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    Nice to see some new and returning faces on here! Nora, I don't remember if we actually "met," but I remember you from other threads I've read.

    Dutch - What Burd said, but also if it helps? I've hit some very flat, stressful, and sometimes very low points during my quit. I definitely believe PAWS is a thing, and when you add that to my "natural" issues I can pity party with the best of them. The thing is, while I'm feeling down and shitty it is 100% my reality. EVERY time. But every time I wait, and I push through it, and it finally starts lifting, I can see that the feelings were temporary and I end up grateful that I haven't risked the lifesaver that is my quit over how I was feeling.

    Having said that, I'm also always in favor of trying to get help whether that's working with a doctor and/or counselor. Quits are hard on their own, but independant depression (and other issues) added into the mix is never helpful. (Also AL has never EVER done anything good for my own depression/anxiety issues. No matter what I though at the time, I can look back and SEE it making things worse, bit by bit. Drinking something that's only going to make you feel worse isn't going to help anyone.) I'm so very glad you came here to talk about it, though. Not in a superior way, just I'm glad you're not trying to sort things out on your own because I know how much that sucks.

    For me, I know if I have one drink I'm going to start justifying more. And the more I justify, the closer I'll be to right back where I started. It's tough learning new ways to process things, but I can tell it's helping me get closer to the life I want instead of the life I was settling for.

    Londoner - I'm so sorry things are still harrd for you. I seem to remember someone asking if you'd thought about finding some in-person support? Forgive me if I've misremembered. You sound so sad when you post, and (if you excuse me) when you've been drinking you always sound so lost, like you can see what's in your way but don't know what to do about it. Feeling like that SUCKS, I know from experience.

    For me, I only started really being able to sort out my head, my heart, and the rest of me after time sober. And I learn more as the days go by, it's not something I magically figured out at 30 days or 90 or even 6 months. I won't be done figuring it out when I hit a year. As long as I stay sober, though, I continue to figure more out. While I was drinking, things only got worse and more confusing, I felt more helpless each day.

    Sorry to be a bit of a downer, I'm just really hoping you can find a plan that works to get you to where you want to be. It seems like you're not going to become more in touch with yourself, or learn how to operate without that mask, if you keep doing the same things, you know? And thank you for popping in, it's good to know you're still around; I know we're all still here for you.
    I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

    Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
    AF on: 8/12/2014


      Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
      I bumped it up, there are two threads, before and after. They are under General Discussion.
      OMG! I just read every post on both threads, and what happened to that guy took my breath away. Thanks for the bump, Byrdie.


        yes, thanks Byrd. I still don't know what happened to his girlfriend. It's like reading a book and getting to the end and the last page is gone. Do we know what happened to him? Is he still around?

        Anyway, REALLY tired and bored and you know what that leads to......AL thoughts. I took my AB today so it's off the table but the thoughts are there. Planning on sitting on the couch tonight with a Diet 7-UP and chips and salsa......and falling asleep.

        Have a great night everyone and Dutch, push those thoughts out! The more you think and consider them the more you justify them, TRUST ME PLEASE!
        The easy way to quit drinking?:


          So, yesterday was the closest I've been to slipping in a while. WAY more so than any other time I've said that.

          I had that doctor appointment about my depression/anxiety in the morning. THAT part went great. (Though stressful, since I had to spill my guts and I'm not always very good at that.) She's a specialist and has some great ideas for what we can do about my meds, what I can do with herbal remedies, and a free stress management class they offer at the hospital! Yay!

          Then I get back to town. The whole rest of the day I was being told my new prescription needed to be preapproved before I could pick it up (and the cashier was NOT kind about that), my car got a flat tire, random small things kept breaking, I was late on my current meds since I'd accidentally left them at home...just UGH!!!!

          It's not just that, though. You know when you're really stressing, but you know things will be ok on a certain day so you just keep pushing on, counting on that day? Yeah. That was where I was, and since it's depression/anxiety that are the issues I'm trying to get past you can imagine how I felt. Here I was trying to do things the right way to feel better, and where did it get me? (my thinking at the time)

          There was definitely a voice in my head saying, "Oh just have a drink, just one. If they aren't going to let you get the medication you need it's their fault. You HAVE to if you're going to calm down. And if you don't calm down, what if you do something to hurt yourself? You've been so patient about this, you really deserve to relax. No one would blame you for just having one to calm down after your day, and with what you're dealing with. You even had to tell that doctor about your ex, you don't EVER talk about that..." and so on. It was REALLY pushing on that, "You can't get your real meds" excuse. And again, with the mood I was in, I was super vulnerable to that idea of something - anything! - to make me feel better.

