Hi wow my partner just booked us 2 hols I'm off to Dublin and kilkenny then off to morocco - so my Irish buddies and tips for Kilkenny I'm really looking forward to it I abs love the Irish I'm sat here watching boyzone as I write x
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Newbies Nest
Newbies Nest
Hi wow my partner just booked us 2 hols I'm off to Dublin and kilkenny then off to morocco - so my Irish buddies and tips for Kilkenny I'm really looking forward to it I abs love the Irish I'm sat here watching boyzone as I write xLearn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Newbies Nest
hi Fellow Nestlings!
Sorry I didn't post yesterday-wicked busy at work, got home late, was beat so just had a bagel, took care of the kids and hit the sack. Still not sleeping well at all despite buying and taking Alteril. Last week bought another homeopathic sleep aid which also didn't work.
tomorrow I have my MD appt and I will ask her about one of the Rx sleep aids. Something has to break-I can't go on like this. If I was still drinking and having this much trouble sleeping I'd be dead I'm sure!!
Tonite I'm just hanging out with my kids and staying close to the nest. Oh yeah, and watching The Biggest Loser LOL! I had bad cravings on the way home but kept thinking of some of the posts I read today and also how I did NOT want to be the least bit hungover tomorrow for my MD appt. I so want to be able to look her in the eye and tell her how well I've done being AF (except for the 2 small glasses at Easter dinner).
So I will check in again during the commercial breaks and before bed. Hope everyone is comfy cozy in the nest tonite/today.New Birthday: May 8, 2010
"Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe
KO the Beast!!
Newbies Nest
Morning everyone.
Just a quicky before I go off to the gym - I havent been since Thursday eeeekkkkkk!
Nora - I love reading your posts, you can bend my ears anytime you like. Juice with L-glut? We went to the local for breakfast on Sunday and on the menu in the drinks section was Sparkling mineral water and Berrocca (like alkaseltzer - mega vitamin B for hangovers)!! I didnt know whether to feel sad that it was needed or congratulated the pub on being so clever...... Giving people to hangover the night before so they can treat it the next day! Very enterprising.
StirlyGirly - always nice to hear from you. You are so full of wisdom.
K9Lover - well done on AF 5. You are doing well, keep at it.
Molly - I use Calms Forte at night to help me sleep. I asked at a health food store and she said looked at the ingredients and said there was no way we could get that strenght in Australia. It is all natural but it works. I take up to 3 a half hour before bed and sleep for at least 8 or 9 hours (with one trip to the loo but I go straight back to sleep). They are easy to get off the internet and because they are approved by the AFDA (or whatever it is, American food and drug administration thingy) they are approved for import into Australia. Aussie customs are a but funny but if the Americans approve it, it seems OK to come in the country. They really do work well. I have ordered about 6 bottles of the stuff so I dont run out. Good luck.
Hi Fennel - hope you are still hanging in there. X
Maz - The thought of where I could have been in 12 months is quite scary if I hadnt found this site and the book. That is a good thing to remember.
Hey Mama - hope you are doing OK.
Panno - your holidays sound fantastic. Morocco sounds so exotic. Have fun.
Hi Pap - you are sounding strong. Well done. See my notes above about sleeping. Not sure if they might help you too. Sounds like you need something stronger. Good luck with your doctors appointment tomorrow.
Anyway better get dressed and get going to the gym before I loose my enthusiasm.
Hey Tranq and Lav - havent spoken for a while. Enjoying your presidency?
Anyone heard from Jolie?
Catchya later.
HCI finally got it!
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah
Newbies Nest
Hey folks - I am an inch away from hopping in the car and driving to the store. Came on me suddenly this afternoon. I MUST get the L-Glutamine powder. This is awful. I am crawling out of my skin. No you know what it is. I am taking the cravings away from you for a bit Fennel. I wanted to give you a break. Geez - I must be a real sweetie or something.
I had to make a joke because seriously I was about to scream for a minute there. Ok - now I'm better. Actually, I have a prescription for Lorazepam which I haven't had to use for a long time. It actually was to help me sleep and for just such bad episodes as this. I think now would be a good time to take one. I am very impressed by everyone that is doing this by their very strong resolve.....but excuse me.....I am now running for my prescription."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Newbies Nest
Maybe I'm having withdrawals from all the sugar. :H That is probably what is wrong with me. I went a little overboard on the Easter candy.:H"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Newbies Nest
Good evening Nesters!
What the heck is going on with everyone today??
Nora, you may be right about the sugar withdrawal thing!
Sounds like possibly too many chocolate bunnies were consumed this weekend :H
Fennel, it's always safe to hang out in the Nest - I think you know that!
Mama Bear, I understand the need to unload concerns that build up from time to time.
That, I believe is the nature of the beast (marriage). After nearly 37 years, I don't have much left to say......
Molly, I know Calms Forte is available in the stores in the UK, you should be able to get it. Also, look for Valerian, I've used that for sleep too.
Well, I'm beat! I spent 8 hours today watching my 16 month old grandson. He wouldn't settle down for a nap.........he ws too busy :H
Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest.
Leaving the night light on for my VP!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Newbies Nest
Ok folks ? this is embarrassing! I wasn?t craving alcohol. I was craving SUGAR! I went in to get the Lorazepam and found some Easter candy that I didn't inhale yesterday. I started munching on that. I started calming down. Well, as I started eating more & more of the candy and actually began to search thru the baskets for more candy, I realized what the problem was. I have been craving sugar all day long. Oh my gosh - I sabotaged myself with the candy. So, after this candy frenzy ended and I regained my sanity, I will avoid alcohol & sugar for a while.Thanks for saving me everyone.:H This wasn't a pretty picture. A 51 year old - overweight woman digging thru her 23 year old son's Easter basket looking for candy.
:H Nope.....not a pretty picture."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Newbies Nest
Ok folks ? this is embarrassing! I wasn?t craving alcohol. I was craving SUGAR! I went in to get the Lorazepam and found some Easter candy that I didn't inhale yesterday. I started munching on that. I started calming down. Well, as I started eating more & more of the candy and actually began to search thru the baskets for more candy, I realized what the problem was. I have been craving sugar all day long. Oh my gosh - I sabotaged myself with the candy. So, after this candy frenzy ended and I regained my sanity, I will avoid alcohol & sugar for a while.Thanks for saving me everyone.:H This wasn't a pretty picture. A 51 year old - overweight woman digging thru her 23 year old son's Easter basket looking for candy.
:H Nope.....not a pretty picture."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Newbies Nest
NoraC;834154 wrote: Ok folks ? this is embarrassing! I wasn?t craving alcohol. I was craving SUGAR! I went in to get the Lorazepam and found some Easter candy that I didn't inhale yesterday. I started munching on that. I started calming down. Well, as I started eating more & more of the candy and actually began to search thru the baskets for more candy, I realized what the problem was. I have been craving sugar all day long. Oh my gosh - I sabotaged myself with the candy. So, after this candy frenzy ended and I regained my sanity, I will avoid alcohol & sugar for a while.Thanks for saving me everyone.:H This wasn't a pretty picture. A 51 year old - overweight woman digging thru her 23 year old son's Easter basket looking for candy.
:H Nope.....not a pretty picture.
Newbies Nest
Ok - just checking. I'm supposed to be keeping you company.Of course, after my sugar high - I'm bouncing off the walls.:jumpin::waving::jumpwow::bedtime:
This is going to be one serious crash once the candy leaves my system. :H"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15