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    I love those moments Pepper.
    This is one of my favorite holidays. Made even better by being sober.
    Ava I think of you often and what a wonderful friend you are. I know Robert really appreciates you.
    No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


      Thanks for the kind thoughts, Sam, LC, Lav, and Ava. Good to be back.
      Ava, wishing you and Robert peace. Such a difficult situation. But home is where many want to be at the end, I experienced with both my father and FIL.
      Gonna try and add a photo from my night's work.
      The balloons like me are full of hot air.11205621_1011061832246338_3032576038389303457_n.jpg


        Hi, Nest and Happy Friday.

        Very cool, Mr. V. Was it a race? Welcome back to the nest - stick close.

        Byrd - Holy cow. Your quitting drinking was good for your whole town. I'm sure there will be a July 4 creation, right?

        Pepper - LOVE those moments of gratitude and clarity.

        I was in sort of a rotten mood today for no reason - as a matter of fact, I had every reason to be in a good mood. It was hard for me to put a positive spin on anything - my poor family. I had to get a grip on myself and give in to the day. I ended up taking a nap which I never do, and felt a little better. Thankfully tomorrow is soon enough, and I'm sure I'll feel better. At least I know that booze wouldn't have helped the situation at all. I just would have been a drunk in a bad mood. That's a good realization to have. Being sober doesn't mean all rainbows and butterflies (or unicorns for that matter).

        I'm taking my cranky a$$ to bed and spare you all the pain. Have super sober Saturday nights (although since I am on the edge of the date line, you'll be reading this tomorrow).



          Ava, Thinking of you and Robert. You are an outstanding and generous person. I know you will survive this and that death is an inevitable fact of life, but I'm so sorry for the pain you are feeling. So much love and richness in your friendship with one another. Nothing will change that reality. love & hugs
          AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


            Happy 4th of July everyone.
            I use to be in prison. A prison of my own making. There were no bars on the doors or windows, but the barriers were still there. The lonely isolation, the fear, the anxiey.
            But now I am free. I walk in sunlight once again. That is part of my celebration this day.
            No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


              On MWO, everyday is Independence day for everyone, celebrate the freedom from alcohol!
              Last edited by abcowboy; July 4, 2015, 07:31 AM.
              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                thinking of you,
                Liberated 5/11/2013


                  Happy Independence Day!
                  Little Beagle, not sure it could be said any better!

                  Our neighborhood has a little parade every year on this day at 10 am. We all gather (even the dogs), we have boats and golf carts, and we march around the block. This is complete with police escort! We sing God Bless America while marching. It is literally a parade for and BY the neighborhood. Afterwards, we are going to a neighbor's for popsicles. How fun is that? 5 years ago, I remember going to these already having gotten my head start on drinking. Everyone would ask me why I was sweating so much! It would be a delicate act to maintain my buzz all day without passing out on the couch. Holy moly, as I remember it all I cringe. My hubs is out of town so I wouldnt have driven this whole weekend. Unreal, the lengths we go and think its normal or acceptable! Yes, I WAS that bad, so there are NO misty watercolor memories for me! NO, HELL NO! AL will mot take one more day of my life!
                  Hope everyone has a wonderful, safe and sober holiday! Byrdie

                  Still working on the picture posting....oy.
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by Byrdlady; July 4, 2015, 10:07 AM.
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Good morning Nesters,

                    Happy Independence day to all

                    Freedom from the grips of AL & any addiction is precious! Protect your quits today & the rest of this weekend. That's an action you'll never regret

                    Thinking of you Ava :hug:

                    Have a great AF Saturday everyone!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      HI all and happy 4th of July! Just checking in, still doing well. Stay strong on this holiday weekend everyone!

                      I wanted to chime in to let Ava know my thoughts are with her and Robert as well. Ava, with all you have shared about Robert and what he's gone through and how you've been there for him, I know this must be such a very difficult time. I wish him peace through his transition and strength and acceptance to both of you.


                        Originally posted by little beagle View Post
                        Happy 4th of July everyone.
                        I use to be in prison. A prison of my own making. There were no bars on the doors or windows, but the barriers were still there. The lonely isolation, the fear, the anxiey.
                        But now I am free. I walk in sunlight once again. That is part of my celebration this day.
                        LB I read your post and teared up. Wow. That was so perfectly said. Thank you for sharing that!
                        Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


                          Hello, I am new here. I've only made two or three posts so far. This seems like a really great place for support.
                          I saw on another thread about checking out a "toolbox"?? i looked around but couldn't find anything .. could somebody steer me to it, please?
                          "Don't be ashamed of your story. It will inspire others".
                          “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


                            Hey, welcome back! The Tool Box is in my signature line below! B
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Hi. I haven't been to this site for a year now. And in that year I have continued to consume alcohol at greater and greater amounts. I had plans to go sailing last night with a friend who has a big sail boat to watch a fireworks display I had to figure away to not be to drunk by the time we were headed out. 7:30 pm. So I bought a six-pack of beer, and two bottles of wine thinking I could share... I started the beer around noon then took a nap so I would be alert enough. I woke up, showered and broke into the wine which I drank mostly by myself before it was time to go. Then worried I was a bit woozy I ate a little food then showed to his boat with the Other bottle of wine and snacks. The sail was lovely and he wasn't drinking hardly at all, maybe one glass if that, so I consumed the bottle. This morning I of course woke up horribly hung, not remembering all the details of the beautiful summer night on the water or even what we talked about.

                              Today I decided enough. I want my independence from this damn drug. I'm broke because of it. I'm sick because of it and I'm exceedingly tired of lying. So after reading posts for the last three hours I thought this would be a great place to begin telling the truth. I have so much more to offer than being the town drunk.
                              LuckyMe - I'm Free! AF 7/4/2015


                                Morning nesters.

                                The sun is shining, oh wrong, it just disappeared. The house is looking like a chinese laundry at this time of year.

                                LB what a great post, the freedom of not drinking is wonderful. I even love waking up to the birds in the morning which is a far cry from my hungover days when i wanted to blow their heads off and mine!

                                Thank you all for your thoughts of Robert, i am now on a mission to keep his strength up and i hate cooking, he knows i hate cooking so it is a bit of a joke with us on whether it will actually be edible. Pea and ham soup is his lunch order for Monday and it is one thing i am good at cooking. Win, win for us! Its hard to know how this story ends and not be able to change it but life throws many curve balls so i am dealing with it as best i can.

                                Lucky welcome to MWO, there are a lot of stories extremely similar to yours from others on here and we understand completely. At the end of my drinking career i wasnt a pretty sight, i didnt like myself one bit, i had no respect for myself and i didnt really care at the end of the day if i was here or not. Now its a different story, i love myself, i am happy and i dont drink. its not been an easy journey by any standards but looking at what i was to what i am now it has been worth it. Stay on here, be accountable, be honest, get rid of the al, eat what you want, sleep when you can and read and post is my advice. Dont think of this as never as to an alky that is way overwhelming, take it day by day, minute by minute and hour by hour. You have posted your first post, may it be one of thousands!

                                Happy 4th of July xx
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

