You do you install AC units in southern Ohio? LOL, I think I could trust you, some of the estimates are crazy. Difference of over $3000. I did my homework, and feel I've got a good price.
No announcement yet.
Newbies Nest
Hi Nesters,
Just got back from a fabulous two days celebrating moms birthday. I do so love being sober - I will remember every moment we spent together.
I hung out at the pool during the afternoon yesterday while mom made donations to the Seminoles - ha! I finished a book called Mrs. D is Going Without while there and got a great nugget (at least for me) that I'd like to share. She was around day 50 AF and writes, "Me being overly emotional without the wine is showing me how unemotional I was with it." I remember around month 2 or 3 becoming very emotional about things that used to not bother me so much. Fortunately I was able to hold it together when Dad passed (week 8 AF) but simpler things would wring me out. (Rain, nothing on TV, sad/bad news in the paper, car low on gas, coworker promoted, coworker let go, etc.). The point being, when I was drinking like a fish, good times or bad times were all dulled to an unemotional level. If there was reason to celebrate - drink to a stupor. If I had a "tough" day - drink to a stupor. If I was angry - drink. Sad - drink. Stressed - drink. And feel NOTHING! And remember even less. I can now recognize all those emotions and deal with them. Bliss!
Dutch - I'm sorry about the roaches and the in-laws. But I love your posts. And your plan. And strength cuz your are doing it friend!
Mary - way to go. Keep it up.
Byrdie - beautiful cake. Happy birthday to Precious Pup.
Have a wonderful day and/or evening fellow nesters.Mary Lou
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill
Mr. V, my prices range from $2900 to $3500 depending....Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Good evening Nesters,
Long hot day here as well Mr V! We got new AC & heater units last year - ouch! Hope you get yours real soon!
Marylou, you sound very, very happy & that's great. Lucky you got to spend that special time with your Mom.
Dutch, you are doing great! Keep looking for the good in every situation - it's always there somewhere
Hi Pav, hope you're having fun.
Hi there Cowboy busy helping everyone stay cool!
Congrats on 7 AF months to the Quitriplets!
Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Morning, all!
Lav, I don't know where everybody is! Hope everything is ok!!
Congrats to the Quit-Tuplets yesterday! I hope they check in and see how proud we are of them!
I do know that today is Matt M's birthday, so I hope he checks in and gets his birthday pinch from us!! His one year re-birthday is next week and OKOren is right behind him!!!
We replaced our heat pump (HVAC unit) two years ago and we had to say goodbye to 2650 of our closest friends. Ouch! Good luck with your replacement, Mr V. That blows!
Wishing everyone an easy day! Byrdie
Good Morning
I'm here Lav!
Home today, rolled my ankle something bad at work Sunday on an incident. Sprained badly with swelling and some nasty bruising. The whole " stay off your feet" thing is punishment for me, but I'm managing...Too hot to do anything around here, Hell called and wants their weather back!
Thinking this morning as I try to work on meditating, which I suck at. Made me think of a few things .
I found myself at a turning point in the beginning of this quit, I actually thought about in other quit attempts, yet this time I realized it had been one of my toughest. That turning point was, I hated my life with Alcohol, and at the same time, I could not imagine life without it...
As I've continued this journey I also realize and believe that my desire to be FREE exceeds my desire to drink, which feels great. That lead to a Revelation on Sobriety is that we really are not missing out on anything! Which again feels amazing, creating that massive wedge between us and Alcohol!
Stay hard my Friends!Last edited by Matt M.; July 29, 2015, 08:08 AM.AF 08~05~2014
There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me
A quick hello. 'Have an acute repetitive strain injury in my neck & shoulder that prevents me from typing very much and the post-radiation fatigue hit me like a Mack truck since last Friday, but I am here, checking in daily, grateful, still AF and thinking of all of you. Dutch, hang in there. Matt, I hope your injury heals quickly. Ouch! Congrats to the Quitriplets. Much love to all."If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells
Originally posted by Mr Vervill View PostDutch,
Well done as well, Mary and Kailey.
Byride, I think nearly every photo I have of my self from high school on, (40 yrs) I have a drink in my hand. Crazy.
Suffering through a heat wave here, and the AC is out, not just a band-aid fix, a full unit replacement. Only 85 in the bedroom. LOL, might sleep in the basement,
Reading about yourself and Byrdlady's video and photo collections, I was actually the opposite. If a camera come near me, I would remove all evidence from the frame (except the wine in the mug masquerading as tea) - denial.AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:
Hey guys!
Happy B day Matt. I think it is going to be a great year for you.
All is well here Brydie! I often complain about my husband and today I want to say I think we are going to make it through all this.
