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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Whew Nora!! You had me all worried for a moment there!! I wanted to reach out and pull you back from the car LOL!! So glad you could ID the craving before it was too late. Sometimes I think this whole journey is about identifying why we feel this way and that way at different times of the day and why are the cravings happening at this time but not that time? I think it's a good type of analysis tho even if it is almost all consuming.
    Hope all that chocolate doesn't keep you up too late!!
    Fennel-glad you're sticking close to the nest tonite. ODAT right?
    Thanks HC for the tips on the Calm Fortes. I do take one tab 3x/day and it really has helped with a lot of my fidgeting and craziness at work. I don't seem to fly off the handle as much over the little things anymore. I did try taking 3 tabs at bedtime a few nights in a row but it didn't help. I know Lav has a homeopathic rememdy she swears by but I wanted instant gratification and didn't want to have to wait for it to arrive in the mail which is why I sought out the Alteril. I may end of ordering it even if I get a script for something tomorrow. We'll see.
    time to let the pups out for the last time and get ready to hit the hay. Hoping that 3rd night is the charm for the Alteril. see you all tomorrow!!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      Newbies Nest

      Hi papmom and Nora...
      Wow, we're really having some thunder storms here! My poor cats are frantic.

      You're right, papmom...ODAT. This night is going well. I've been watching a movie on Youtube and ministering to my cats, LOL. It's my first night AF without my partner around. I have to be able to do this, as she is away on business a lot.

      Nora, I know what you mean about the sugar thing...I've never been a big sweets person, but since I quit drinking? Wow. I'm into the sugar. I'm trying to not go there too much, as I think I read in the MWO book that we shouldn't. I'm trying to do complex carbohydrates and protein, but the sugar thing is really strong. I didn't get to the co-op for L-glutamine today...I'll do it after I'm finished with taking my mom to P.T.


        Newbies Nest

        I think I'm gonna turn was nice to have you folks at the nest to check in with...tonight feels like a victory!


          Newbies Nest

          Hi guys
          I'm not a sweet tooth either, but find myself scanning the chocolate bars they put near the checkout. Apparently we are not supposed to substitute. It only makes it worse and transfers the problem. Interestingly, A Carr applies this to drinking at a social function. He reckons you should have one drink of juice or whatever, but if your thirst is quenched why should you walk around with a glass in your hand? There goes my idea of sparkling water and cranberry as a substitute. I can think of one good reason for carrying a drink around though - so people don't keep offering you one, and you don't have to keep explaining.


            Newbies Nest

            Papmom - I do hope that you can get a prescription for some type of sleeping pill. I would try to insist on something. When I first went to the Doctor, she suggested some over the counter meds. I so wish that I had been pushier the first time. It helps so much - I rarely even have to use them anymore.

            Fennel - I am so relieved to hear that I'm not the only that resorted to digging thru other people's Easter baskets. :H

            Lav - Isn't it great to watch your Grandson and isn't it great to relax after he goes home? :H

            Hippie - you sure are good about going to the gym. Maybe if you rub off on me, I won't find it necessary to go on a sugar frenzy. Hey - did you get your computer fixed?

            Runningwind - How are you? Hey - I think my niece is going to go visit Texas soon but I don't know what part. She has some friends there.

            K9 - Great Job - You are doing Fantastic!

            Stirly - Thanks for the great advise.

            Molly - What I said to Papmom. Go to the Dr and insist on a sleeping pill. Something to get you thru the beginning. Then you won't need it anymore. From one gamey old ex-con to another.

            Mazzie - I have no idea where the time went. 32 years!! Eek. I'm not even 32 years old. I can't be married that long.

            Panno - How exciting about your trip! You need to be sure to tell us all the details. That is wonderful.

            Mama Bear - Been thinking about you all day. You are a sweetie. Hang in there.

            Rusty - where are you?

            Tranq...Violet & everyone else that I am missing right now. Goodnight!

            I am crashing from my sugar high. Catch you all later!
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Newbies Nest

              Fennel - This was indeed a victory!! :goodjob::goodjob:

              When I first stopped drinking, I went overboard on the sweets. I haven't been having much at all until a few on Sunday and then a lot yesterday. Never thought about it until tonight.
              It is harder when your partner is gone that is for sure. You have done great!!

              Dancing - I agree with you. I would rather have the glass in my hand so that I don't have to keep saying 'no thank you' and then explaining why.


              You know - I'm still trying to figure all this out for me and I haven't written any books. I'm still not AF. But, there are so many books out there and different advise. I think we need to find what works for us. So, obviously overdosing on chocolate is NOT a good idea but having a glass in my hand is a good idea.
              And those are MY words of wisdom for the night. :H:H

              (I'll be that you all hope that I stay out of the candy from now on. )
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Newbies Nest

                Wow Nora - way to go on cleverly deducing the sugar bit. It is good when you start to know yourself better as well. Al is a simple carb - converts straight to sugar. I guess it's not uncommon for people to turn into "sugar fiends" when moving away from al because of that. The big problem with the choco bunnies is the blood sugar spikes and crashes - sounds like your crash turned into an urge.

