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    Dutch- I can't imagine how tough this is on you, actually I kinda do. ..Being Early in your quit , with people drinking all around you, in a stressful situation . ..Your doing an incredible job, I hope your persistence shuts your AV down , like Byrd said you will not regret it....

    Something I find interesting One of the kindnesses of Mother Nature is that we tend to forget bad experiences in our lives. But if we ignore her advice such kindnesses tend to backfire. The fact is that the longer we abstain the less we remember about the misery, guilt, shame of drinking, and the less reason we have to resist the other side of the tug-of-war, increasing the temptation to have: JUST ONE DRINK..
    Alcohol is poison no matter who drinks it..Go with the Mantra that you will not drink NO MATTER WHAT and NO MATTER WHAT you will not drink..
    Hang in there my friend!

    Thanks everyone for the Birthday Wishes!

    Stay Hard freaks!
    AF 08~05~2014

    There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


      Morning Nest

      Happy birthday Matt. I just love sober birthdays now, up to my 2nd and i crave more. Turning 50 has been such a life changing event in my life and i now dont regret being sober or feel deprived.

      Lil i hope you feel better soon, let your body heal, go with how it feels. You will get there.

      Can someone please send me one day of warmth or just the sun.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Happy birthday, Matt.
        Sure do wish you luck with the ankle, I twisted mine last November, and it wasn't right until April. I just could not stay off it. Had to work, and I have a very physical job, easily putting 3-5 miles a day, walking, sometimes standing the entire shift. No complaining, just the way it is. Health insurance sucks, with my wife and son on the health plan, I had a $3000. deductible on the insurance. Sure wasn't gonna pay for MRI's X-rays, etc, to have a doc say, stay off your ankle. It's fine now.
        Matt, yo are so right about Mother Nature letting us forget about the most painful things in our lives, why else would we go back to drinking, getting sick as a dog that just ate road kill. Damn the romanticism of AL. I like this though here, so dead on " That turning point was, I hated my life with Alcohol, and at the same time, I could not imagine life without it..." _Matt

        Ava, Mary I'll be glad to send you some of the heat here. Hottest day of the summer so far 95 degrees.
        Good news Eloise.
        Dutch, I'm scratching for you. And pulling for you. So proud of you for choosing the Mellow Marley instead of the booze. Glad you're staying busy, keeps the mind off the booze.
        Tried surfing once for a few hours, never could really stand up. It looks like soooo much fun.
        Peace all- Mr V


          Originally posted by Dutch1988 View Post

          I am hanging in there but I never thought about drinking this much before, even early into my quit. Keep in mind, I stopped drinking because I used AL to deal with uncomfortable feelings, but also for every single vacation/celebration ever. This is the first big event without it I would associate as planning to enjoy myself the whole time, so its hard to not picture alcohol with me.

          I didn't really drink for the uncomfortable feelings but more for the buzz and to relax so we're not twins there but I can TOTALLY relate to the drinking/vacation combo. I have actually had some episodes of sheer panic for a few seconds just thinking of vacay without a drink. We like to go to one place on a pier known for it's killer rum drinks and it was always fun to have two and walk back to our place. When I think of not being able to do that it makes me scared for a few seconds...and then I remember...if I allowed myself to do that, then I would slowly but surely allow myself champagne with the wedding toast or New Years, one drink with the girls when they go out for drinks, etc. and then slowly but surely, bit by bit, I would be right back to where I was. Making a damn fool of myself because I drank too much when I had EVERY intention of only having two. My strategy is to work hard at remembering what I am like when I overdo it, how I embarrass myself, hubby, and disappoint and set a bad example for my kids. I am one of the people (some can't do this) who can have an O'Douls or non-al in a wine glass. Personally it gives me the feeling that I am not being denied what others can have (because they don't have a problem like me). Let's work hard together to kick this fantasy illusion that drinking is fun and needs to be a part of vacationing. Think I'll focus on how stupid others get or appear when overdoing it and how bad they'll feel in the morning when I am jumping out of bed hangover free. Working hard on that picture.

          Addy (All done drinking...Yes!)
          "Control your destiny or somebody else will" ~Jack Welsh~

          God didn't give you the strength to get back on your feet, so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down.

          But that was yesterday, and I was a different person then. ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland


            Happy birthday Matt!

            Dutch - you could write a book; or maybe a sitcom. Your post makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time. I hope everything heals as it should and that you get to surf and experience Hawaiian nature in all its splendor. Hold on to your quit - you'll never regret it.

            Ava - I wish I could send you sunshine and some of our heat! You bring sunshine smiles to so many, especially with the wonderful example you set.

            Byrdie, Mary - I have a hard time finding pics where I don't have a glass in hand. I guess I should be grateful that we don't have many shots with me as I was usually the one with the camera. So glad that's all in the past.
            Mary Lou

            A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


              Happy sober birthday Matt.
              Dutch hang in there. I remember a couple of really tough firsts, but once I was through them, i never regretted not drinking. And the second time around was so much easier.
              No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                  Good evening Nesters,

                  So glad a bunch of folks showed up today ~ I was getting a little worried, ha ha!!

                  Matt, Happy Birthday! Sober birthdays & holidays rock
                  Geez, I hope your ankle heals quickly. This time last summer I was limping around in a big black boot for a stress fracture in my foot - not fun at all!

