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    Sunday morning here, and life is good! I just wanted to share an observation for anyone who may be lurking and fallen off the wagon. Three weeks ago I quit for what I KNEW would be my last time. I had a lot invested emotionally in it being the final quit. Then last Saturday I drank.

    I almost lost my way, almost threw up my hands and retreated from this site to build up steam for the next quit, whenever that would be. A week? A month? More?

    Anyway, I didn't do that this time. I got right back on here, shared what had happened and continued on. Now I have another week under my belt and it's almost as if that slip didn't happen. I feel fabulous and more sure of what I'm doing than ever.

    I'm not advocating occasional days off, they are dangerous, at least for me. I'm just saying if you are like me and you invest a lot of pride and energy in your AF streak, don't give up if you break it. Start right up again the next day and the momentum you've built will return!
    You had the power all along, my dear.


      Good Morning, Nesters!
      Dutch, have a great time in Hawaii! Its almost a 'cant miss'. It is a beautiful place! I loved your post, it is amazing what we do realize when we move on from AL. GREAT job all the way around!
      Cowboy, I enjoyed your post about those myths, That was an insightful look at those things we hear (and believe).
      Hope everyone has a great day today!
      Here is the birthday girl!
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Byrdlady; July 26, 2015, 01:24 PM.
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


          Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
          Mary, around here, 7 days is BIG doings!
          Nesters, shall we? Drop those britches for a two-cheeked salute that only WE can deliver! A full moon!
          :butt: You've conquered every day the week can throw at you! The worst is behind you! GREAT job!

          Mary, I got my new molds in the mail today around 1:30 and I finished the cake around 4:30, so about 3 hours. I have always enjoyed baking cakes, but when I frosted them, they looked awful. I cant pipe out of a bag to save my life, but Im finding fondant to be FUN to do. Ive been watching YouTube videos to figure it out. We should talk! Hugs and keep up the great work! Byrdie
          Hilarious! I was expecting a sombre moon shining a light for the days to come..or something serious like that. I love it, absolutely brilliant!
          THANK YOU
          I havnt come across many icing moulds, not the detail in your pic at least. I'll certainly be looking out for those online, will talk!

          Ava, thanks for that insight. Wouldn’t it be nice to fall asleep and wake up in year 2. Seems a very long way off right now. Cant wait until this feels normal.

          Lavander – thank you. I love your signature. A fellow stubborn pig – a grateful trait right now, for a change!

          Lifechange, thanks for the words. I go through a lot of tea! Mostly normal Barrys, but I have a press full of herbals too, built up from years attempting to moderate. Im going through a lot of limes, they kind of add a kick to cordial. Not quite the same kick as I would normally be having on a Sunday evening mind you..
          Thank You Jane! Appreciate all the kind words and support.

          Horrible rainy grey Sunday here. Started off great, clear head, good sleep, went to the movies with the kids. Tough going this evening however. We lit a fire (in July, ridiculous!) and cooked Sunday dinner. Big wine void. Over it now, so I might crack open the herbal tea press LifeChange suggested.

          Thanks guys.

          BonVoyage Dutch!
          Last edited by IamMary; July 26, 2015, 02:38 PM.
          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


            Hi nesters,

            I wanna tell a story of a road with connects two towns. This hilly road connects the towns next to ours and is like 30 Kms (14 miles away). I being off that road since teens. For dates, for movies, to hand out. This town next where it leads to has come out has a great big metropolis in last 15 years or so. My customers are there , friends there too.

            I have so many booze nights in that town. I recall driving down so many times for so long after late after several sessions. When fad of micro brewery hit that town I became nothing but obsessed.

            The road has seen this time. It's gone from a bad deserted hilly road (20 years back ) to a nice paved 4 lane hilly road now.

            I have been training on bycycle since long knees screwup after jogging. Today I cycled to that town and back on this load in about 4 hours. It felt awesome. It was a personal mile stone. I knew I have to be in good shape to do it. I knew I could not do it while drinking.