                Hey 4myhealth and Nora too - I always thought I needed to drink to open up too. But now I just think it depends on who I'm with. I went out a few weeks ago with my lady friend - I had two beers over three and a half hours and we talked the whole time. After that I wondered why I thought I "needed" any beer at all. I was almost sober anyway - so I'm not sure that's an excuse for me anymore. I like eliminating excuses to drink. It took me a while to work up the courage to even go out on a date knowing that I wouldn't be drinking -- I guess you just get comfortable after a while without much al.

                Well I'm falling to sleep again. Long day...

                Take care all!

                Take care all!
                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                  Newbies Nest

                  Bugger!!!!!!!! Just lost another mega post - I am having a major tantrum, be lucky we are in cyber space I am not a pretty picture!!!!:argh:
                  Fennel, sorry I couldn't stay on 'Fennel Watch' (ha ha!) felt dozy, went to bed and rock and rolled all night. Definitely going to try Calms Forte and if they don't work going to go for sleeping pills, this has got ridiculous, I'm up since 6AM to move my car to let builders in and am on a late shift so won't be home till 9PM and facing another rubbish nights sleep.
                  Papmom, you in the same boat? Its awful not sleeping isn't it!
                  Panno, Kilkenny is a brill buzzy city ( they call themselves a city, more like a big town) I have spent a fair bit of time there and if I was moving from Dublin I would have Kilkenny on my list for sure. Very historical and pretty and loads of good restaurants. Can't promise weather but you'll get that in Morocco you lucky thing!
                  Hippy, you making me feel guilty goin off to the gym - I've never been in a gym!!!! Lots of exercise at work tho so not toooo guilty!
                  Nora and all you other sugar freaks - meet your sister, I never ate sweets now have something sweet every day, I'm not going to beat myself up tho, AL is all that counts at the moment, love the mental picture of you Easter Egg robbing!!!
                  Good morning everyone else, Lav, Tranq and all other posters, am too afraid to go back and loose all this AGAIN!!!
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Newbies Nest

                    Sorry DancingOn
                    Read back on thread and remembered you another sugababe!! Noone can tell me a kitkat is EVIL!
                    Oh and I'm with the 'glass in hand' brigade! No 1, you'd be tormented with folks trying to give you booze and No 2, what do you do with your hands? Back to my lack of sober social skills! Good morning Katie and Mama and all else to come, hope you are feeling a bit better:l
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good onya Molly. I am too afraid to go back and loose all this aswell. And dont worry too much about me going to the gym, it is just to counteract all the sugar I am eating!! (Although I do love my girlpower half hour)
                      Nora - no my computer is still broke. We are getting a guy to come and fix it when he can so at the moment I am using my husbands lap top, but I have to get off it before he comes home from his (paying) job and starts on his new (not yet paying) job as it is computer based.

                      I have just realise today is my three month anniversary.:wave::bday3::wave:

                      Woo hoo might just pop a cork to celebrate......................................... ......NOT!
                      I finally got it!
                      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                        Newbies Nest

                        Nice one HippyC, me too! Guess we'll just pop a kitkat!!!
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Newbies Nest

                          Molly and Hip

                          You girls rock. You totally deserve those Kitkats!!!! :goodjob:
                          Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                            Newbies Nest

                            good morning gang....
                            mama is much improved......sorry i missed the fennel watch....i was sleeping off the night before when i needed a mama watch!!!!
                            Does sugar cause AL cravings????? I had two glasses of sweet tea with dinner,crawled into bed and had a BIG craving.....just curious....of course it could have beeen the poison leaving mybody.....
                            ok....gotta go jump in the shower
                            i loveyou all
                            mama jan
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi HC,

                              I love going to the gym too, although sometimes I hate in when I'm there.

                              It's school hols at the moment, so I am only going occassionally. I'm going tomorrow and son is going to work with hubby whilst I am there.

                              I have walked 5 kms this morning and yesterday. Son has come with me on his bike yesterday and rip stick today. It's been fun and something we will be doing a lot in the hols.

                              Hope everyone else is going good today. Nearly bedtime here.

                              Spam xx


                                Newbies Nest

                                I loved the conversations about how long people have bee married.

                                I've been married for...erm...let me work this out....14 years this year.

                                Age is irrelevent (sp) here. I have spoken to people in chat and some have children my age; some have been married for years; others my age; others are unmarried.

                                We're just here to battle one enemy.