          But I distracted myself. I read on here (I know, I didn't post again...I'm not sure why, maybe at the time I felt like I'd done enough soul baring at the hospital?) and watched one of my favorite video game LP's. ("Let's Play." The host plays through a video game while giving commentary, sometimes funny and sometimes trivia. They're usually better than tv for keeping me distracted, and they're longer so "one more part" can last me a long time.)

          Even though I didn't post, the fact that I've been sticking around gave me the base and the automatic "No, I can't do that" reminder that I'm not sure I would have had otherwise. It wasn't as clear as, "I don't want to have to tell them I slipped," it's just that by staying in touch it's harder to forget why I quit and that I need to stay that way. I haven't been able to shove that in the back of my head. (In a good way! I certainly think about other things during the day, too.) Same thing in that my mom was in the house and she knows I quit, and that I had to. It wasn't "I don't want her to catch me" in words, as much as a vaguer feeling of not being ok trying to sneak some.

          I dug into my junk food, and I actually discovered the flat tire because I was on my way out to run some errands. I always used to drink at home the last few years, so going out was trying to step away from that trigger, other than just keeping busy.

          Of course, go fig, the liquor store was on the way to the tire place (because of construction, that was the only way to get there) and I have to tell you, this is the first time since I quit that I was sitting at the stop sign thinking, "You know, I could just pull in quick..." I didn't do that, either, didn't let myself. I don't know what to say except I didn't let myself think that thought again until I was past the temptation. (And at that point, it would have been too hard to turn around and go back, a bit after that the urge had passed.)

          I'm not sure how helpful this post will be, since it's one of the times I don't really have advice for how I got past. I turned off my brain in a way, not letting myself think about what I "could" be doing, shutting it up and focusing on whatever I was doing at the time when it got going. Think of a toddler playing, "I'M NOT LISTENING!!!!" and you'll get the idea. But obviously I kept in on on other ways or I would have said feck it. Maybe it will help someone in that you really CAN push through even when everything feels like shit and drinking seems like literally the only choice. And you don't need to be able to think further than, "No" and "I won't let myself." For me, at least, as long as I hold onto those thoughts, and keep saying them, it can get me through. And by the time I'm capable of thinking in more detail, I'm getting back to myself and grateful I made it.

          (Also, happy ending. I got an email before the pharmacy closed that everything was cleared up, and I was able to pick up my new medication. Again, if I'd caved I'd have been taking this insane risk...for an issue that was only an issue for maybe half the day.)
          Last edited by LavenderBlue; July 22, 2015, 06:37 PM.
          I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

          Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
          AF on: 8/12/2014


            Well done, Lav B! You distracted yourself, you read in here, you let accountability work for you, you remembered what lead you to MWO in the first place, and you just said, "NO" to your AV.

            Thanks for being and sharing an example of what it takes!


              Wow, I've been away 3 days, and have 10 pages of posts. Some awesome stuff in there. I've just done a quick scan, but will read back and check some of the links.
              To start;
              G-man 30 days! awesome
              Mary Lou 18 Mos.! congrats
              LC great post on the toolbox, need to dig back through there.
              Ican, Missed you! Welcome back
              Welcome back Coco and Nora
              Welcome Mary
              Dutch, 4 1/2 months, I'm envious, don't throw it away on vacation! It's just a romantic fantasy (in my mind anyway), think of the hangovers, guilt, etc.
              Lav B- stay strong
              Ava- hugs to you
              Overit, Great news on the blood tests, They measure what you've done over the past few weeks or months, not the past few days. Take this as a huge, positive sign of the hard work you put in before your relapse. You can do this, you did do this. The blood test proves it!
              Work has been overwhelming lately, but, glad I have it. That's wher you are now, right Byrdie?
              So glad to see so many here, it helps me a lo


                Good evening Nesters,

                Didn't check in this morning & I was busy watching my grandsons by 8 am. I think I'm going to live through this stupid cold too, ha ha!

                Hello & welcome Mary! Great in your 3 AF days!
                Nora, welcome & make yourself comfy.

                Dutch, giving yourself permission ahead of time to drink won't likely change the outcome. Do you really want to blow your 4 1/2 month quit? Drinking now is not going to help your low mood - it really won't. I take an OTC called Amoryn for mood support - it works!

                LavB, great job you did distracting yourself & protecting your quit!

                Ava & Lil, you both take care of yourselves :hug:

                I can't address everyone tonight but will wish everyone a safe night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Originally posted by Overit-still View Post
                  yes, thanks Byrd. I still don't know what happened to his girlfriend. It's like reading a book and getting to the end and the last page is gone. Do we know what happened to him? Is he still around?
                  He tried to get back on the wagon after that, but not sure he ever got even another day 1. He hasnt been back in over two years and that usually means AL is still in the picture. Most People that beat this come back to check in, since this is where they got started. I hope he found help somewhere. B
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    I read the Scandinavian member threads, too. Thanks for the bump, Byrdie. It's quite a cautionary tale for anyone considering drinking on vacation. His last post said he had made 6 hours AF. I hope he managed to get his quit back.