            Another big reward of sobriety !! Feel so proud. Not a day goes by when I thank myself for being sober.
            Rewiring my brain ... done ...
            Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
            Rebooting ... done ...
            Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


              Originally posted by little beagle View Post
              Dutch love your plan.
              Ava and Pav congratulations on hitting a big 600 days. I too like nice, round numbers.
              Lil Beagle, if you like big, round numbers, you should see my butt! :haha:
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                You have traveled such a long way, in every sense. It has been a privilege to make the journey with you. Keep up the awesome work!! B
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Wouldn’t it be nice to fall asleep and wake up in year 2. Seems a very long way off right now. Cant wait until this feels normal.
                  Hey, Mary - Don't wish your AF life away! When I was drinking, it sometimes occurred to me that I didn't really care whether I woke up at all. Everything seemed pointless. Now even tough days seem worth living and good days are fabulous!

                  Instead of thinking about how you don't get to drink anymore, rejoice that you don't have to! This is an opportunity to live the life you want. It can even be something of an adventure to figure out how you're going to handle various situations, what you'll drink or do instead, what interests you'll develop or rekindle, how people are going to react, and on and on. It is actually a really interesting thing to go through and so full of rewards! As adults, we don't usually have the chance to witness our own growth but during recovery from addiction, especially during the first year, the transformations are noticeable - and exciting! It is so rewarding to face what you know will be a challenging situation and accomplish your goal. And then you get to come here and brag about it :smile: (something else adults don't usually get to do). Bragging is good - it reinforces what you accomplished and just might give someone else the confidence to give it a try.

                  Even though it's not always easy, that first year of sobriety can be one of the best of your life. Anyone reading here who hasn't already made it that far should give it a try. You won't regret it.


                    Good evening Nesters,

                    NS, I am with you in the no regrets thinking! Not once, not even for a second have I regretted my decision to quit. That's nearly 6 1/2 years of freedom for me

                    Rahul, wonderful about your 4 hour ride - great work!

                    Mary, you are doing great just one day at a time

                    Byrdie, Rubi looks fabulous in her birthday hat.

                    Wishing everyone a safe & peaceful night in the nest!
                    I am watching my grandsons all day tomorrow so I need to rest up!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Well we landed, my FIL and MIL wanted to get a small car, make two trips everywhere we go since we wouldn't fit everyone in one car. this is the kind of stuff that drives me crazy. I understand being frugal, but the guy can afford a car to fit his whole family, he owns half a dozen pieces of real estate in San diego. He also told me he went to a few travel agency sites and was going to try and do their 7 days without their packages, just copying their plans. The only time I don't worry about money is on vacation, and here I am arguing I am going to just get our own car because I don't want to have to deal with their crazy ideas on saving money.

                      They also have out free Mai Tais on the plane, what kind of sick test was that universe? Other than that, I only feel a moderate amount of tension, but I didn't don't feel like I am on vacation. I'll be checking it often, go ahead and assume if you don't hear from me I fell off a boat or am in a Hawaiian prison somewhere for strangling my FIL with a usb cable


                        They also have out free Mai Tais on the plane, what kind of sick test was that universe? Other than that, I only feel a moderate amount of tension, but I didn't don't feel like I am on vacation. I'll be checking it often, go ahead and assume if you don't hear from me I fell off a boat or am in a Hawaiian prison somewhere for strangling my FIL with a usb cable

                        Dutch you made me laugh. Hang in there my friend. You will awake each morning fresh and with a clear mind (homicidal thoughts are normal with obnoxious FIL's, but thoughts only. .:egad
                        Take some time and make a gratitude list in hopes to redirect your thinking to the blessings in your life and how you'll be able to enjoy the memories, the sober, rationale minded memories....

                        Goodnight from my world and
                        Stay Hard!
                        Last edited by Matt M.; July 26, 2015, 10:10 PM.
                        AF 08~05~2014

                        There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                          You can do this Dutch! Remember that you & your quit come first!

                          And a happy belated birthday to Princess Rubi!
                          AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                            Good morning crazy Nesters near and far!