                  Dutch, you do need to start writing comedy. Sorry about the boo-boos, hope you heal quickly. Happy anniversary to you! Keep up the great work.

                  Hello to everyone & wishing for a safe & comfy night in the nest for all!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Hey All,

                    I just wanted to thank you all for being here and putting your love and stories out there to share. I am sad to hear so many people struggle with this demond but thankful I am not alone in this fight. I am on day 2...or is it 3 now? I am not shaking but have not slept....I work over nights which makes things challenging enough but today I did not sleep one min. I am back at I am sober, which is wonderful but I am beyond tired. Any newbee in the US and midwest? I am looking for a good group in the Twin Cities for nights when I need more help. I want to do outpaitent...Hazeldon is right in the city I live in but I don't have the money for it. I want to hit this beast on all fronts....suppliments, exercise, CD's, AA (from time to time), treatment if it were possilble and of course MWO. Any ideas?

                    THank you for taking a sec to read.

                    <3 Tata
                    We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
                    ~Albert Einstein quote


                      Morning Nesters!
                      I had a whirlwind of a couple days and am now settling down. I have work today until around 2 and then the afternoon alone with my almost 14 year old girl.. we rarely have time alone and I'm so looking forward to it! I feel bad about the example I've set for her with drinking the past years. I haven't yet talked to her about my drinking other than to say that we have a lot of alcoholism in the family.. I feel like it's an elephant in the room and I'm not sure why I haven't spoken to her about it.. except that I guess I'm still ashamed and worried that when I tell her, she'll realise just how much of the time I was drinking/drunk. She does know I'm not drinking and I have told her it's because it's so unhealthy and that it's very difficult for me to stop after I drink one.. maybe that's enough for now.

                      Dutch!! I am sooooo proud of you! You're setting precedent.. I'll have the opportunity to have an AF vacation the middle of August and you're showing me (all of us) how it can be done.. even in less than ideal circumstances.. you're finding your way! Like Lav said, it's always possible to find the beauty if we know how to look for it! Thank you for checking in so often and letting us know how you are.. Happy Anniversary..

                      and Happy belated birthday, Matt!! I had one sober birthday, which coincided with 100 days AF (2 yrs ago) and it was the best birthday of my life. I'm aiming for a sober one this year, too.. Hope your ankle is better soon..

                      Loved your posts, Kailey and Addy! There are so many advantages to not drinking! I'm always most grateful in the morning..the promise of a new day.

                      Ava, I will be sending you some sunshine and warmth this weekend.. we've had cool, windy days as of late, but should be improving on Sat. I still have such a hard time imagining Australia as anything but beautiful! How have you been doing?

                      Mr.V, I've really been enjoying your posts..
                      Actually, each and every post in this Nest means A LOT to me.. thank you all for being here!

                      time for oatmeal!

                      WELCOME, Tata!!


                        Good morning Nesters,

                        Very hot, humid & uncomfortable here. I am eternally grateful for the AC & a clear head

                        LC, this is a great time to show/teach your daughter by example. I'm sure she sees you happier & healthier these days so make the most of your time together

                        Hello & welcome Tata!
                        Kicking AL out of my life was the best decision I ever made, you can do it too. Be sure you visit our Tool box for great ideas to help you put a good working plan together. I hope you can find local support if you feel the need to do that. Meanwhile, stick around here with us!

                        Wishing everyone a good AF Thursday!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Morning, all!
                          What a night of crazy dreams!
                          I was in the mountains and scientists had made this big discovery of an ancient geodesic dome (while blasting for a new railroad)! I was staying at an old hotel that had 2 sections, the old Southern Mansion type (with heavy, dark velvet draperies) and a newer section They were having a symposium on this new discovery and I just happened to be working in the area and was thrilled to be part of it! I was in my room in the old part, and I found a business card in my briefcase from 'something' P. Kerkwick (written in old English letters). He was the founder of sobriety! I guess THIS is why there were paintings of this same business card all over the hotel! (yes, paintings of this guy's name). I went to make myself a cup of coffee and reached for a packet of sugar and out came a bubblin mass of ROACHES! ARRRRRRGGG!
                          I have NO idea what a geodesic dome is and had to google it this morning. I do not know where that came from. I sort of get where the sobriety thing came from, it was nice to dream about being sober, etc. yet I have NO idea why THAT guy's name emerged from my psyche. But I feel pretty certain where the ROACHES came from! DUTCH!!!!

                          Hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday! Great to see you Tatahi and Mr V!!! Keep up the great work, everyone! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Wow Byrdie, That was great dream recall! When I was drinking I'd think I'd dreamed but never could remember what they were about. Ain't sobriety great??

                            Happy Thursday everyone!


                              Good Morning
                              Like Lav, very hot here as well. I can attest that
                              Tatahi5- Welcome back!
                              Excercise, a daily regimen of a multi vitamin and mineral and MWO as often as you can. I hear many rave about the CD's...
                              For me, especially at first log in here, Read, post as much as humanly possible. It will likely be a fraction of the effort put into drinking..

                              Other than that Just Stay Hard!
                              AF 08~05~2014

                              There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                                Oh and I say this alot!

                                AF 08~05~2014

                                There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me

