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    Good morning Nesters,

    Hot, humid & overcast here, what else is new? Seems we are stuck in this weather pattern, oh well.

    Hanna, so glad to hear how you handled your rough day yesterday, You are definitely making progress. Keep the faith that better days are coming!

    Ava, we promote self care not self destruction. You are doing so well despite all the obstacles

    Londoner, what I just said about self care applies to you as well. We all had to stop looking outside ourselves for comfort. Turn your attention to the right person - you. You already have everything you need. I agree with Mr G, a little meditation each day does wonders.

    Hello to everyone & sending wishes for a terrific AF Tuesday for all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Great posts from the overnight team once again.

      Not much to add. If you've got ONE DAY going, keep it up!! Don't let AL claim one more day of your precious life! Not one, not ever!!! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Lav, here are some cool breezes from 66-degree SF. As Mark Twain once said, "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco."

        Great posts, everyone. I like the Wonder Woman concept, too, Pav. 'Will assume the pose while waiting for my morning coffee to brew, although it's hard to be confident and dignified when the cat is wrapped around your ankle.
        "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


          Originally posted by LilBit View Post
          Lav, here are some cool breezes from 66-degree SF. As Mark Twain once said, "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco."

          Great posts, everyone. I like the Wonder Woman concept, too, Pav. 'Will assume the pose while waiting for my morning coffee to brew, although it's hard to be confident and dignified when the cat is wrapped around your ankle.
          Hey Lilbit-azon - 66 f would be a GREAT summer day up here in the North on the iceberg - although last week we smacked down some records in Anchorage and nearly 'sploded in spontaneous whining combustion when the mercury hit 82!

          AND WOWEE MEOWEE on having furry feet while channeling your WONDERful Woman!
          Sober for the Revolution!
          AF & NF July 23, 2011


            Hanna, I'm so proud of you and inspired by your grit and determination. You will see 30 days, and I'm looking forward to congratulation you when the day comes.

            Little down and out over here, possibly over tired, worn out from obsessing about stuff. Hubs 50 th is today. Been a very nice day so far, and looking forward to catered dinner at home this evening with family. Love to all
            AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


              Jane, I was worn out today, too and not even sure why. 'Took a two-hour nap and feel groggy, like my head is full of cotton wool. I hope you get some mental rest and emerge refreshed. Congrats to hubs on the Big 5-O.

              Turnagain, sounds pretty cold where you are. 'Always wondered what it would be like to live in that part of the world. Is it as awesome as it seems? And yes, the cat anklet is part of the WW costume. "Real women wear cats."
              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                Happy unhung Tuesday.
                No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                  I concur, LB.

                  Happy UN HUNG Tuesday.



                    Good Morning Nester Friends,

                    I was away for a long anniversary weekend with my partner and had to work like crazy upon returning home. Today my eldest is home sick so I took the day off to take care of her.. and am stealing a few minutes to write.
                    We had a lovely time away and decided it was just what the doctor ordered. Our relationship has been on the rocks for the past couple of years, largely due to my drinking. I'm learning, slowly but surely, that when I'm taking care of myself, body, mind and soul, my need to control others diminishes and I'm able to just let them (partner and his son) be how they are.. live their lives the way the choose, though different to how I choose to live, not necessarily wrong or worse. That is a HUGE relief.. letting go of the need to control. I can't tell you all how much that improves with not drinking. I'm mixed up with who wrote what since Friday, 'cause I marathon read all the posts, but at least one of you mentioned how nice it is to regain the control of your mind, and therefore your actions. I'm just beginning to feel that I have the power to control how I RE-act (if at all) to what someone has said or done, that I can decide whether or not I am going to stay in a bad mood/angry or if I am going to search for the positive.
                    I still haven't found a good therapist, but will continue to look. I worry from my past manic-depressive type behaviour that I might soon need hands on help.. when I'm least expecting it. Though I feel pretty balance at the moment.

                    Hanna, I really feel for you during this difficult time. It sounds like you're doing a good job of staying busy, out and about and going to meetings. Hopefully you'll soon be able to live in a separate space. How's it going with your sponsor? Great timing that you were able to find someone you can talk it all through with in person..stay strong.

                    Turnagain, thank you for that post!.. It was indirectly written for me as well.. great reminders. I'm envious of your 80+ in Anchorage. Beautiful!!