                            DUTCH! your post made me laugh, too, and got me to thinking that that could be a tool for you on this trip. If/when the going gets tough you could continue to find the humour in it.. almost as if seeing it as it will look with hindsight and as if you're on the outside looking in..? Maybe that could help you to have some distance if you could let yourself be more of an observer of the insanity in those moments? Also, if you can afford it, I would say do anything you can to make it easier/less stressful for yourself.. for instance, with the car. Very smart move.! Wishing you a wonderful time. I loved your plan of things you want to do on this vacation!! Looking forward to hearing more from you.:hug:

                            Mary! way to go on a sober Sunday..Now you get to wake up feeling, if not fresh, at least not overcome with the, "oh shit, what have I done? why do I keep putting myself in this situation?" feeling. I love what NS wrote and try as well to keep that in mind. It's REALLY hard sometimes and I'm still struggling (though much less often now) with finding gratitude in the small things, the moments of life. We are really lucky to be having this chance to witness our own growth! And I look forward to hearing how your week develops!

                            Thanks NS for that! Just this morning and was wondering how you are and where you have been...

                            Kailey, good for you for getting right back here! For not being deterred, for trusting yourself..I think that's the most sure way, and for me the only way, to get myself back on track. To have any chance at all at beating this thing. I don't plan on EVER starting over again, but I have PROMISED myself that if it should happen, I would get back here immediately and not let it drag on. Having said that though, I'm just not at all convinced that I would follow through on that promise to myself. I know that every time I've begun drinking again, I've squelched the part of myself that wants to be sober until I reach a new low and have had so much that I'm reaching out here as a last lifeline. I guess that's my biggest fear.. that if I continue on the path I was on, one of these days, I just won't have any more hope, won't see the sense in even trying.. Don't really know what my point is. I'm just very happy to see your here and hope to hear a lot more from you!

                            Byrdie, what a cute little dog you have! I'll have to show my youngest daughter.. She's actually a labrador lover, but since she knows theirs NO way we'd get such a big dog in the city, she's grown very fond of chihuahuas!! Is yours a chihuahua?

                            Big hello to Matt and Lav and Rahul and Jane and everyone checking in here today. An Un-hung Monday morning has to be one of the greatest rewards to not drinking on the weekend! A good night's sleep from Sunday and a positive outlook on the week. For this I am very grateful.


                              Forgot, I wanted to say I watched a good Sunday movie yesterday on Netflix.. called, "42"..the story of the first African-American to play major league baseball in 1947. Quite Hollywood (with the constant background music) but very inspiring and I actually cried and clapped my hands as if I were there!


                                Well...hotel FIL dearest booked ended up being about as bad as I expected. We walked into the room that's 100 a night with rusty appliances, springy mattress that feel like they are from the 80's, and a roach lying on our floor. He was moving a little bit, but not fast enough to escape. I captured him and called the front desk, they came and killed him for me(my heroes =/). I let that go because who knows, it's tropicsl here, it could have just slipped inside. We came back from eating and playing on the beach to have our luggage, bathroom, walls covered wth 10-20 of these little guys, and I was pissed. It's just another example of my FIL trying to save some money instead of enjoying what he's earned and making it nice. I went downstairs looking for a refund but because he booked through orbitz they said they don't do refunds, so instead they upgraded us to another room, still looks like crap but what am I going to do. One more problem with this place and I am out of here, the idea of my daughter sleeping with roaches makes the hair rise on my neck, that's the whole reason why I am trying to do well financially.

                                Thanks for the advice LC,humor is my only weapon around here, unfortunately it seems to irritate my wife. I have to keep it to a tolerable level, lest she leave me sleeping with the roaches

                                Matt I am trying to be grateful but I have been spoiled I think. Most people wouldn't care this much about a room full of roaches, and if I was alone I would just get it changed. But since this is my families time to make memories together, I don't want them to be of us moving hotels halfway through our visit. But I was grateful to walk down the beach with my daughter today! She's been gettkng potty training down but she was so tired she peed all over me as we played in the waves. It didn't even bother me =D

