I don't actually see any sunshine yet but that's OK. The weather forecast for today is 'Gorgeous'! That's good enough for me

LC, continue to focus on yourself & complete the healing process. We didn't get ourselves into trouble overnight so we really shouldn't expect to heal instantly. I'll tell you that I had to do a whole lot of soul searching & forgiving of myself & others. I also had to redraw some boundary lines & enforce them to protect myself & my quit. This truly is a one day at a time process so be kind to yourself :hug:
Matt, I am taking a day off from childcare today. I have the need to reconnect with some of my old nurse friends for lunch. We worked together for almost 15 years but never really had time to actually talk to each other, ha ha. This retirement thing doesn't suck

Pav, we have had a damp enough summer here on the east coast. Usually our lawns are dried out & brown by August but not so this year. I haven't seen any predictions for the winter yet. I hope we're not up to our eyeballs in snow!!!
Have a great AF day everyone!!