alcohol." And one of my favorite parts is where he talks about remembering your childhood. How easy it was to run and play. To have fun and be free. Before alcohol entered the picture. I like to remember that. I didn't need alcohol to play tag, to walk with my friends and talk. And I don't now.
                              Firsts are challenging. I know. And even after a little over 2 years I still have them. But it gets easier as you go through them.
                              No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                                Good morning Nesters,

                                Cloudy here in Lav-land, more rain is on the way this weekend, oh well.
                                I will be dog sitting for the next week, lucky me. I get to add two insane Golden Retrievers to my household while my son & his family go on vacation. Fun times ahead, pray for me, ha ha!!!

                                LB, even after 6 years I get an occasional thought but it is immediately followed by a 'that would be stupid - I don't drink' thought. I am grateful for that, I'm sure you are as well

                                Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

