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    Wow Ava,

    Congrats 600 days!! Super
    Rewiring my brain ... done ...
    Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
    Rebooting ... done ...
    Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


      TFAG- thank you, needed to hear that this mental head battle will calm eventually. Read a few posts about the moment it clicked with people that they won't ever drink again. I'll look forward to that!!

      Over-it, dam you!! Read your post about cleaning the house at 6am just before I nodded off and ping!! 6am I'm wide awake and this house is calling, it'll be sparkling by lunchtime now😄😄😄
      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


        Morning, Nesters! Morning Mary!! I was also up at 6 but forced myself to stay in bed until 7...Have fun cleaning the house.. hope you get it done in less than 6 hours!

        I'm a bit late to the 600 day party, Ava! But today I'm celebrating the great achievement you and Pav have worked so hard for. You've walked the walked and the commitment you've both made to your sobriety and to all the peeps here, trying to find their way, is wonderful. I'm so grateful to have you both here.. showing me that it CAN be done. When I'm questioning myself, the point of it all, I can look at you girls and say, yes, it's definitely worth it. Thank you both for continuing to be so open and honest about your journeys. :hug:
        Ava, I've been thinking of you and Robert often.. how are you holding up?

        Mr. V., it's always so good to see you here... you've been spending more time checking in, which is great. How's it going with you now? How do you mean you're still a mess?

        Mary and Over-it, I, too, am soooo happy to have such a long Saturday. Un-hung and ready for anything. I'm so done with the weekends of having to get everything done by 1 so that I could begin with my drinking.. beginning with a glass of wine and then a blur, waking up around 6 after having passed out, feeling guilty plus so out of it that my only choice was to begin again..NIGHTMARE!! I hated my life, but didn't think I could change.
        Off to the market I go, then to the gym and then..? endless possibilities.. only ONE thing I can't do. Everything else is possible..
        Wishing you all a good Sat.


          Good morning Nesters!
          Happy Saturday to all & it looks like a good one shaping up here. The weather is nice & I'm heading outside to enjoy it as much as possible

          Wishing everyone a perfectly lovely AF day!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Good morning! No home run last night but did score one run, and we won! Helped clean the town theater after a free Friday night family movie of Parent Trap, slept ALL night, now off to clean that house. LOVING LIFE 💖

            I hate that the mobile app won't let you "like" our posts here

            Me and Byrd, having a dust up and rustling a few feathers? BAA HAA HAA HAA 😄 you guys are AWESOME!

            Gotta run 🏃 have a GREAT day!
            The easy way to quit drinking?:



              GM/E Nesters,

              Happy Saturday Nesters. Quick checkin -- life is good. Tomorrow I'm driving south to help mom celebrate her 92nd!! She wants to go to the Hard Rock (Fort Lauderdale) so that's where we'll be. I was able to get a great rate (because mom has a loyalty card) so we'll spend he night. That way I can hang at the pool while she's gaming. (They don't let you go to the pool area unless you're a registered guest so day trips kinda stink.). It's no problem for me being in the casino though - they will bring a sparkling water or coffee in lieu of the free cocktails and that is just fine. I'm looking forward to it.

              Mary - welcome! Isn't is amazing the benefits of a week without AL? Your outlook is spot on - it does get even better and better.

              Kudos to Dutch for providing this week's happy feet dance. A trip to HI is on my bucket list and I'm so glad you (along with the team of nesters) worked that through. Selfishly, I'm glad cuz you'll remember the trip and hopefully tell us all about it!

              Have a fabulous AF day friends.
              Mary Lou

              A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                Good Morning All

                Check in for me, on my one day off this weekend. Not a whole lot to do when it feels as if you are standing next to a burning stump when you go outside....

                Overit- When I log in with my phone it defaults to the mobile app, but there is a "desktop site option at the top of of the page, that lets you "like" things...

                Linda- A belated congrats on your 600, you are a champion in my book...<3

                Hope everyone has a great day and if your struggling out there remember!

                Nothing Changes if NOthiNg ChAnges!

                Stay Hard- mi Familia
                Last edited by Matt M.; July 25, 2015, 10:07 AM.
                AF 08~05~2014

                There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                  Good morning, Nesters!
                  Great to see all the check ins! I was awake at 5:30, dang it! That's earlier than I get up on school days! UGG!
                  Lifechange, your post hit home with me. On weekends, I had to get all meaningful work done by 10:30am, cause thats when I'd have the first drink on weekends. Why 10:30? Thats as long as I could hold out....and once you LET yourself start at a certain time, THAT'S your new rule. An awful cycle!

                  Tomorrow is my dog's birthday, she'll be 8. Im a doting dog mom, but was just going to have a quiet, family celebration. (Fireworks, parade, balloon animals :eek-new. But my neighbor called last night and its her poodle's birthday, too. She is having a party tomorrow. So I baked and frosted a strawberry cake this morning to take. Its for the people, not the dogs. I may decorate it later today if the mood strikes. I have learned NOT to put dog shapes on people cakes. (Bahaha, everyone thinks its for the dogs!). I will try and get some snaps of the birthday girl!

                  Speaking of celebrations, The P-AVA Twins and their 600 big days? That is AWESOME! Can you imagine? That is a long time! I am so proud of you both, what ROLE MODELS you both are! ICONS, even! Keep up the great work! :fairy: You are both a blessing!

                  I hope everyone has an easy day! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Originally posted by jane27 View Post
                    Ava, I thinking of you on what must now be your day 601! You inspire me every day! xo Jane
                    ps Lousy day today got in the way of timely delivery of your day 600, personalized milestone tribute...don't want you to think you're off the hook for that one. Stay posted. :love:
                    AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                      Byrd, I pray to the reincarnation gods that I can come back in life as your Dog!
                      AF 08~05~2014

                      There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                        Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
                        Speaking of celebrations, The P-AVA Twins and their 600 big days? That is AWESOME!
                        Congrats Pav! xoxo

                        AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                          Thanks for all the support and kind words , it really does help.
                          I cant imagine 600 days, amazing Pav and Ava. Do you ever struggle with it now?

                          Husband out tonight so I thought it would be easier, but its not, cos no one is looking! Anyway, I have convinced myself that Im made of tougher stuff.. going to brush my teeth and watch Netflix and read posts here (I've switched my addiction) on my laptop in bed, bit early for bed, but whatever it takes.
                          The morning's are just brilliant.

                          Oh - another thing I noticed, I had to pickup one the my kids an hour ago, 8pm. Normally this would seriously irritate me cos I couldn't start my Saturday ritual until I was home! It was so nice, a real sense of freedom.
                          I'll get there.
                          Last edited by IamMary; July 25, 2015, 03:21 PM.
                          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                            Happy days Pav! Congrats.
                            Mary Lou

                            A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                              Great job, Mary! I remember my first time alone in the house when hubs went on an overnighter. It happened to be my day 13. That was a turning point for me. On that day, something clicked and I KNEW I could do this! Is tomorrow Day 7 for you?

                              Ive been busy with cake! Today's undersea adventure!
                              Attached Files
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Wow Byrdlady, that cake is amazing! I had to re read your post to make sure it wasn't for the dogs!
                                I love baking, but my sugar craft skills are not so pretty.
                                How long did it take to decorate?

                                Day 7. This time last week, I was polishing off my last bottle. Hoping I'll click soon too!
                                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:

