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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Everyone

    :welcome: to Possum and Vmarie - hope you stick around and join us.

    Coco and Mamma thanks for the laughs. Done that hokey pokey thingo as well but just swore at myself at the time. Its taken on a whole new meaning now!

    Well done on the interview Coco. Sounds like it was a bit of a mission! Hoping for a good outcome for you.

    Hope everyone has a good al free day/night.
    Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


      Newbies Nest

      :welcome: Possum and VMarie. I'm sure you'll feel as comfy and supported here as I have over the past month. Please keep reading and don't be afraid to post anything and I mean anything about your journey.

      Well, I'm back from the docs. She is very proud of me for being AF but feels very guilty that she never picked up on how much i was drinking. She says she's usually right on top of this disease and works closely with her patients. She's very happy that it was my GI guy who told me in a very no nonsense way to "find another way to relax" and that I took him seriously. I printed up a sheet with all the supplements on it as well as all the meds I'm taking for heartburn and HBP. She had never heard of Kudzu or MWO and was thrilled with the info. She's currently working with 2 patients who desperately need to stop drinking. She's happy with my new exercise regimen as well.

      we finally got down to talking about the insomnia and she was all ready to write a script for Ambien CR when I happened to mention my legs going crazy at night. I now have a filled Rx for Miralax ( a dopamine substitute) which has proved effective in treating RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) which I didn't even know that was what was making my legs move. I always thought RLS was a feeling of crawling, tingling, etc. I'm very excited to give it a try tonite and hope I won't be disappointed. I've also been told to give up caffeine for a few weeks which means my beloved tea in the morning and chocolate!! :upset: She also sent me down for an iron deficiency blood test as that is directly connected to RLS. Once I find out the results of that I'll be able to tell my local natural health food store which All One to order for me.

      Hope everyone in the Northeast enjoyed this gorgeous summer day in April. I swear it got close to 90 today!! the boys and I enjoyed our mid morning walk on the railtrail-2 miles up and back but the rest of the day was too hot to do anything but loll on the deck and read. Unfortunately its back to work tomorrow-hopefully bright eyed and bushy tailed instead of dragging my butt!!

      Have a great nite/day everyone-keep posting-you're my lifeline!!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        Newbies Nest

        Hi VMarie and Possum. Welcome! So glad you have found us. Come visit us often. We have a good laugh and mess around abit but we are serious about getting and staying sober. Ask us anything, someone usually has an answer.
        Pap - sounds like your doctors appointment went well. I am so pleased you have a supportive doctor. I bet you feel relieved that there something is being finally being done for you. I hope the sedatives work. About time you had a good night sleep.
        Mama - doesnt matter what you are going thru, you always maintain your sense of humour. I have got that stupid tune in my head now......
        Hey Coco nice to see you again. We missed you.
        My day is just starting (abit earlier than I had hoped thanks to the builders down the road. Why are some people so inconsiderate of others??) so will pop in again later.
        Hi to all our regulars.
        I finally got it!
        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


          Newbies Nest

          Just having a peaceful moment here. Son went to work with hubby this morning, whilst I went to the gym. I have just called to collect him and hubby has said that I should go home, cool down, get ready and come back later as son is happy, quiet and behaving himself.

          So, coffee and MWO it is!


            Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters!

            Such a busy Nest again today
            Glad to see so many stopping by!

            Hello & welcome Possum & VMarie! Hope you have found yourselves some comfy twigs & settled in with us.

            Coco - glad to hear your overly long interview went well - why so long? We need to help you find a healthier way to de-stress though...

            K9, sounds like the AB is working well for you, happy to hear that. How long do you plan to stay on it?

            Fennel, I think you had a better day I right?

            Papmom, hope you get some overnight relif tonight. I've been dealing with insomnia since the age of 42 & I'm 56 now. Even after eliminating AL, caffeine, adding herbals, etc. I still have some difficulties.

            Greetings HC & spam!

            I'm calling it a day, it's been a long one
            Leaving the night light on for my VP.........hope his golf weather has been good

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Morning all,
              Hi Lav, Spam, HC, papmom, and :welcome: to the newbies.. can't believe i've been coming here for 2 months now! - the support you will get is amazing..
              Took my son to a lovely park this morning.. I had a nice chat with a nanny there and a mum from Ireland.. maybe I'm not as freaky as I keep making myself out to be! Have a great day all..
              Katie xxx
              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                Newbies Nest

                HippyC - Huge Way To Go on Three Months! You're fantastic!

                Coco - a beer hokey pokey - I've got this strange image of you shakin' it all about! Ha. Way to go on the self-control! And good luck on the interview.

                MamaB - I see you have some positive movement going on - nice.

                Hi Possum, K9 and VMarie. Welcome to the nest!

                Papmom - great that your md is so understanding and supportive. Hope the rls and sleep improves for you.

                Hi Lav! Golf weather? It's gonna snow here tonight. Last night was gorgeous though - I was out and even saw mosquitos buzzing around. The snow will probably fix them for a while.

                Have a good day/evening everyone!

                Take care!
                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                  Newbies Nest

                  Afternoon all.

                  Thanks Tranq. I think it is amazing that it has actually happened. I have been trying for years to quit/mod. So I am rather chuffed with myself.

                  I posted on another thread this morning and revealed some rather startling facts of what happened to me in black out one time. Since then I have been panicing that I have put it out into this vast world wide forum for everyone who reads it to know what I was. I was very tempted to delete it as I was having real anxiety about it.
                  However after thinking about it for some time, I realised what I had said had been what happened at that time. I cant erase things I have done just by deleting them.
                  I have been going to write a list of all the shameful and embarrassing things I had done while pissed and then I was going to burn the list. However I never actually did it. But now I know I need to do it. Not because burning the list will change what I did, but it might put to rest that part of my life. I did all those horrible things while drunk however that doesnt make me that person. I would NEVER have done alot of those things if I hadnt been drunk.
                  I have still got so far to go.......
                  I finally got it!
                  "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi everyone
                    Kind of overwhelmed by all the posts while I've been away and busy. KatieB, you aren't weird at all. Why do so many people on here think you are so wonderful? Because, maybe the you that you present online is the real lovable you, and you just need to work past the shyness and aloofness to let others see it.
                    I'm still working through stuff and making decisions, but I'm happy, for now, that I'm AF most of the time, instead of a bottle or two a night. I think I'm working up to an AF life, but I have a few issues to work out b4 I try it 4 good.


                      Newbies Nest

                      dancingon - thank you so much, thats really sweet! I just wish I got in touch with my inner self when I was younger.. rather than having to smother the "real" me due to the bullying I went through.. all those wasted years.. oh well, i have to see it as personal growth and at least I can now empathise with people from pretty much every walk of life! It's prob why I enjoy nursing so much too - i love helping people.. I plan on taking my son to a Baptist Playgroup next week.. can't wait to meet some nice people.. apart from the mothers group I belonged to ages ago (when my son was first born) I havent made much of an effort since then to integrate.. but I am now!
                      I guess i also just feel relaxed on here, due to the anonymity and the lovely non-judgemental environment.. i just wish the "real" world was like this place, I would be much much happier
                      Take care everyone and a huuuuge congrats to HC for 3 months - way to go! :cheering:
                      Katie xxx
                      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                        Newbies Nest

                        Good on you DancingOn. Every day is there are lessons to learn. At least you can work on your issues sober now. Well done.
                        Katie - you are getting there. Just take it slowly and you will do fine.
                        Take care/
                        Hi to all who pop in tonight.
                        I finally got it!
                        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning/evening all!
                          Well, my first bout with Miralax didn't go so well. Although it definitely calmed my RLS last nite, I had a very fitful sleep-woke up continuously throughout the nite. I'm very tired and groggy this morning which I'm not happy about. And they want me to give up caffeine? Right!! I'll give this drug a chance through the weekend but if no change I'm going to demand Ambient CR.
                          got to run to work-really woould like to be on time today for a change! I'll check in later. Hope everyone is doing well!!
                          Katie B-I hardly know ye but I LOVE your posts. I can't imagine you being anything other than a lovely person!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters!

                            Lots of activity here again today, very nice

                            Tranq, don't use that dreaded S word ~ snow, ugh! We've been promised rain, thunder storms tonight to break up the heat that decended on us.

                            I have another busy day ahead so I am grateful to be free & clear headed! I really don't know how I managed to do anything when I was continuously hungover......that's history now!

                            Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              TranqWilly;834742 wrote: HippyC - Huge Way To Go on Three Months! You're fantastic!

                              Coco - a beer hokey pokey - I've got this strange image of you shakin' it all about! Ha. Way to go on the self-control! And good luck on the interview.


                              Take care!
                              Silly Willy - if you "shake it all about" there are terrible consequences when you open the can!!!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hippy Chick;834815 wrote: Afternoon all.

                                Thanks Tranq. I think it is amazing that it has actually happened. I have been trying for years to quit/mod. So I am rather chuffed with myself.

                                OMG HC - that's GREAT!! Congratulations - you should be chuffed! :rockon:

