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    Wow, Mary Lou, what a weekend! Happy birthday to you and best of luck with the full plate thats in front if you. I hope your friend's BF gets help! You are a good soul for helping her. B
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Hi all! I had an interesting dream last night that I thought I'd share.

      I was helping my mom try to sell the house, and we had a couple coming over to see the place. In my dream, I think they were also my neighbors? Anyway, they got here and it soon became apparent that the woman was drunk and trying not to show it. I'm not sure how we all knew, but I know after we all did I was talking to her and she lost her balance out of nowhere, then stood back up and kept talking like nothing happened. At this point in the dream, I suddenly knew that she was an alcoholic and this had happened before. Her husband kept giving her this really worried look, and I knew that everyone KNEW...but didn't want to say anything. No one was judging the woman, just very concerned and not knowing what to do. The couple left, and I went back inside wondering if there was anything I could do. I could understand the worry of everyone, but I also understood where she was at, trying desperately to convince everyone that she was ok and had it under control. The last thing I remember is going into the bathroom and seeing a cup she had left behind. I was worried that it was a drink and that it might tempt me, but it didn't smell of AL at all.

      In a way, it' an uncomfortable dream for me, because of seeing the worry from everyone. I'm sure my family had that kind of worry about me, and I always feel awkward when people worry about me. It's something I need to work on. It's good that people care about me, and I need to be able to accept that gift instead of trying to push it away. Pretending that everything is fine isn't always the answer, and it makes it hard on people when they do want to help me.
      I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

      Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
      AF on: 8/12/2014


        Good evening Nesters,

        Well - I feel better now that some others have checked in
        Sometimes I wonder if I'm starting to smell like a chicken, ha ha!

        Lil, it's true that lavender oil is a natural mosquito & fly deterrent. I actually use herbs to help control UFOs in the chicken house, especially basil. I have a rather large herb garden which helps. I hope you have a peaceful night tonight.

        Marylou, great that you were able to help your friend, geez! I hope she reconsiders & files a police report - that SOB could return at some point & they need to know! Good luck on the bikini thing. I turned 60 last year & did not wear one, LOL

        LavB, I have had all sorts of weird AL/drinking dreams too, you're not the only one. I started to look at them as gifts & reminders to remain grateful. Learning to accept help from others can be difficult for some of us, I completely understand. For me it was letting go of the need to control things

        Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!
        PS: where are my cookies Byrdie??

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Since everyone is talking dreams id like announce that I had one too. I think Carroll Alt was in it. Not sure what it means but I thought I'd mention it :welldone:
          Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

          William Butler Yeats


            Well, good for you TJ
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Hi all,
              Late check in Sunday, super busy this weekend, lots of work.
              The AC has been fixed, just in time for the cold front, lol.

              Dutch, great job on the Al free vacation, you will look back on this with good memories and a bit of pride despite your feelings of uneasiness.

              Ava, thinking of you, and Robert. You are a true friend. Hope the balloon flight is good, and you can keep laughing and smiling in Robert's presence. I know it would give me peace.

              LC, I'm glad you being patient with your Dad, not matter how much it frustrates you. But, we've all been there, too. He needs you. keep the lines of communication open, he may just come around.

              Lil, my backyard is a mosquito heaven! The ac guys bitched the whole time they were out there. I have a bottle of 100 percent deet that I gave to use. It helped a lot.
              Marylou, Glad your friend could go home.

              So right about not even enjoying the drink, sometimes I just drank out of boredom, or habit, and continued on despite not even wanting it. Really WTF!?


                Lav. Have you tried grinding up the dried flowers of Chrysanthemum? Good source of pyrethrum.
                Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                William Butler Yeats


                  Morning, Nesters!

                  Lil, I'm also someone who doesn't like to have others worry about me.. so I tend to down play my problems, even to my very good friends and family. I also don't like to have anyone feel sorry for me.. though if I turn it around and ask myself how I would feel in their position, if someone I loved was in pain, I would be understanding and compassionate and wanting to help.. I am like that to friends and family and should let them have the chance to support me. I am trying.. thanks for sharing your dream..

                  I also had a crazy one last night.. all I remember is I was sitting in the back of a camper bus next to a man I really liked, my family, who know I'm not drinking, sitting in the front.. it was morning and I opened up a thermos and poured myself a glass of rosé.. the man next to me said, oh god, it smells like alcohol, and looked at what I was doing.. I tried to shush him but he wouldn't stop and soon enough, of course, every one knew what was going on.. I had a total f*** you all attitude and continued to drink. Then I thankfully woke up. It was such a bad feeling and reminiscent of how I was in the end with my partner.. I told him that if I had to "accept" him as he was (which in my eyes involves A LOT of compromise in the home-life arena) then he just had to accept me how I was.. In the end, of course, it's NOT how I want to be, not the life I want for myself, and I don't have to abuse myself physically and emotionally and psychically to get back at him! I'm stronger than that and can find other ways to deal with the crap!!
                  Reminds me of what you always say, Byrdie!!

                  Marylou, Congratulations on 2 years of sobriety!!! What a wonderful feeling that must be. I appreciate very much your thoughtful and helpful posts..It's great you were able to be there for the woman in trouble.. I really hope that all works out. scary. other side, I had to laugh at your bikini plan, just because we, at work, have "operation bikini" going on right now. It's become a joke but began because we (a couple of women and I) cook for a large group of people every day, and though it's fairly healthy, it isn't necessarily what you want to eat if you're trying to stay fit.. so one of the women began just eating salad for lunch, in preparation for a vacation this summer where she's hoping to wear a bikini.. and we'd been talking about how difficult it is after a certain age to stay fit (isn't that true?!) so now we're always saying, I'm not sure if this fits in to operation bikini!! Anyway, it's fun. I'm finding it's definitely possible, but hard work..

                  Shout out to Kailey and Mary and Over-it!! I've been thinking of you all and wondering how you are..

                  So I'm playing hooky today to head out to the lake with a friend.. it looks like we're up for a week of real summer weather.

                  Big :hug: to all of you lovelies and wishing you a fabulous Un-hung Monday..
                  Last edited by lifechange; August 3, 2015, 01:15 AM.


                    Good Monday morning Nesters!

                    Looks like the heat wave will continue around these parts ~ swell. I think I'm ready for some nice Fall weather.

                    TJ, I haven't tried dried mums in the chicken house but I will, thanks! The fly problem is usually not that bad in there but when the farmer across the road starts fertilizing his corn fields every fly in the universe shows up, ha ha!! Thanks for the hint.

                    Marylou, CONGRATS on 2 years AF :welldone:

                    LC, have fun at the lake today

                    Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!

                    Last edited by Lavande; August 3, 2015, 09:06 PM.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Good Morning, Nesters!
                      WOW at the dreams!!! Lav Blue, 'that look' of worry/disgust is one I hope I never have to see directed at me again! It makes me cringe to think of the despair I caused. Thank goodness for dreams, huh? They keep us humble!! (you, too, TJAF!) LifeC, I felt that way, too at the end....getting my next fix superseded anyone/anything. AWFUL!

                      Lav, maybe I can find a cute chicken cookie cutter and whip you up a batch? I'll keep an eye out!

                      Marylou, two years is something else! The dots really started connecting during that second year! I am so happy for you!!!

                      I hope everyone has an easy day today!!! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Good Morning All


                        This pic should be prefaced with
                        "Welcome to Hell! Can I get you a glass of Molten Lava?!"
                        FFS! I'm with you Lav on the Fall request....
                        AF 08~05~2014

                        There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                          Happy unhung Monday. all. Yesterday, I vanquished the 34th battalion of house mosquitos with a handheld tennis racquet bug zapper. If you've never tried one, believe me, there's something disturbingly satisfying about the swipe, "zffft," crackle experience followed by a little whiff of smoke. Next on the agenda: I installed one of those screen curtains with the magnets on the back deck door. The installation was easy. Teaching the cat to walk through it -- not so much. Crazy Ivan keeps attacking the magnets. Sigh. At least, I slept a little better last night. Thanks everyone for the mosquito tips. I love lavender oil.

                          Edit: Matt, where's your pitchfork?
                          "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                            Hi All,

                            Just a a quick correction - I should have communicated better. I just celebrated my actual birthday. And it was the second birthday (the one my mother gave me) that I spent sober. :-). I'm very proud to have 18 mos sobriety and have every intention of hitting the 2 year sober mark in January. Thank you for the well wishes - but want to keep it honest.
                            Mary Lou

                            A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                              AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                                Originally posted by Lavande View Post
                                Well, good for you TJ
                                Well at least I was age appropriate!
                                Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                                William Butler Yeats