                    Dutch, you know that AL will not really make your vacation one bit better. It might make you numb for a few brief moments but the cost is potentially very, very high. 'Just like when we started, it helps to plan what we're going to do to indulge ourselves/escape from relatives/make the trip memorable ahead of time, and then do those things. You'll be in Hawaii for goodness' sake. It should be relatively easy to plan some fun things and keep busy. Some ideas:

                    - Sex on the beach!
                    - Try the fire dance at the luau (not, I repeat, NOT after drinking)
                    - Snuba that crater off Maui
                    - Try some authentic Hawaiian cuisine you've never had before
                    - Go on a shark-watching or whale-watching cruise
                    - Check out some lava fields or visit Pearl Harbor
                    - Indulge in some solitary sunrise walks on the beach. (I made it a ritual. Others respected it and left me alone. Some of the best moments!)

                    'So you get the idea. I feared that my June vacation might have turned out to be "flat" without the AL but it really was so much better than previous trips. For me, anyway, I had to change my idea of what constitutes "fun."

                    Also, I'm glad that you liked the Woolly Mammoth article. I have one, too, that tells me I should care what people think -- mine has a Southern accent and insists that my hair has to be right before I work out. I'm enjoying the visualization of kicking it to the curb.
                    "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                      Dutch- Not much to add here that hasn't been said. First off I commend you for posting your thoughts and what sounds like a justification to drink.
                      In my past quits when I started letting that AV take over, I would shut myself off from whatever support group I was apart of and head back out for "another try". I was never successful at moderating because I'm an alcoholic.

                      If you have what I have, and you go on your vacation with the "Fuck its" and drink, the chances you'll be back here right after vacation ready to start again are slim. Once you get some alcohol in your system, that starts the phenomenon of craving that we as alcoholics get, and the story starts all over again.....
                      I will echo the rest in here, please don't piss away 4.5 months. I wish you well

                      Please take a look at this..
                      Its called Dancing with Temptation...

                      Great to see everyone, not able to address everyone individually 0500 tomorrow morning will be here very soon.

                      Stay Hard my friends
                      AF 08~05~2014

                      There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                        Posting here to stay accountable, even though I don't feel like it at the moment. I had been posting on the roll call thread but drank on Saturday. Of course, I'm frustrated with myself and feel like leaving this site altogether. How many times can I keep coming back and starting over? It's embarrasing and hard to do because I don't want to inadvertently derail anyone else. I did get right back on track and it was a one day slip. In the past it might have been days or weeks of drinking before I could muster another Day1. I can thank this site for that, so I know I want and need to stay connected here.

                        I don't think I'm giving myself an out, but I've decided that for me I'm not going to post on the roll call for a while and continue to read and post on other threads. As much as I never want to have another day of drinking in my life, I also don't want to put myself in a situation that I know may drive me away from this site and all the help that it's given me. So, it's day 5, but who's counting?
                        You had the power all along, my dear.


                          Good morning Nesters, happy Hump day to all

                          Kailey, you're doing great on day 5, congrats! Keep moving forward & don't look back. Adopting a zero tolerance policy towards AL works every time

                          Matt, have a safe day at work!

                          Lil, a sunrise walk on the beach sounds very nice. We should arrange a field trip, ha ha!!

                          Wishing everyone a good AF Wednesday!


                          Editing to say Happy Thursday, not Wednesday, Duh. I thin I lost a day somewhere while feeling sick, ha ha!
                          Last edited by Lavande; July 23, 2015, 08:34 AM.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Kailey-please stay, I'm back again for the millionth time too.

                            Up and off the the gym! 💪🏻
                            The easy way to quit drinking?:



                              Good Morning, All!
                              Just now 8 am and I am up to my eyeballs in alligators....wishing everyone a peaceful day. It's 1000 times easier to maintain a quit than to start over. B
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Thank you all for the lovely welcome. Taking all your advice on board and feeling positive again.

                                Dutch – I was delighted with my 4 weeks AF recently, and then I went on vacation and caved. I was so annoyed. Added nothing to our holiday but a bad headache my fake smiling face, in pain.

                                Kailey – I started back on Sunday too, bloody Saturdays. You just had a blip, took me 2 weeks to snap out of it.

                                Day 5, woohoo (spot the newbie, very excited with this number!). I do really worry about falling off again. Even today in the office, colleagues talking about people they know falling off the wagon and the state they become, ‘tut tut’, pity pity.. It’s an incentive in a way because I never want to be judged like that.

                                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:

