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    Dutch, I was concerned the other day when you mentioned you were reading the mods section during your vacation. We can ALWAYS find something to justify what we are thinking. If you learn how to interpret ModSpeak you will quickly see it isn't working for them either. Most begin by telling us how well they are doing with it and how happy they are to be controlling it. THEN, some of the details come out and you learn that instead of being AF all week as they intended, they drank every day....but don't worry, they didn't get drunk except twice (that they can remember). I was a moderator once, too. I REALLY wanted it to work. I wanted to write about my successes, and I did...unfortunately a LOT was left out of my failures. You see, when you drink when you don't intend to, and you drink more than the limit you set, you really arent are simply not getting as much as you wanted so you think this is a win. I did this, so I know how our minds work. When you hear anyone say I ONLY had X amount, they are comparing it to what they wanted but didnt get. ONLY=Deprivation. I wanted Rolls Royce, but I only had money for a chevy. When ONLY is used in association with AL, look out, a justification is coming. As ALKIES we should have ZERO. If you think you feel deprived as an Abber , wait til you get cut off after just one or two! This is a tough thing to accept, I understand totally. If I hadn't seen it for myself I wouldn't have believed it. The power of this addiction is mind-boggling. I have never, EVER seen anyone moderate AL successfully longterm. (And I have REALLY looked).

    As a former “modder” who really, really believed I could moderate my drinking with the help of online support here, I have to vouch for Byrdie’s post to you and say that she is pretty “right on” with everything she is telling you. I found an old post of hers where she made the comment that true moderators don’t even know they are moderating. So, for example, my hubby is a “true” moderator. He may have a drink, possibly two. Often times he chooses not to have one when others are drinking. He doesn’t “think” about drinking, he doesn’t “count” his drinks. He doesn’t have conversations or post online how many drinks he has had. Why not? Because he doesn’t have a drinking problem. I, on the other hand found MWO when I started to have problems with my drinking. I didn’t want to quit drinking so when I heard about this book where the lady taught moderation and I came to the site where others were moderating, I thought keeping in check would help me cut down. It truly may have helped me cut down as I tried to be more accountable with how much I drank, etc. but the scary part was it was giving me a false sense of security. Why? Because people with drinking problems lose control of their drinking and my life and others were always at serious risk because I never knew when I could control my drinking once I started, and when I could not.

    So, Brydie is right. Like she did, I wrote down my successes. Sometimes I shared my failures and my buddies built me back up, but more and more if I wasn’t moderating well, I found myself not posting. And her line about feeling deprived after being cut off at two. A WHOLE lot worse than never drinking at all. Sure, there would be times where I could have the one (usually two) and feel fine, but then there were the times where it was like “Whoa? Hold on! How did those drinks go down so fast!” “This is an absolute bummer!” Then the anxiety would creep in. The uncomfortableness. Sometimes I would sneak a third or fourth when we got home after we had had our two for dinner. And then suddenly I started to notice a spiral downward. I was sneaking drinks midweek at home (we generally never drank on week-nights), I was having episodes at events where my overdrinking was noticeable. I started to become slightly paranoid wondering if other people knew I had a problem, did I look too drunk, had I slurred my words, etc. Finally the lowest of lows where I not only did not keep to my two drinks but drank the whole bottle and then was sneaking gin and tonic in a coffee cup. Read a line in a book that I totally relate to “I was deteriorating faster than I could lower my standards.” It was time to get off of the merry-go-round.

    This post is for everyone who feels that lure of "can I moderate, can I drink on special occasions? yada, yada, yada"...Don’t be fooled by the illusion of alcohol making your life better. It isn’t fun to think about drinking, counting drinks, feeling the horrible craving of wanting another, and the guilt and remorse when you do. Giving it up is like a weight being lifted off of your shoulders. I guess I have finally learned that the short term pleasure of al is not worth the long term problems it causes.

    Addy (All Done Drinking...Yes!)
    Last edited by All done drinking; August 10, 2015, 12:03 AM.
    "Control your destiny or somebody else will" ~Jack Welsh~

    God didn't give you the strength to get back on your feet, so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down.

    But that was yesterday, and I was a different person then. ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland


      Byrdie, Can't help but but feel sorry for you in that moving situation!
      Both you and Addy have great thoughts about modding.
      Great article NS
      Dutch, Pav, I will not piss in the pool.
      Tonight's happy hour:
      fb happy hour.jpg


        Hi Nesters,

        Enjoyed reading people’s thoughts on toying with the idea of a drink. Having played out & failed at countless attempts to drink in a controlled manner – the option doesn’t even occur to me. I’ve touched the stove enough times to know that every time I touch it I’m going to get burned.

        What worries me is the AL voice I sometimes hear that says ‘Fuck It, I’ll just go back to drinking. Ive had enough of this.’ What I don’t have under my belt is the experience of what would happen if I did. NS, the post by TiredofHidingIt hit a nerve for me. Logically, I know I would wind up exactly where I left off. If I am going to stick this quit, I need to hold that fact in the palm of my hand & and never let it out of my sight. My life depends on it, and that means I need to work to keep it in accurate perspective every day. Simply put by a smart fellow, I need to stay hard. That is my challenge at 19 months sober. I don’t have to go out and do it to prove to myself what a mess it will be- and I mean that literally- there is no obligation for me to make this mistake.

        Lav, you’re hanging in there like a Champ. We have not worn the jackets yet, but I think tomorrow will be the day. We are going sailing (sporty, windbrekaer worthy, and team oriented).

        Love and strength to all my Nestmates. xo
        Last edited by jane27; August 10, 2015, 01:11 AM.
        AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


          I have so much to do this week and I'm so glad I don't drink !
          Go as far as you can see.
          When you get there, you'll see further.


            Evening nesters

            oh god modding, when i first stopped drinking i was frantically reading everything on here and clicked on the modding thread. it was like a thirst, i drank every word in and savoured it. i wanted to be like them who apparently could moderate (bullshit, alcoholics cant moderate). luckily it was about 11pm at night as i would have again started my modding journey to fail dismally of course and i reached out to a fellow mwoer. That thread terrified me and i have not been back since. i know i cant moderate, i know i am an alcoholic, i could bullshit myself till i am black and blue in the face that i could be successful but at some time down the track the stresses of life would get to me and i would give every excuse to myself to drink and i would be at square one again. There is no way in this world that i want to justify to myself why i can have a drink. We all have the book of excuses that we used to use of why we needed/wanted a drink and i used every single one of them each and every day. That battle is over for me, i have no need for al in my life as i have a life, i never had one before.

            LC even if you feel blah its good to get those feelings out, they make you feel better and able to face the day. i know i like getting things out on here.

            Balloon ride on Sunday apparently, god i sound like a broken record but we are having the worst winter this year. Robert i think is holding on for this ride and then he will give in, i am grateful his sister is here to share this journey but she is finding it very very hard.

            Lav, the good thing is you can give the boys back and they would have had the best time with you. i have such fond memories of one set of my grandparents.

            Take care everyone. x
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Good Monday morning Nesters!

              Cloudy here, light rain, not too hot for a change
              Not sure what we are doing here today but we'll figure it out I am sure!

              Addy, I was clinging to the hope of learning to moderate when I first came here too. All that changed as I approached my 30 days AF. The bullshit cleared & I had to be honest with myself. Remaining AF these past 6+ years has been a better choice & overall easier for me. I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever!

              Hey there Mr V & mywayin!

              Jane, have fun sailing tomorrow, sounds really nice! Just pretend those jackets are extra life preservers

              Ava, I hope I am creating some good memories for the boys! I know having them here helps keep me grounded & real. I don't want to settle into a rocking for a few more decades.
              Sorry you've had to wait so long for your alloon ride. I really hope it's wonderful for Robert & everyone involved.

              OK, time to go see what the noise is all about ha ha!
              Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Good Morning, Nesters!
                1664 Days I have been sober. I am proud of each and every one of those days, some easier than others. Saved over $16K!!! What that accumulation of consecutive days has done for me is massive. It has taken the power away from AL and placed it back into MY hands. I have a choice as to what I consume and in these 1664 days, so far, no one has poured it down my throat for me. It is MY choice and my decision. When I was struggling SO BAD during 2010, I would console myself by saying, "I've got more AF days than days I drank". While this is just fine and dandy, the truth is that as an ALKIE, I should be having ZERO AL. So in my alkie mind, I was putting salve on the fact that I failed 15 days and succeeded only 16 days out of 31, and struggled to do that. Each of the days that I had AL, I had intended NOT to. Letting myself have a pass on that (it's ok, tomorrow is another day) wasn't cutting it anymore. I had to get REAL. Here is the catch, whenever we feed the beast, its life is restored in FULL THROTTLE (cravings/deprivation/obsession and all). Whenever you have that SLIP (a word I deplore, it's a relapse) you rekindle that fire and you have to start ALL OVER at square one again.....There is a fine line here on a support forum, if one is too harsh and points out pitfalls, we are being judgmental. If we pat each other on the head and say, 'There, there, we are here for you...' well, that's nice and all, but it doesn't really TEACH me how to get out of the rabbit hole. We are here to learn the skills we need to beat this addiction. I could easily find enablers, I needed HELP.

                The question I am most often asked is "How do you STAY sober?" When I give the answer, people's eyes glaze over and you can tell they are searching for a magic bullet and an easy fix, unfortunately, we didn't get into this mess overnight, and it takes a while to get out of it. The answer is right here in front of us....and it is here for the taking. Without a doubt the single most important tool there is to get and STAY sober is: SUPPORT.

                I am a hard-line Abber. Why? I HAVE to be to win against AL. There is no middle's just like being pregnant. We are sober or we are not. Anything other than this puts us 'In the Cycle'. I don't know anyone who would disagree with that. One drinks brings life back to the withering beast. I'll go a step further and say that THE THOUGHT of a drink can resuscitate the dying beast. It is something that will never die in us. Those pathways have formed like the Grand Canyon in our brains, there is only one way that path flows and it ain't good! There are 1000's of stories here to read if you take the time to dive in. If 99 people walk off a cliff and die, as #100, I don't have to repeat what they did!!! (I'll take the bus).

                Maintain your quit, whether you have one day, one year, or 10 years, it's exponentially easier to keep it going that to start all over from Day 1. (See Byrdie's Book of Day 1's). Keep it going, you will never regret one day you spent sober! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Great posts, here in the Nest, fellow birdies -- thanks so much! You all deserve matching jackets. Now, look what you've started, Jane!

                  Matt recently shared some relapse statistics with me, and throughout the whole continuum, I was most shocked at the high number of relapses after 6 months. Why on Earth would anyone even consider trying a drink or "modding" after managing to tame the beast into its box for that long? I suppose it's either denial or part of the healing mindset which wants to say that this horrible addiction is a part of our pasts (only) and that we're stronger than it is, now? Sorry, that's just fiction. As others have eloquently said, it comes roaring back into our lives with a vengeance the moment we give it the slightest opportunity.

                  Do you remember that crazy/stupid incident a few years back when a pop star dangled a baby over a balcony and someone caught it on camera? That's what this notion of trying to mod after months or years of sobriety brings to mind. We were all shocked and horrified at the baby incident because most of us would never even consider hanging a precious child over a balcony railing, several stories high.

                  On a happier note, I kayaked the California Delta yesterday and shared my breakfast with a river otter. 'Wish I could have captured a pic of his curious little face but he was too quick! And, here's reason #476 for staying sober -- when I came home, I washed and put away everything from the trip. During my dark drinking days, I'd have dropped everything in a pile and gone straight for the wine, making the Monday hangover/face the week adjustment that much harder. Woohoo for freedom!
                  "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                    Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
                    Good Morning, Nesters!
                    1664 Days I have been sober. I am proud of each and every one of those days, some easier than others. Saved over $16K!!!
                    Dearest Byrdie, I can see that you never settled for the boxed wine -- LOL! Just kidding. Great, great post!
                    "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells



                      I can’t help giggling just picturing your reaction when you were taking everything in bwahahahah! Having somewhat taken part in helping my MIL move in July, I appreciate your list like you can’t believe. (PS how about a hoarder with an ICU-worthy respiratory illness, of unknown origin likely caused by breathing in “something”.
                      Right here, right now, I am copy and pasting your list into my journal.

                      Rule #1. Get boxes. LOTS of them. Get 4 times more than you think you will need and then double it. Running out of boxes and having to go find more OR help UNPACK them on the other side sucks. (This = a very expensive donation which no one appreciates or says thank you for. I’m not disagreeing mind you- I’m just saying factor in the credit card hit ahead of time, or maybe just don’t do it. About using random sized, previously used, cardboard boxes acquired for free- did you know that cardboard is a 4th of July picnic to Silverfish? I sure didn’t.)

                      Rule #4. If you are moving to a house half the size of the one you are in, all that *hit is NOT going to fit. Throw said *hit away BEFORE asking your family to move it. I came close to choking my step daughter when she said ' I'll go thru all of this when I get to the new house and throw it away". I was speechless. (I am so proud that I didn’t buckle and pay for the 10 yard $400 dumpster. $400 might sound like a lot, but he comes in a snap, you get to keep it in your driveway for 2 weeks, and pretty much anything goes.)