                    Lilbit, I am also a cat lover, wonder woman.. I have them glued to my side, though, instead of wrapped around my feet. So sweet..

                    Ava, I hope it all starts to lighten up for you a bit. I appreciate so much your open and honest posts, sharing your coping skills, still clear about the fact that no matter what, no matter who, you DON'T drink.. you, too, Pav! and Lav and Byrdie..

                    Everyone here, it has been great to come back to the support of so many fighting the same battle, finding the path to a new way of life!

                    Welcome to Mitchy!!!


                      Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
                      Great posts from the overnight team once again.

                      Not much to add. If you've got ONE DAY going, keep it up!! Don't let AL claim one more day of your precious life! Not one, not ever!!! Byrdie
                      Ain't that the truth Byrdy! Day 5 here. It really is time to step up and rawk this thing.

                      I can say that i'll be doing my best friends.

                      Right on LC.

                      Take care out there and kick some ass.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Hey G-man!! I so agree with you.. time to rawk it! I'm ready, too, friend.

                        Has Mischa been around? Call out to Mischa!


                          Evening nest

                          Check in time for me. The day was hectic but i wasnt as stressed so that was a bonus though i did want to hang up on a patient who told me that since i was rescheduling his appointment he might die due to this and it would be my fault. i told him if he did die to give me a call so i could cancel his appointment. Winter time seems to bring out everyones bad side.

                          LC there is nothing that would get me to drink and having that mindset has served me well thus far, not that there arent times i would "fang" for a wine but i dont even think i would like the taste, just the smell is enough to make me want to vomit. You sound really positive girl, keep it up. There will be hard times but the good far outweigh the bad.

                          Hang in there G you can do this, give it all you have, i know you can do it. Coffee, coffee and more coffee!

                          Had a personal training session today, god i hate that woman and i only have 8 more sessions to go! I mentioned i may like her by then. I do feel so much better so i admit that, and since i have not been in a gym for 51 years i am feeling pretty good. Never would i have contemplated going to a gym and having a PT if i had been drinking, would have cut into precious drinking time. Mind you i did win this!

                          I am off to find a wheelchair as i dont think i will be able to walk tomorrow!

                          Take care everyone.
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            The Mindset! Thank you, Ava!
                            After having such a good morning, I went out to do the shopping and the nagging AV was on my back. It pissed me off a bit and stayed with me until I got home. I reminded myself that I DON'T DRINK! and there is no reason for me to, whatsoever. I have my daughter at home, I have a day off of work, I have a partner who would kill me, I have a very busy schedule the next couple of weeks.. I played it forward, knowing I would never stop at just one beer. And then what's the point of just drinking one anyway? I drank to to escape my life..
                            I tried to imagine what you all look like in person.. especially Mr. G, as you were the last one to sign on and say it's time to stop the insanity!
                            I don't want to drink.. that I know. I have to keep that as my main focus and come here and write about it each and every day to keep it fresh in my mind.


                              Good Morning, Nesters!
                              Ava, your sense of humor is wicked! I love what you told that patient! Go YOU!!!

                              Without knowing it, you have given me inspiration. Well, you and the 70-some year old who kicked my arse on vacation a couple weeks ago. I am getting up and walking, yes WALKING! In the HEAT! Without my walking partner! (she is visiting her son and I use this as an excuse). You inspire me in MANY ways, not just the physical activity. I am in awe of you, if you want to know the truth. I believe you are one of the most unselfish people I have ever not met!! Maybe that's how you get your superpowers, I will have to think about that...may be on to something. I really love your mindset! The door on AL is CLOSED. Period! That makes me very happy! For us, any other mindset only gets in the way, it delays the inevitable and impedes our forward progress! I hope Robert stabilizes and YOU can get some rest!! (even super-sheros have to recharge).

                              I hope everyone has a great day. Maintaining your quit is 1000 times easier than starting over, I wrote the book on that one! (see Byrdie's Book of Day One's and Other Tail Chasing Activities) Hugs to all! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Good morning Nesters,

                                'Tis the morning after the giant storm that knocked out power around here & caused all sorts of destruction in the area
                                I'm fine, the chickens are fine but we still have no power. Thank goodness for a borrowed battery operated WiFi, ha ha!!
                                Hopefully power will be restored some time today & I can respond to folks.
                                Hope everything is OK Jane!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