Things are getting better between us. I think being out if the house a bit more helps too.
We have decided to stay home for our summer holiday and it is going us well.
Lots yo be grateful for.(AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober
I'm like, why is everyone misspelling quintuplets? And why are we calling them quintuplets when there are only three of them? Then I got it. Haha, yeah, I can be pretty stupid sometimes. Good job on 7 months enzo'smom, mywayin, and Soft Focus!
Hang in there Dutch! I am enjoying your stories. When you are used to doing something with alcohol all the time, the first time you do without alcohol is the toughest, but once you get through it, wow, you will feel awesome, and you'll have great clear memories you can reflect back upon (and hopefully laugh about someday). Hawaii was one of my favorite vacations. My wife and I talk about going back one day, or just selling everything we own, flying to Hawaii, and buying a tent and setting it up on a beach somewhere forever.11/5/2014
[moon] [guy] [shout] [two] [horse] [three] [rockon] [worthy] [spin] [allgood] [two] [dancin] [shout] [baby] [fist] [celebrate] [dancin] [rockon] [welldone] [bouncy] [applause2] [dancing] [lucky] [worthy] [llama] [shout] [horn] [three] [applause] [hyper] [dancegirl] [black] [bumpit] [sohappy] [horse]inkele: :applause2: :yay:
Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone! I am hanging in there. Yesterday I was finally able to surf and catch some waves, but it was tough! I took my brother in law and wife out at San Souci beach, I had to paddle my wife out because she couldn't make it. She held onto my leg as we paddled out and got a migraine headache about 10 minutes in. I had to paddle her back and out again before I really got to enjoy myself. Brother in law had a tough time but was at least riding them in by the end.
After about 3 hours I gave up and headed in, the three of us played on the water while the inlaws sat on the beach. I understand arranged marriage and everything, but the only thing it seems like these guys have in common is their kids. Other than that I don't know why they are together, they definitely don't talk or show any signs of affection for each other. I was so tired I laid in the sand while my daughter buried me, then tried to save me while the water dragged me into the coral and rocks, funny and adorable! Unfortunately, I really didn't think that one through, because now I have some horrible irritation going down on my giblets, just in time for my 3rd wedding anniversary today.
We went out for food last night while I frequently adjusted my trousers, and couldn't find anywhere decent to eat that was available. We sat at the Hawaiian steak place for 15 minutes without even getting a water, being hungry and already fighting the urge to drink I wasn't going to wait around so we walked out. I went to a little food market and stood in front of the drinks for a long, long time. After about 5 minutes I found something I liked, drink called mellow Marley I think, with hops, Passion flower, chamomile and decaf green and black tea. That's by far the closest I have been to just getting a vodka bottle, thank god they didn't have cranberry.
Woke up at 415 to hit the gym because we had to be on the curb at 520 to go snorkeling. Naturally this was not my idea but the inlaws booked it and my wife wanted to, so I said what the heck. Aside from some burning in my pants, which seems to not be getting worse but definitely isn't getting better, I really enjoyed watching my wife and daughter play in the water. Wife got arms reach next to dolphins and the 2 year old had a blast watching them and floating in the water. I am looking up a jet ski place as we ride back, have some food in me, and am hoping this sand scratch situation improves since this will probably be the only night my wife and I can bump uglies. Overall thoug I am almost enjoying myself.
Part of the tough thing on this trip is I am such an introvert and I really have had no time by myself to recharge my batteries. The closest I getnis the 10 by 20 gym room in this road motel, but otherwise I am surrounded all the time. No wonder I love surfing here so much, even if I paddle out, the solitude of being alone on the waves is great. I wanted to go everyday I was here but the inlaws keep planning events, I can't argue because they keep telling my wife in Chinese and i feel like a dick telling my wife no instead of them because I feel like she is the one I am saying no to. Tomorrow they want to go to some cultural thing but I might play hookie and just go surf, that is, as long as My manhood doesn't look like it got slapped around by a dolphin. Have a good one all.
Dutch, great to hear that you are enjoying the sights and natural beauty of Hawaii. Sorry to hear about your ManParts, but hoping things in the South Wing improve dramatically! Keep up the great work, I PROMISE you won't regret it!!
Elvis, so good to see you!!!
Eloise, I am thrilled that the wrinkles are coming out of your relationship!!!
LilBit, hang in there! We are thinking of you!!
Matt, hope your birthday is going great!! Hope you get some cake!
Mary, there at the end of my drinking, I read a quote by somebody who said, never be photographed with a drink in your hand! So at the end, I did follow that rule, too. But in 1995, I was loud and proud! UGG! (my face looked SO puffy!!) Oy.