                      Rule #5. Never be involved in a move where there are 3 flights steps. (Yup.)

                      Rule #6. If you even SUSPECT someone is a hoarder, change the subject whenever the topic of moving comes up. Or better yet, come down with something, like a broken leg. You do NOT want to be part of this move. (YES YES YES)

                      Everything I have hurts. To make matters worse, my favorite hair clip broke. (Bubula, what did it look like? I will find you another!) I feel your pain!) We went out for pizza last night and I looked like a homeless person. I forgot to mention I tore my favorite shirt in front on a box full of metal yard ornaments and the potted plants peed on me from a downpour that afternoon, so it looked like I had messed my pants. (er, was anyone snapping pics of this event?)

                      There were four of us. As usual I was the only nondrinker. They would start having beer around around 3. My step daughter and the other guy got kamikaze shots last night. Sure, it would have been nice to unwind with a drink or 10, but that’s just not how I roll now. (and because do you see an end in sight? I don’t! Even a magically replenished Kamikaze DRIP doesn’t seem like it would do the trick)

                      Oh Byrdie! What a post!! You must be sooooooo relieved that it’s over (and doesn’t it seem like combat in war when you look back on it... even just 2 days later?). Maybe I’ll design you a personalized neoprene jacket to include with that hair clip? U * R a ROCK STAR!

                      Wishing everyone strong inner resolve to get through the day. Each day in the piggy bank is a gift, and the days collected- THOSE are the greatest gift of all because they will keep you on track in the darkest of tunnels. xo
                      AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                        Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
                        Good Morning, Nesters!
                        1664 Days I have been sober. I am proud of each and every one of those days, some easier than others. Saved over $16K!!! Byrdie
                        I'm gonna have to sharpen up my pencil to bring my milestone legend into the 4 digit zone....:love:
                        AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                          Good afternoon everyone, another happy day off for me, I am literally uncomfortable because I feel like I should be working and I am not. I have had this feeling before and just drank it away, now I sit here drinking my Holy Basil tea and think I'll play a game or meditate in the garage till the toddler wakes up from her nap. FINALLY got to go back to grappling today after the work/vacation/ringworm hiatus. My muscle memory is as good as ever and it's like I never left. Nothing is better for my cravings than choking somebody out or breaking somebodies arm, call me crazy or mental, but the physical struggle is just so much easier than the mental one. Just a little rusty but i still choked out a few guys and arm barred another couple, life is good.

                          BL I can be honest on here, and I agree with you and everyone else. The mod section, strictly for me, is like walking by a juicy steak in the window every time I feel like i am starving. When my urges get strong I will read through there. But when I did read on my vacation it did not instill any sense that modding was possible. I scanned a great deal of forums looking for success stories and the more I looked, the gloomier it became. I have no delusions about modding, if I started drinking again i know I would be back to square one.

                          Pavati I am with you, the more I think about modding as a possibility I feel like I am fighting myself, better to just say no.

                          NS I wish drinking for the health benefits mattered to me at all, I drank to feel that buzz, whether it was a good day or a bad one, I wanted that feeling AL gives you. I really need to search elsewhere for it.

                          Ava good luck on Sunday, I hope you create some powerful memories.

                          Here's to a happy Monday with the family, don't piss in the pool =P


                            Originally posted by LilBit View Post
                            Dearest Byrdie, I can see that you never settled for the boxed wine -- LOL! Just kidding. Great, great post!
                            Hahaha Lilbit, now that IS funny!
                            "Control your destiny or somebody else will" ~Jack Welsh~

                            God didn't give you the strength to get back on your feet, so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down.

                            But that was yesterday, and I was a different person then. ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland


                              Hi Nesters,
                              Quick check in. The marriage retreat was great! DH did go and of course the timing couldn't have been better. It was just what we needed. There was a two minute opening video that was very funny - both men and women will enjoy - about communication differences. Link below - if I did it right. Otherwise, look up "It's Not About The Nail" on You Tube. Off to catch up on happenings in the Nest and will reply later. Hugs to all.

                              Mary Lou

                              A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                                Hey Group, .
                                Survived another day of class and trying to beat the heat..

                                Was reading the hot topic of the day on "moderating" or " just one"
                                The absolute best explanation of the effects of Alcohol on the Real Alcoholic, was from the Big Book of AA in the Dr's Opinion. It describes what Doctor calls the "Phenomenon of Craving" and a manifestation of Allergy.....
                                A short and very interesting read, I highly recommend.....

                                Stay Hard Weirdos!
                                AF 08~05~2014

                                There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me

